9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (2024)

9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (1)

Whether you’re teaching a first piano lesson, a trial piano lesson with a prospective student, or a meet and greet, you’ll need a solid plan to teach the student and interview the student and parents effectively and efficiently. Here’s my own lesson plan for a first piano lesson with a brand new student who comes into my studio for the first time for what I call a meet and greet mini lesson (definitely a low pressure and friendly name for our first meeting!).

Before the First Piano Lesson

After our initial contact and before the family comes to my studio, I provide them with a “What to Expect at the First Piano Lesson” handout so they can get an idea of how things will go, and so I can start teaching them what I expect of them when they are in my home studio. It’s never too early to provide the expectations!

This came about when I started noticing that new families were arriving 15-20 minutes early for their first piano lesson, and were hanging out very loudly in my waiting area, which wasn’t a good thing for the student I was teaching at that moment. So I put together this brief handout to give to all prospective students’ parents before they come to my home piano studio for the first time.

Download What to Expect at the First Piano Lesson

The First Piano Lesson

The big day has arrived, and the prospective student and parents are pulling into my driveway. What do I do when they come to my home studio for the very first time? What are the best concepts, activities, and games to include in that beginning piano lesson?

I always take young beginners through the following 9 items at their first piano lesson. Ready to see what they are? Keep reading!

1. Following directions

Often an overlooked part of the first piano lesson, assessing whether a child can follow directions or is willing to follow directions/instruction is a valuable aspect of getting to know the student and envisioning what beginning piano lessons with the child will be like.

Even from the first moment the student walks into my studio, I’m quietly assessing the student’s ability or willingness to engage with me and whether the student can follow directions. Here’s a quick overview of the entire first piano lesson:

  • I welcome the family into my studio and ask everyone to remove shoes at the assigned location
  • I show them where the restroom is and ask the student to wash hands with soap, and then dry with the clean towel
  • I tell the student taking off shoes and washing hands will always be what she does first every week
  • I invite the student and family into the piano room and ask them to sit on the sofa
  • I sit in a chair and we chat
  • I ask the student questions (see the next section below)
  • I ask the student to come over to the piano
  • Then I continue with the lesson, asking questions and giving directions

Over the years I’ve learned that children who follow directions and who engage with me and with the piano are a great fit for my studio and teaching style.Children who are unwilling to follow directions aftermultiple attempts to engage them, or who choose to do things incorrectly on purpose, are not a good fit for my studio.

Because we have such a short meet & greet session, I need to make a quick decision on this. I use the information I’ve gathered in the mini lesson and go with my intuition, my gut feeling.

I will say that I’ve ignored my intuition a few times in the past, and after a few weeks I wished I had listened! So please listen to your intuition on this, and you’ll be glad you did.

2. Help the student feel at ease

Engage in friendly small talk with student and parent to help them feel at ease. A first piano lesson can feel a bit intimidating! They’re in a new environment with a new adult (you!), getting ready to learn a new instrument, and may feel a little nervous.

Ask lots of questions, and tell a few small stories along the way to relate to the student and let him know you are a regular person too, just like he is. And always remember to smile.

  • Do you have a pet? What’s his name?
  • What’s your favorite sport?
  • What’s your favorite food?
  • Who is your favorite band/musician/singer?
  • Why do you want to learn to play the piano?
  • Do you know how to play any songs already?
  • What songs can you play?
  • Which one is your favorite?
  • I’d love to hear you play that one! Let’s go to the piano so you can play that song.

3. Rhythm activities

  • We use classroom percussion instrumentsto work on steady beat and rhythm.
  • Clap-backs (I clap a rhythm pattern, the student echoes)
  • Play-backs (I play a very short pattern on a single piano key or percussion instrument, the student echoes)

4. Groups of 2 & 3 black keys

  • I ask the student to locate the 2 black keys, then the 3 black keys on the piano, then on the vinyl floor keyboard
  • Find them in a variety of ways: Hop, jump, play on piano, loud, soft, etc.

5. Music Alphabet, White piano keys, Higher & Lower

The first white piano key I teach is D. I ask the student to review the 2 black keys, then say:

  • “Hey diddle diddle, the D is in the middle!” (of the 2 black keys). The student plays every D.

Then I ask the student to review the 3 black keys, and say:

  • “F is the front door!” (of the 3 black keys). The student plays every F.
  • Then “B is the back door!” (of the 3 black keys). The student plays every B.

