10 Top Fintech Series A Pitch Decks (2024)

The world of finance has been disrupted by technology, and fintech startups have been at the forefront of this revolution. These innovative companies are changing the way people think about banking, investing, and managing their money. One crucial aspect of launching a fintech startup is creating a compelling pitch deck. A pitch deck is a visual representation of a company's business plan, highlighting its value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential. In this article, we will explore the 10 top fintech pitch decks that have successfully raised funds and secured partnerships with investors. By analyzing these pitch decks, we can gain valuable insights into what makes a successful fintech pitch and learn how to create a winning deck for our own startup. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to raise capital for your fintech venture or simply interested in learning more about the fintech industry, this article is for you.

10- WISE

WISE, a fast-growing fintech startup, is shaking up the financial services industry with its innovative approach to international money transfers. The company's Series A pitch deck provides a clear and compelling overview of WISE's business model, value proposition, and growth potential. In this pitch deck, WISE demonstrates how it has identified a significant pain point in the market - the high fees and hidden charges associated with traditional cross-border payments - and has developed a smarter, more cost-effective solution for consumers and businesses.

Amount Raised: $12M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2020

Country: United Kingdom


9- Upvest

Upvest is a German fintech startup that recently raised €14.5 million in Series-A funding. The company provides a developer platform for building investment applications that can be easily integrated into other platforms, such as marketplaces, wealth management tools, and crowdfunding sites. The platform enables developers to build and launch investment products quickly, with minimal coding required, by providing pre-built components and a range of APIs for banking, trading, and custody functions.

The Series-A pitch deck of Upvest provides valuable insights into the company's business model, growth strategy, and market positioning. The deck is well-structured and visually engaging, with a clear narrative that highlights the company's strengths and potential. The deck begins by introducing the problem of investing and the opportunity for disruption in the market, then goes on to explain Upvest's unique approach and the benefits of its platform. The deck also includes financial projections and key performance indicators (KPIs), which demonstrate the company's growth potential and the scalability of its business model. Overall, the Upvest Series-A pitch deck is a great resource for investors, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in the fintech industry.

Amount Raised: $14.5M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2020

Country: Germany


8- EquityBee

The Series-A pitch deck of EquityBee is an incredible resource for anyone interested in learning more about the fintech startup. EquityBee is a platform that helps companies and private investors connect with one another in order to facilitate the process of raising capital. The deck covers the company's history and mission, the team, the product, the market, the competitive landscape, the financials, and the growth strategy. It also includes slides that show the potential of the company, such as its potential for growth, customer demand, and financial benefits. The deck also includes some impressive visuals, such as the customer segmentation and ROI charts. This is a great resource for anyone interested in exploring the potential of EquityBee and its business model.

EquityBee is a great example of how fintech can make the process of raising capital more efficient and accessible. The deck provides a comprehensive overview of the company and its ambitions, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to engage with the company or learn more about its business model. The deck provides a great foundation for anyone looking to understand the potential of EquityBee and the potential of the industry as a whole.

Amount Raised: $20M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2020

Country: USA


7- Tapcheck

Tapcheck is a fintech startup that provides a modern, streamlined payroll solution for small- and medium-sized businesses. The Tapcheck Series-A pitch deck provides an overview of the company, its mission, and its business model. It highlights the company's core product offering, which is designed to make payroll processing simple and secure. It also highlights Tapcheck's competitive advantage, its current traction, and its plans for future growth. The deck also includes financial projections and an analysis of potential risks.

The Tapcheck Series-A pitch deck is a comprehensive presentation that provides an in-depth look at the company and its plans for success. It is an essential resource for any investor or potential partner looking to invest in Tapcheck. With its detailed insights into the company's product, competitive advantage, and growth plans, the pitch deck is a great way to get to know Tapcheck and decide if it is the right fit for any investor.

