2024 Wildflower Season: When will the Wildflowers Bloom? (2024)

2024 Desert Wildflower Season

DesertUSA anticipates a robust wildflower season in some desert regions this year. The influence of Hurricane Hilary in August 2023, which brought substantial rain and flooding to Southern California desert regions, has set the stage for potential floral abundance. As we transition into 2024, we eagerly await further developments in the weather.

When Will The Wildflowers Bloom?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about desert wildflowers … when will the wildflowers bloom? Unfortunately, it is also one of the most difficult to answer. Each year, the unique combination of sun, wind, water, temperature and elevation sets the stage for the precise location of the best springtime blooms. Use the following information to make your own predictions for this spring’s showing.

Rain is needed in small doses throughout the winter. Too little rain provides a poor climate for seed germination. Too much rain, and the seeds could rot or be washed away. Showers too early or too late in the season may not help the flowers bloom.

Temperature is also critical. Warm days are a good indicator of a full bloom ahead. If the sun gets too hot though, (over 85 degrees F. in February/March) the seeds may become parched and seedlings scorched. Cool nights can assist flower seedlings by slowing the growth of competitors like grasses and mustards. However, very cold temperatures mean bad news for blossoms.

When will the flowers bloom? None of us knows for sure. Each year’s bloom is unique in its variety, profusion and timing. From late February through March, you can find blossoms on the desert floor. To plan your visit to coincide with the peak of the bloom, take advantage of the various wildflower hotlines and information sources available from DesertUSA and the State and National Parks.

Spring Blooming Periods

Lower Elevations: 1,000 – 3,000 feet
Yuccas—March and April
Annuals—February, March, and April
Cacti—March, April, and May

Higher Elevations: 3,000 – 5,000 feet
Joshua Trees and Yuccas—March and April
Annuals—March, April, and May
Cacti—April, May, and June

What is a Superbloom?

A superbloom is a breathtaking natural phenomenon that occurs when a vast expanse of wildflowers erupts into a stunning display of color and vitality across a usually arid or desert landscape. This remarkable event is characterized by an extraordinary abundance of blossoms, often spanning miles, and typically involves a diverse array of wildflower species. What distinguishes a superbloom from a typical wildflower season is the sheer scale and intensity of the floral spectacle. The landscape is transformed into a vibrant tapestry of colors, with flowers carpeting the terrain, creating an awe-inspiring sight that attracts visitors and photographers from near and far. Superblooms are relatively rare occurrences, with some regions experiencing them only once every decade or so, making them a highly anticipated and cherished natural event.

California Wildflower Destinations

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Wildflower Season

Last year’s wildflower season was set in motion by unusual weather events, including the remnants of Hurricane Kay in September 2022. Hurricane Kay brought substantial rain to the desert, kickstarting an extraordinarily early and extended wildflower season that began in October 2022 and lasted until April 2023. This year, Hurricane Hilary in August 2023 caused significant rain flooding in desert regions, including Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. The storm triggered an early bloom in some desert regions. Reports of wildflower sightings were submitted to DesertUSA by readers in November of 2023. As of January 2024, we are starting to receive photos of wildflower displays in Coachella Valley, near Palm Springs, CA.

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, renowned for its stunning wildflower displays, has witnessed two superblooms within the past decade, specifically in 2017 and 2019. The occurrence of two superblooms in such close succession is a remarkable rarity in the natural world. These exceptional displays, characterized by blankets of vibrant and diverse wildflowers painting the desert landscape, typically manifest only once every 10 to 15 years. A superbloom is marked not only by the sheer quantity of blossoms but also by the diversity of species and the remarkable intensity of color, creating a breathtaking spectacle that captivates all who have the privilege of witnessing it.

Where to View Wildflowers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Video)

This video was produced in December 2022 and shows photos of last year’s early bloom.