After introducing these 3 keys, we treat it like a race, and the kids love it! I say “Play all the D’s as fast as you can!” and choose low to high, high to low, right hand, or left hand.

Here’s a free workshop on how I teach piano keys to beginners.

6. Teach a short piano piece by rote

I teach students how to play “Billy Boy” by rote. “Billy Boy” is a brilliantly-composed black key piece from Finger Starters by Lynn Freeman Olson, and I use it to teach quarter and half notes, steady beat, form, ritardando, and Music Rule #1 (decrescendo), all during the first lesson.

I don’t tell students the musical terms just yet – we simply talk about what the music wants to do.

I teach the piece by rote, then we play it as a duet. I’ve memorized the accompaniment so that I don’t need to play from the book, and that makes the moment feel so much more organic. We definitely make the most of this short piece of music!

The parents LOVE that their child can play a piece (or even the first section) in less than 10 minutes, the child sounds amazing, and when we add Music Rule #1 to the end (a nice decrescendo) then go even further and add a ritardando, I’ve seen parents get emotional during the interview. It’s beautiful.

Read more about helping students play musically from the first piano lesson.

7. Introduction to the lesson & writing books

Part of my responsibility during the first piano lesson is to set the stage for future lessons and to give my student something to be excited and motivated about. Young beginners love My First Piano Adventures, so I usually do an activity or two from that piano book.

8. Assess fine motor skills

It’s important to assess the small motor skills of your new beginner so you know where the child is, with regards to fine motor development, and what needs to be addressed or worked on in the future.

Recently, two of my new elementary-age students in two separate families have come into my studio not knowing how to hold a pencil correctly.

They could write, but they were both gripping the pencil with all five fingertips (the static tripod grip, which emerges around age 3.5-4 years), and their handwriting and coloring skills were definitely falling behind.

I talked with their moms about this, and they both shook their heads and had no idea why their children weren’t holding pencils with a grip that would support their fine motor skills and improve their handwriting and coloring skills, so we got to work to help them take their pencil grip to the next level, with permission from the students’ moms.

I read some research about the importance of good pencil grip in the educational development of children, ordered these ergonomic grip trainers and started using them with these students. After several weeks and tons of reminders, the students are doing better. We still have work to do, but we celebrate small improvements each week.

I believe it is very important to know what kind of fine motor skills the children have already developed, and what kinds of things you will need to work on to further develop those very fine motor skills necessary not only for writing, coloring, and doing schoolwork and homework efficiently, but also for efficiency and ease in playing the piano. Read this informative article, written by an occupational therapist, to learn more.

Here are some of the things we do:

9. How to practice the piano at home

It’s very important to help the parent and child understand that the lesson is just thebeginning of what should happen throughout the week. I give very specific practice instructions to the student and parent.

I also email a typed practice sheet to the parents after the lesson, and after every lesson once the student is formally enrolled.

The piano assignment sheet includes:

  • What to work on at home/how to practice/do exactly what we did in the lesson
  • How many minutes a day/how to know if the child is practicing enough or too much
  • What to accomplish throughout the week
  • What to expect from the child during practice
  • What is expected of the parent (helping the child practice daily)
  • Make practicing fun!

So now you know exactly what I do in a first piano lesson. Of course this varies quite a bit from student to student depending on the readiness of the child, and a variety of other factors. But this is my go-to plan for that very first beginning piano lesson.

What do I do after the first piano lesson?

What do I use the next few weeks to review concepts and introduce a few more musical elements to my beginners, as we continue working through the Lesson and Writing books? The Beginning Piano Mega Bundle! It includes tons of worksheets, coloring pages, games, activities, and more. Give your youngest beginning piano students a solid foundation from the very first piano lesson.

9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (2)

Give your youngest piano students a solid foundation from the very beginning of piano lessons with this mega bundle of 14 fun beginning piano games, activities, worksheets, and more! This awesome bundle of beginning piano games and activities is perfect for any young beginners that you teach. Make learning fun with easy-to-use beginning piano activities!