Amount Raised: $20M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2022

Country: USA


6- Allocate

Allocate is a fintech startup that is revolutionizing the way people manage their finances. By offering a series of innovative financial products, Allocate is helping users to better understand their financial situation and make more informed decisions about their money. Their Series-A pitch deck is an excellent resource for entrepreneurs and investors alike to get an in-depth look at the company’s innovative products, services, and vision. The deck provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s competitive advantages, financials, and other key information that is essential for understanding the business model. In addition, it includes detailed slides on the company’s strategy and growth plan, along with a series of customer stories that showcase how Allocate has created value for its users. With its detailed insights and compelling visuals, Allocate’s Series-A pitch deck is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the company, its products, and the potential of the fintech industry.

Amount Raised: $15.3M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2022

Country: USA


5- Finanzguru

The Series-A pitch deck of Finanzguru is a comprehensive set of PowerPoint slides that showcase the startup's mission and provide potential investors with a detailed overview of the company. The deck outlines Finanzguru's business model, market opportunity and competitive advantage, as well as its team, financials and key milestones. It also provides a clear vision of the company's future and a clear path to success.

The deck aims to provide investors with an understanding of the company's value proposition and to demonstrate the potential for long-term growth. It highlights the company's track record of success and its ability to perform in a competitive market. The deck also includes a detailed assessment of the startup's current financials, as well as detailed plans for future growth and profitability. By presenting such a comprehensive overview of Finanzguru's business model, investors can make an informed decision on whether to invest in this fintech startup.

Amount Raised: $8M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2022

Country: Germany


4- Topi

The Series-A pitch deck of the fintech startup "Topi" is an innovative way to present an idea to potential investors. The deck is designed to give investors a comprehensive overview of the company, its services, and how it plans to use the funding. The pitch deck is composed of slides that feature a wide range of information, including the company's mission, financials, market analysis, and competitive landscape. In addition, the pitch deck also provides charts and graphs to demonstrate the potential of the business. The deck also outlines the company's future goals and strategies for achieving them.

The pitch deck for "Topi" is an impressive way for investors to get a comprehensive view of the company and its potential. It presents the company in a professional and organized manner, which is important for investors who are looking for a well-thought-out plan. The slides are informative and easy to follow, making it easier for investors to quickly understand the business model and its potential for success. The pitch deck is an excellent tool for entrepreneurs to showcase their business and secure the necessary funding.

Amount Raised: $45M

Business Model: Subscription

Year: 2022

Country: Germany


3- Wayflyer

The Series-A pitch deck of the fintech startup Wayflyer is an impressive showcase of the company's innovative technology and products. Wayflyer's mission is to make financial decisions easier, faster, and more accessible for everyone. Through their suite of effective algorithms and data-driven insights, they provide financial guidance and advice to their users. They are also backed by top-tier venture capital firms, which speaks to the quality of their technology and team.

The Series-A pitch deck provides a detailed overview of Wayflyer's market opportunity, competitive landscape, financials, product roadmap, and more. It paints a compelling picture of why the company is well-positioned to capture market share and achieve financial success. With the support of venture capital and their industry-leading technology, Wayflyer is poised to become a leader in the fintech space.

Amount Raised: $76M

Business Model: Ecommerce

Year: 2021

Country: Ireland


2- Payhawk

Payhawk is a fintech startup that is revolutionizing the way businesses manage their finances. Their Series-A pitch deck provides an in-depth look at their innovative platform and the potential it holds for businesses. The deck includes a comprehensive overview of the company's features, such as its web and mobile apps, automated expense reporting, and real-time analytics. It also offers insights into the company's strategic partners, including banks, accounting firms, and merchant services providers. In addition, the deck provides a detailed explanation of the company's core technology, financials, and roadmap. With this comprehensive pitch deck, Payhawk is able to demonstrate the true power of its platform and how it can help businesses improve their financial processes.

The pitch deck also outlines the company's growth opportunities and long-term vision. It highlights the company's plans for expanding into new markets, including international ones. It also provides a glimpse into the company's plans for developing new products and services that will further improve the way businesses manage their finances. By providing such an in-depth look into the company's future plans and potential, the pitch deck makes it easy to understand why Payhawk is such an exciting and innovative fintech startup.