Death Valley National Park

In Death Valley National Park, the typical bloom windows, showcasing an array of annual wildflowers, also known as ephemerals for their brief lifespan, typically occur from late February through March. These desert gems exhibit remarkable resilience, choosing to remain dormant as seeds rather than battling the harsh desert conditions. When a sufficient amount of rain finally graces the parched land, these seeds rapidly germinate, grow, bloom, and return to seed before the scorching dryness and heat reclaim the landscape. Even in years when the wildflower displays are not as abundant, these hardy desert plants never completely vanish, ensuring the park’s ecosystem continues to thrive and attract vital pollinators like butterflies, moths, bees, and hummingbirds during the more fruitful seasons.

The arrival of spring is eagerly anticipated for the chance to witness the breathtaking wildflower displays that can transform the desert into a vibrant tapestry of colors. However, these spectacular blooms are somewhat rare occurrences, happening approximately once a decade under the most ideal conditions. The most recent Death Valley National Park superbloom years were celebrated in 2016, 2005, and 1998.

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park, situated in southeastern California, offers an enchanting desert wildflower season typically from March to April. During this time, visitors can witness the park’s iconic Joshua trees complemented by a colorful display of wildflowers. Look for vibrant desert marigold, Mojave aster, and the occasional Joshua tree blossom. Some popular spots for wildflower viewing include the Cottonwood Spring area, the Pinto Basin, and along park roadsides.

Joshua Tree Wildflower Season

January to Mid-April

Where: Lower elevations on alluvial fans and foothills. These areas include the Park’s Southern Entrance, Cottonwood, and the Pinto Basin areas.

Common Wildflowers: Arizona Lupine, Desert Gold (Geraea canescens), Desert Canterbury Bells (Phacelia campanularia), and Poppies (Eschscholzia spp.)

Early March to Early May

Where: 3000 to 5000 feet elevations, upper desert slopes, canyons, and higher valleys. These areas include Hidden Valley, Indian Cove, Jumbo Rocks, and Twin Tanks areas.

Common Wildflowers: Desert Dandelion (Malacothrix glabrata), Desert Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua), Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa), Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja chromosa), and Pincushions (Chaenactis spp.)

April through June

Where: 5000 + feet elevation on mountain slopes and pinyon pine/juniper woodlands. These areas include Juniper Flats, Black Rock Canyon, and the Covington Flat areas.

Common Wildflowers: Desert Mariposa (Calochortus kennedyi), Blackbush (Coleogyne ramosissima), Beavertail Cactus (Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris), and Desert Fiddleneck (Amsinckia tessellata)

Fall Blooms

The Mojave and Sonoran Deserts experience periods of heavy rainfall during the summer months frommonsoons. These storms often causeflash floodsin the desert southwest. With this rainfall comes more potential for plant growth and flowering. Perennial and late blooming plants will take advantage of this moisture. Many of the infamous spring desert wildflowers will not begin blooming again. Some species found in these deserts are exclusively dependent on summer storms. Their blooms from late summer through fall are important components of the park’s flora.

Source: NPS – Joshua Tree National Park

Mojave National Preserve

Mojave National Preserve, located in the Mojave Desert, has been witness to several superblooms in its history. Some of the most notable superblooms in the Mojave Desert region include:Superblooms occured in the Mojave Desert in 2017, 2005, and 1998. Heavy winter rains were a key factor in this superbloom, leading to flourishing desert marigolds, desert primroses, and other native species.

In addition to superblooms, Mojave National Preserve offers a diverse array of wildflowers during typical years, especially after winter rains. The Kelso Dunes, with their unique sand formations, can be adorned with blooms of desert sunflowers and Mojave aster. Cima Dome often features Joshua trees and various desert species, while the Joshua Tree Forest is home to its namesake and other wildflower species.

Throughout the preserve, you can encounter a rich tapestry of desert flora, including Mojave yucca, desert lilies, globe mallow, and many more. The specific types and intensity of wildflower displays can vary from year to year, depending on rainfall patterns and other environmental factors. It’s advisable to check local reports and park websites for up-to-date information on wildflower conditions and the best times to visit this captivating desert landscape.

Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, CA to Thermal, CA)

Coachella Valley, famous for its music festivals, also showcases stunning wildflower displays during the spring. You can explore the Coachella Valley Preserve and surrounding areas to find desert lilies, desert dandelions, and other desert flora. Late February to April is typically the best time for wildflower viewing in this region.