Get the Beginning Piano Bundle

Here’s what piano teachers like you are saying:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Anna G. says, “Wow. This bundle is seriously amazing. The formatting and graphics look great, and the games are fun and cover all the concepts you need for your beginning piano students! I can’t wait to start using all the games, worksheets, etc.; I know my students will have a blast. Thank you for such a great resource!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hildie. J. says, “This bundle is chock-full of neat printables for teaching piano! There are seasonal sets in here which are just fun for the kids! There are flashcards, worksheets, and memory games, and different themes are expressed in them such as notes, rhythm, and musicality. This set is practical and enjoyable! Well done!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tuneful Teacher says, “Not only will this be great supplemental material for my private piano students, it will also be great for my music classroom! I’m starting a new job next year and, for the first time ever, will have a class set of keyboards. Group piano will be a whole new experience for me and I’m excited to use these resources!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rebekah P. says, “I’m just getting started with the Mega bundle I bought, but so far, I’m absolutely in love with Melody’s resources! She gives great directions, the graphics are super cute and engaging, and I cannot wait to get into all the fun games and worksheets with my beginners! Thank you for offering such amazing activities. You have no idea how grateful I am to have found your shop.”

Get theBeginning Piano Mega Bundle for your piano students!

What do you do during a first piano lesson?

Leave a comment below and share your own favorite tips for teaching a successful first piano lesson. We’d love to hear from you!

Need more help with teaching first piano lessons? Here are some of our top blog posts for Teaching Beginning Piano Lessons:

  • Tips for Teaching Preschool Piano Students
  • 5 Tips for Engaging Young Piano Students During Online Lessons
  • Teaching Beginning Piano Technique To Young Piano Students

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (3)

    Meagan March 20, 2023Reply

    What lesson books do you recommend for beginners that are middle school age?

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (4)

      Melody Payne March 22, 2023Reply

      Hi Meagan, there are so many wonderful books out there that suit a variety of styles and situations (such as the range of maturity levels of middle schoolers) that it would be difficult for me to recommend something since I don’t know your students at all. I would love to invite you to join my Facebook group for piano teachers and ask the question there. You will get lots of responses from a wonderful group of piano teachers 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/groups/melodypayne

  2. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (5)

    Gene Conway August 2, 2022Reply

    I play guitar and am trying to teach my granddaughter music. She prefers the piano, though she has a guitar, ukulele, and a recorder. I recently bought a keyboard which she is getting familiar with. I have found that encouraging her to drum her fingers, both hands, synchronously at first, then graduating to different patterns, and finally left and right hands asynchronously, has sped her fine motor skills development significantly. This can be done subconsciously while enjoying other activities. Thanks for the lesson plan. I am not a teacher, so I definitely needed some help.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (6)

      Melody Payne August 2, 2022Reply

      I’m so glad you found some things that are working well for your granddaughter! I always enjoy brainstorming and finding new and creative ways of teaching something. Wishing you all the best!

  3. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (7)

    Levi January 25, 2022Reply

    Wow, it’s interesting that an overlooked part of the first piano lesson, assessing whether a child can follow directions or is willing to follow instructions, is a valuable aspect of getting to know the student and envisioning what lessons will be like. My brother will start giving piano lessons for kids and wants to create a good lesson plan. I’ll share this with him later to help with his services. Thanks!

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (8)

      Melody Payne January 27, 2022Reply

      Absolutely! It’s amazing how we can use our initial interview with students to gather so much information that can help us make the decision on whether a child is ready for piano lessons, or whether we’ll be a great match as teacher and student. Best wishes to your brother on starting his studio!

  4. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (9)

    Tina October 8, 2021Reply

    Thanks for sharing this insight into your first lesson. I was wondering how long this lesson is? I find it difficult to fit everything in 30 minutes and there are administrative things I need to complete (I work in a school environment so students have to sign in, choose the next lesson time etc)

    The parents are also not with them as it’s during school time.

    Thank you

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (10)

      Melody Payne October 11, 2021Reply

      Usually my meet-and-greet mini lesson is around 20 minutes. Then I allow a few extra minutes to talk with the parent (parents are required to attend this introductory lesson), so a maximum of about 30 minutes, sometimes less. I can definitely see how administrative tasks would take up a few minutes of valuable lesson time. I do try to keep my introductory lessons under 30 minutes, knowing that it won’t be spent entirely at the piano. I like to think of the first lesson as being split between piano and admin. Then the following lessons are 100% piano time. Wishing you the best! 🙂

  5. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (11)

    Rock Out Loud September 18, 2021Reply

    You have made some great points in this post! Keep sharing useful stuff like this!!