Amount Raised: $112M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2021

Country: Germany


1- Airbank

The Airbank Series-A pitch deck is an essential resource for entrepreneurs and investors. This deck contains information about Airbank’s technology, products, and team. It also includes details about the company’s financial performance, strategic partnerships, and growth plans. The deck serves as a comprehensive overview of the company’s business model and is designed to help investors understand the potential of Airbank’s offerings.

The Airbank Series-A pitch deck is an invaluable tool for investors looking to gain insight into the fintech startup’s operations. It provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the company’s technology, products, and team. Investors can use the deck to gain a better understanding of Airbank’s financial performance, potential partnerships, and growth plans. Additionally, the deck can serve as a reference point for potential investors who are interested in learning more about Airbank’s business model.

Amount Raised: $20M

Business Model: SaaS

Year: 2022

Country: Germany



In conclusion, a well-crafted pitch deck is essential for any successful fintech venture. By understanding the importance of a good pitch deck, entrepreneurs can use the 10 top fintech pitch decks to create a compelling and effective presentation for their own fintech ideas. With the right preparation and presentation, entrepreneurs can use these pitch decks to gain the attention of investors and convince them of the potential of their fintech venture.

I'm an expert in the field of fintech and have a deep understanding of the concepts and strategies employed by successful startups in the industry. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, having closely followed the developments and trends within the fintech sector.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts used in the provided article:

  1. Fintech Startups and Technological Disruption:

    • Fintech startups are at the forefront of disrupting the traditional financial services industry.
    • Technology is a driving force behind this disruption, changing how people approach banking, investing, and managing money.
  2. Pitch Decks in Fintech:

    • A pitch deck is a visual representation of a company's business plan.
    • It highlights the value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential of the fintech startup.
  3. Top Fintech Pitch Decks:

    • WISE:

      • Focuses on international money transfers, addressing high fees and hidden charges.
      • Amount Raised: $12M (Series A, 2020).
      • Country: United Kingdom.
    • Upvest:

      • Offers a developer platform for building investment applications.
      • Amount Raised: €14.5M (Series A, 2020).
      • Country: Germany.
    • EquityBee:

      • Connects companies with private investors to facilitate capital raising.
      • Amount Raised: $20M (Series A, 2020).
      • Country: USA.
    • Tapcheck:

      • Provides a streamlined payroll solution for small- and medium-sized businesses.
      • Amount Raised: $20M (Series A, 2022).
      • Country: USA.
    • Allocate:

      • Revolutionizes personal finance with innovative financial products.
      • Amount Raised: $15.3M (Series A, 2022).
      • Country: USA.
    • Finanzguru:

      • Comprehensive fintech startup covering mission, business model, and financials.
      • Amount Raised: $8M (Series A, 2022).
      • Country: Germany.
    • Topi:

      • Innovative presentation covering mission, financials, and market analysis.
      • Amount Raised: $45M (Series A, 2022).
      • Country: Germany.
    • Wayflyer:

      • Uses algorithms for accessible financial guidance.
      • Amount Raised: $76M (Series A, 2021).
      • Country: Ireland.
    • Payhawk:

      • Revolutionizes business finance management with web and mobile apps.
      • Amount Raised: $112M (Series A, 2021).
      • Country: Germany.
    • Airbank:

      • Offers a comprehensive overview of technology, products, and growth plans.
      • Amount Raised: $20M (Series A, 2022).
      • Country: Germany.
  4. Common Elements in Pitch Decks:

    • Business Model:

      • Many fintech startups operate on a Software as a Service (SaaS) model.
      • Some involve subscription-based revenue streams.
    • Year of Funding:

      • Series-A funding rounds occurred in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
    • Geographical Presence:

      • Startups are based in various countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, USA, and Ireland.
    • Websites:

      • Online presence is crucial, with all startups having dedicated websites.
  5. Conclusion:

    • Emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted pitch deck for fintech ventures.
    • Entrepreneurs can learn from successful examples to create compelling presentations.
    • The article serves as a valuable resource for understanding the fintech industry's dynamics and potential.
10 Top Fintech Series A Pitch Decks (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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