Wildflower reports are streaming in from the Coachella Valley, spanning from Palm Springs to Thermal, California, as the region experiences an early and abundant bloom. This profusion of wildflowers has been triggered by the substantial amount of rainfall the area received since the passage of Tropical Storm Hilary in August 2023. With these favorable conditions, there’s growing anticipation for a remarkable wildflower season in the coming spring.

A water year, defined by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), spans from October 1 of one year through September 30 of the following year, essentially measuring the total precipitation received during that period. It serves as a fiscal year for water resources. In 2023, Palm Springs received a notable 7.03 inches of rainfall, surpassing the average of 4.61 inches by 152 percent. Similarly, Thermal received 5.79 inches of rain, a remarkable 196 percent above its average of 2.96 inches. These figures don’t account for the more recent storms occurring since October 1st and into the new year. The heightened rainfall levels experienced in 2023, along with the forecasted strengthening of the El Niño phenomenon, bode well for the potential of an abundant 2024 wildflower season in the spring.

Where to view wildflowers in Greater Palm Springs region:

  1. Indian Canyons: Indian Canyons, including Palm Canyon, Andreas Canyon, and Murray Canyon, offer a wonderful opportunity to see wildflowers. These canyons are known for their lush vegetation, including various desert flora. The Palm Canyon Trail is particularly popular and features California fan palms, desert lavender, and other wildflowers in the right season.
  2. Santa Rosa & San Jacinto National Monument: The visitor center along Highway 74 in the Santa Rosa & San Jacinto National Monument is a great starting point for exploring the area. The Randall Henderson Trail, which begins at the visitor center, is known for its wildflower displays in the spring. You can enjoy the blooms while taking in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  3. Randall Henderson Trail: This trail is a part of the Santa Rosa & San Jacinto National Monument and offers a relatively easy hike with beautiful wildflower displays. It’s accessible from the visitor center, and hikers can expect to see desert marigolds, desert dandelions, and other desert flowers along the way.

Carrizo Plain National Monument

Carrizo Plain National Monument in California is renowned for its breathtaking wildflower displays, especially during years of super blooms. This unique and pristine landscape comes alive with a riot of vibrant colors when wildflowers burst into bloom. Historically, Carrizo Plain has witnessed spectacular super blooms in years such as 2017 and 2019, drawing visitors from far and wide to witness the extraordinary spectacle. During these exceptional seasons, the hills and valleys of Carrizo Plain are carpeted with a rich tapestry of native wildflowers like the vibrant orange California poppies, delicate lupines, and striking goldfields, creating a mesmerizing natural spectacle that is a photographer’s dream and a nature enthusiast’s delight.

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve

Located in Lancaster, Antelope Valley is famous for its breathtaking poppy blooms. Typically, the best time to visit is during late March to early April when the California poppies are in full bloom. The reserve offers well-marked trails for visitors to explore and enjoy the vibrant orange poppy carpets alongside other wildflowers like lupines and owl’s clover.

The Antelope Valley, situated in the western Mojave Desert at elevations ranging from 2600 to 3000 feet, offers a high desert environment that hosts California’s most consistent poppy-bearing land. This State Natural Reserve showcases a variety of wildflowers, including owl’s clover, lupine, goldfield, cream cups, and coreopsis, creating a vibrant mosaic of colors and fragrances every spring.

For more information, readers can visit the Antelope Valley California Poppy Preserve website. Please note that dogs are not permitted at the preserve, and the interpretive center is open only during the wildflower season. For details regarding fees and access, please refer to the website.