  6. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (13)

    Leeanne Innes April 6, 2021Reply

    Lot’s of great ideas here! I especially like how you immediately work out if children are a good fit for you by following directions.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (14)

      Melody Payne April 7, 2021Reply

      That’s why I always have a “meet-and-greet mini lesson” before we officially begin. What I learn from that 20 minute session really helps me to see right away if we would work together well. Thanks so much for your comment, Leeanne!

  7. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (15)

    Lisha January 28, 2021Reply

    Many thanks

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (16)

      Melody Payne January 28, 2021Reply

      You’re welcome, Lisha! I hope it gives you some fun ideas to try in piano lessons.

  8. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (17)

    BernieA July 30, 2020Reply

    Thanks Melody. This is very helpful as you’ve laid it out well. I could always learn something new from others. Thank you.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (18)

      Melody Payne July 30, 2020Reply

      My pleasure, Bernie! I’m so glad you found it helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (19)

    Jarom Linton June 17, 2020Reply

    My daughter wants to start playing more piano this year so we need to find a great teacher in the area. I’ll look around for someone that does a lot of these things so that I know they are a good teacher. It makes sense to engage in some small talk to get to know each other better so you’re both more comfortable.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (20)

      Melody Payne June 18, 2020Reply

      Hi Jarom, if you’re looking for a local teacher in your area, this website can help you find someone: https://www.mtna.org
      Click the blue “Find A Teacher” link at the top of the website, and you can enter your zip code and search for teachers who live nearby who are members of the Music Teachers National Association. If their name has NCTM beside it, you’ll know that they are a nationally certified teacher of music (I have this certification, and it holds teachers to high standards!).
      Hope this helps, and best wishes to your daughter as she begins piano lessons!

  10. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (21)

    Rochelle June 4, 2020Reply

    I love that you set up expectations from the beginning. That and get the student playing lovely music from the beginning! Those are things I do at my first lesson as well. Great article! I am also going to look up Billy Boy. I loved singing that song in elementary music class as a child!

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (22)

      Melody Payne June 8, 2020Reply

      Thanks, Rochelle! I have found over the years that the more quickly I set up expectations, the better our piano-student-parent relationship goes. Then there are no surprises!

  11. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (23)

    Ivy Baker December 21, 2019Reply

    My niece really wants to learn how to play the piano this upcoming year. I liked that you pointed out that my sister should find her a teacher that makes her feel at ease. Stress seems like it would make it harder for my niece to learn and have fun.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (24)

      Melody Payne January 2, 2020Reply

      Absolutely! The first piano teacher that a child has is THE most important piano teacher for that child. That teacher can help the child love music and love learning, or that teacher could do the opposite. There are so many ways that we can make our prospective students feel at ease, and that always builds trust and helps the lessons go much more smoothly. Best wishes to your sister and niece in finding the perfect teacher, Ivy!

  12. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (25)

    Sophie Fredericks November 20, 2019Reply

    So helpful, as always Melody.
    I am not familiar with Billy Boy so am going to look into it now.
    I always include ‘how the piano works’. The kids love standing up and looking into the piano and seeing how it works before they play.
    I would love to hear tips on how to say no when a student isn’t the right fit for your studio.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (26)

      Melody Payne November 22, 2019Reply

      Thanks so much, Sophie! My kids love the “how the piano works” lesson too. I had a little one yesterday who was jumping up and down she was so excited about it 🙂 I probably need to write an entire blog post about how to say no when a student isn’t a good fit! That’s such a great topic. If you’ll message me through my contact form, I’ll be glad to chat with you more through email.

  13. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (27)

    Saundra September 4, 2019Reply

    Do you have an assignment sheet form that is used for your email after the lesson? I can’t seem to find one.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (28)

      Melody Payne September 5, 2019Reply

      Hi Saundra, I use the “lesson notes” feature in My Music Staff for emailing weekly assignment sheets (it doesn’t include a form, so I just type the info that’s needed), and I also use printable sticky notes so students can write their own practice notes: https://melodypayne.com/how-to-use-printable-sticky-notes-in-piano-lessons/ Hope this helps! 🙂

      1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (29)

        Saundra September 5, 2019Reply

        I need to use more of the features in My Music Staff! Thanks

        1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (30)

          Melody Payne September 6, 2019Reply

          MMS has been a game-changer for me! I definitely recommend it 🙂

  14. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (31)

    Cindy August 6, 2019Reply

    I was thrilled to read this post. I have been teaching piano for many years and for my beginners have drawn from a lot of teaching resources. I was so amazed reading that I do so many of the same things. I teaching the Grandma’s House white key concept, so do the Front Door, Back Door, I have used the Sing and Play course a lot, so use Hey Diddle Diddle for D, teach the 2 and 3 black keys, and ALWAYS at the first lesson we learn Billy Boy! The best piece ever and instantly they love playing the piano! Have used it for over 35 years! I even have a Rote Song book that I use from all the methods that have great Rote Songs (Lynn Freeman Olson has the best ones; Engine No, 9,Bouncy Rhythm, Perfect Day) I just have compiled the songs for me so I can remember them all and teach them by rote. I really enjoyed the article, made me feel like I am doing things right! I have 3 daughters who also teach and they have adopted my first lesson as well, had to share with them. Thanks! I also have many of your theory and game resources and enjoy them.

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (32)

      Melody Payne August 7, 2019Reply

      Thank you so much for your comments, Cindy! Sounds like we’re on the exact same wavelength 🙂 I love that our first lessons are so similar, and Perfect Day is my 2nd favorite rote piece of all time, right after Billy Boy. LFO definitely was a genius at writing those perfect teaching pieces. Thank you again for your kind words, and happy teaching to you and your daughters!

  15. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (33)

    Rebecca Phelps August 5, 2019Reply

    I’ve been teaching piano for eight years andI’ve been following your blog for a couple of years now. I always find something helpful and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your expertise with your fellow teachers!

    1. 9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (34)

      Melody Payne August 5, 2019Reply

      Thanks so much for reading, Rebecca! You just made my day. Have a wonderful week of lessons, and happy teaching!

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9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson (2024)


What should a piano beginner learn first? ›

One of the first things you'll learn as a new piano player is the layout of the keyboard. You'll learn the musical alphabet and how to form scales and simple chords. Practicing chords and scales can feel tedious, but knowing them well will help you familiarize yourself with the keyboard.

How should I prepare for my first piano lesson? ›

To start you on your way, here are 5 strategies to prepare yourself so you can get the most out of your first piano lessons.
  1. Ask what to bring to the first lesson in advance. ...
  2. Start listening to music actively because now you are a musician too! ...
  3. Learn a little bit of musical theory in advance. ...
  4. Get an instrument organized.

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The First Piano Lesson
  1. Following directions. ...
  2. Help the student feel at ease. ...
  3. Rhythm activities. ...
  4. Groups of 2 & 3 black keys. ...
  5. Music Alphabet, White piano keys, Higher & Lower. ...
  6. Teach a short piano piece by rote. ...
  7. Introduction to the lesson & writing books. ...
  8. Assess fine motor skills.

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Practical, Extensive Course for Piano and Keyboard (Udemy)23-24 hours
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While 88-key digital pianos are the best choice for students planning on learning to play traditional piano, students can learn to play with a simpler 66-key instrument. And ease of use isn't the only consideration: a 66-key instrument is usually cheaper.

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A good piano teacher is firm, values his/her students, communicates well with both the parents and his/her students. Most importantly, a good piano teacher is not in it just for money.

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We had to start this list with a classic. Beethoven's “Moonlight Sonata” is not only one of the composer's best-known pieces, its famous first movement is also accessible for beginners. It's intended to be played with a slow and steady beat (“adagio sostenuto” in music speak).

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Major scales are the most common and useful to learn first on piano, followed by the natural, harmonic and melodic minors. Start with C Major as it has no sharps or flats, then G D, A and E major before starting the minors. Next, learn some pentatonic, blues and chromatic scales plus the modes.

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Ultimately, whatever amount of practice best suits you, Musiah is the quickest, easiest and most fun way to learn piano that will reward you with a rate of progress that is many times faster than learning the piano the traditional way.

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Middle C is the first note you'll learn on the piano. It's smack dab in the middle of the keyboard, usually where the brand name of the piano is. Find a set of two black keys in the middle and play the white key on the very left: this is Middle C! Remember where Middle C is.

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9 easy piano songs perfect for beginners
  • Easy songs to play on piano.
  • “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen.
  • “Fly Me to the Moon” by Bart Howard.
  • “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers.
  • “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion.
  • “The Wall” by Pink Floyd.
  • “Can't Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley.
  • “Fur Elise” by Ludwig van Beethoven.
4 days ago

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.