Wildflower Destinations in Arizona

Arizona is home to many state,national parks, and monuments where the desert comes alive with vibrant wildflower displays during certain months of the year. Here’s an overview of these stunning natural spectacles:

Picacho Peak State Park

Picacho Peak State Park stands out as one of the premier locations to witness the spectacular blooming of wildflowers and cacti in Arizona. The park boasts a diverse array of desert wildflowers and cacti that adorn its landscape during the blooming season. Among the flowers, you can expect to see vibrant golden poppies, desert marigolds, lupines, Mexican goldpoppies, and globemallows. These colorful blossoms create a stunning contrast against the desert backdrop. Additionally, various cacti species bloom in the park, including the iconic saguaro cactus, hedgehog cactus, and barrel cactus. These cacti produce striking and unique flowers that add to the park’s floral tapestry, making it a must-visit destination during the wildflower season.

Saguaro National Park

The diverse elevations found within the park provide an ideal habitat for a multitude of wildflower species. The Rincon Mountains, nestled within the broader ecosystem of the Madrean Sky Islands, rank among the most biologically rich regions in the nation, boasting an astonishing array of over 7,000 distinct plant and animal species. This park showcases the iconic saguaro cactus. Wildflower enthusiasts can explore the park in March and April to witness blooms of Mexican gold poppies, brittlebush, and desert lupine. The park’s Rincon Mountain District is a favored destination for wildflower viewing.

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Located in southern Arizona, this park is known for its striking saguaro and organ pipe cacti. The desert wildflower season typically occurs in February and March. Visitors can expect to see a variety of wildflowers, including desert marigold, Mexican gold poppy, and lupine. The park’s Ajo Mountain Drive is a popular spot for wildflower viewing.

Tonto National Monument

Tonto National Monument is a fantastic place to witness vibrant spring wildflowers. During a good year, the hillsides are blanketed with golden poppies, and you can find an array of other species like purple lupine, red firecracker penstemon, and white desert chicory interspersed among them. While spring sees the most abundant wildflower displays, various cacti, including the hedgehog and saguaro, bloom at different times throughout the year, while perennial plants like yuccas flower during late spring and summer. Annuals, which complete their life cycle in a single growing season, depend on specific conditions to germinate, making them particularly reliant on the right amount and timing of rainfall. Various factors, including soil type, animal browsing, and plant density, can influence the wildflower growth process, ultimately leading to these remarkable displays in the desert landscape.

Historical Superbloom Events in Arizona

While Arizona doesn’t experience superblooms as frequently as California, exceptional wildflower displays can occur. The last notable superbloom in Arizona happened in 2019 when multiple parks, including Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and Saguaro National Park, saw an abundance of wildflowers. Keep an eye on park updates and weather conditions for the possibility of superblooms.

Wildflower Reports 2023-2024

To read the most current wildflower reports and to view photos, visit DesertUSA’s Wildflower Reports.Reader’s send in reports with location information and photos throughout the wildflower season. You can also see current photos and posts in ourFacebook Group Desert Wildflowers & Wildlife.

Please share your wildflower pictures, including the date and location.We will post your photos on ourWildflower Reports page, so others can learn where and when to view the spectacular displays.

There are several ways to submit your photos and information to DesertUSA’s Wildflower Reports.

  • E-mailyour digital photos and reports toJim@desertusa.com.UseWildflower Reportas thesubject of your e-mail.Let us knowwhere you took the image, the date, and how you would like us to give you photo credit (first name, etc.)
  • Textyour photos and report to760-740-1787
  • Shareyour photos and report onDesertUSA’s Wildflowers Facebook Group.

Additional Wildflower Information

Wildflower Field Guide (ID by Color)
Desert Wildflower List and Description
Desert Plants

2024 Wildflower Season: When will the Wildflowers Bloom? (2024)


Will 2024 give us a superbloom and where to see wildflowers now? ›

Mount Diablo State Park (February to April)

Come spring 2024, the park's dozens of hiking trails are expecting better-than-average blooms of hill stars, wallflowers, poppies, monkey flowers, and more. Try the Secret Valley Loop or Camel Rock for good chances at flower spotting.

Will there be a super bloom in Arizona in 2024? ›

Will 2024's Wildflower Season be as Intense as 2023's? Since winter rainfall totals in 2023 and 2024 are slightly below average, 2024's wildflower bloom will most likely not be as intense as 2023's, however, it will still be beautiful, with sections of brilliant color dotting the desert.

How long does it take for wildflowers to bloom? ›

Watch growth and blooms appear! When the conditions are right, wildflower seeds will sprout within 2-3 weeks after germination. Annuals will bloom about 2-3 months after germination. Biennials grow foliage in their first season and bloom in the second season.

What month is best for wildflowers? ›

Pick Your Planting Season

Keep the ground moist until the plants are well established. September-December is the most favorable time to plant your wildflowers.

How long will superbloom last in California? ›

The timing of the superbloom can vary depending on several factors, including the location and the weather conditions. In general, however, the superbloom in California typically occurs in late winter to early spring, so from mid-February to mid-May. In 2023, it's expected to last for a couple more weeks.

Where to see desert bloom in 2024? ›

Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, CA to Thermal, CA)

You can explore the Coachella Valley Preserve and surrounding areas to find desert lilies, desert dandelions, and other desert flora. Late February to April is typically the best time for wildflower viewing in this region.

What are the wildflowers in Tucson in 2024? ›

Some of the winter annuals that Tucsonans can expect to see this spring include the Mexican gold poppy, Arizona jewelflower, owl's clover and more. “The Tucson Mountains have a very good bloom of jewelflower, also called silver bells,” Malusa says.

Where is the best place to see the Arizona superbloom? ›

"Picacho Peak State Park. That's one of those parks that you can see from the road the blankets of poppies blooming," Michelle Thompson, with Arizona State Parks and Trails, said. Lost Dutchmann is another popular place to enjoy the blooms. "A car load of people will get you into those parks for $7.

Can I just throw wildflower seeds on the ground? ›

It can't be said too often: preparation is the key to success when it comes to growing a meadow or garden. Gardeners often ask, “Can I just toss seeds in the grass?” We do NOT recommend it! Planting perennials and bulbs into poorly prepared soil will result in disappointing growth as well.

Why are my wildflowers not blooming? ›

All plants have different light and moisture needs. Some plants require 6-8 hours of daylight to flower. Other plants flourish in low light conditions and require shade to perform well. If your plants need shade but are receiving too much sun, they may be under too much stress to flower.

How long does wildflower season last? ›

How long you can expect your wildflower bloom to last? Depending on how mild and wet the season is, some wildflowers, such as Red Campion, can flower as early as April and last into November. However, most wildflowers, whether annual, biennial or perennial will start to bloom in May or June and last 3-4 months.

Is there a superbloom in 2024? ›

Generally occurring from February through May, California has seen quite a few superblooms in recent years with large amounts of flowers cropping up in 2017, 2020, and 2023. And in 2024, a very wet Fall and Winter offer a promising start to the superbloom season in several areas of the state.

What happens if you just scatter wildflower seeds? ›

The wildflower seeds will have a hard time germinating and may not be able to access the water and sunlight that they need to grow. If there is no vegetation in the space where you plan on growing wildflowers, your chances of success may be a bit better if you simply toss the seeds onto the ground.

Do wildflowers like sun or shade? ›

The majority of wildflowers bloom best in full sun to partial shade. Woodland type plants can flourish in shaded areas, but most need a certain amount of sunlight to flower.

Will there be a super bloom in Death Valley in 2024? ›

Not a super bloom, but still above average

According to the National Park Service, Death Valley will not have a super bloom in 2024.

Where is the best place to see superbloom in Arizona? ›

You can't go wrong on a wildflower hunt in Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area, which boasts a huge diversity of blooms. Look in particular along the western end of the Spur Cross Trail and, if you are up for a challenge, the southern part of the Elephant Mountain loop.

How often does the superbloom happen in WoW? ›

The Superbloom event runs every hour on the hour. Where? The event starts near Amirdrassil, the new World Tree — it's marked on the map with a large icon.

Are wildflowers blooming in Death Valley now? ›

Death Valley has an entrance fee, more information can be found on the fees page. Wildflowers only bloom in the spring months. Lower elevations see flowers mid February to Mid April, mid-level elevation see flowers early April to early may and higher elevations see them early May to mid July.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.