Greenhouse Temperature Control: The Guide To An Evaporative Cooling System | GrowSpan (2024)

There are a number of different ways for growers to cool their greenhouses. The best option will likely change from operation to operation based on different factors, like greenhouse size or location.

For larger commercial operations, an evaporative cooling system can provide an efficient and reliable way to cool a bigger growing space. Also known as a commercial swamp cooler, an evaporative cooling system provides powerful cooling ability by employing natural scientific processes. This reduces electricity consumption and allows growers to save on monthly cooling costs, while still creating the ideal greenhouse environment.

Through GrowSpan, operations can get a stock or custom evaporative cooling system that is designed specifically for their greenhouse. In even the hottest temperatures, greenhouse growers can effectively cool their structures, giving their crops the relief from the heat they need to thrive.


Evaporative cooling chills the air by using the natural process of evaporation. During this process, water evaporates as heat is applied to it, where it changes from a liquid state to a vapor. In evaporative cooling, that vapor is produced when hot outside air passes through water-soaked pads, which absorb the air’s heat and lower its temperature.

An evaporative cooling system employs a different cooling process than more typical air conditioners, which work by changing the temperature of the air that’s already present in a space. Evaporative cooling also consumes far less energy compared to other cooling methods, allowing growers to save considerably during the summer months.

Greenhouse Temperature Control: The Guide To An Evaporative Cooling System | GrowSpan (1)


Rather than cooling the air that’s inside a greenhouse, an evaporative cooling system pulls fresh air from the outdoors and then spreads it across a greenhouse’s interior, producing valuable air movement.

GrowSpan’s evaporative cooling system uses a fan and pad technique. This method draws outdoor air into the greenhouse by exhaust fans. As the air passes through water-soaked cooling pads, it is chilled, and then distributed across the greenhouse at crop level. This creates a constant, fresh stream of cooled air that simultaneously reduces the warm air that has amassed inside a structure.

A commercial swamp cooler is completely sealed and requires no additional pumps, filters or internal plumbing. However, growers will need to ensure there is a constant connection to their greenhouse water supplies.

It is also essential that operations obtain a properly sized system to make their commercial swamp cooler as efficient as possible. GrowSpan’s Greenhouse Specialists can help with sizing and designing the ideal system to cater to any operation.

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An evaporative cooling system works better when relative humidity is low, so these setups are most effective in more arid regions. This system can decrease the temperature of the air up to 20 degrees in drier environments. However, that impact decreases depending on the humidity level in the outdoor climate.

A commercial swamp cooler results in evaporated water being released into the air. If a greenhouse is already located in a humid, muggy environment, air cooled by water can lead to excess humidity in a greenhouse. Too much humidity can create adverse conditions for crops, and in many cases, produces an ideal environment for disease to proliferate.



GrowSpan manufactures its own line of AquaCool Evaporative Cooling Systems. Operations can choose from twenty available stock sizes or customize their own system to match their specific structure. A commercial swamp cooler from GrowSpan costs far less to run than traditional air conditioning, while still being just as effective for cooling a similar size area.

Greenhouse Temperature Control: The Guide To An Evaporative Cooling System | GrowSpan (2)

These systems come complete with everything growers need to start cooling their greenhouse right away. Their corrugated cellulose pads are made from 100% premium-grade, virgin kraft paper and offer maximum stability and superior longevity. These pads are highly absorbent and can also be easily cleaned. This ensures the evaporative cooling system requires less demanding maintenance over its lifespan.

From time to time, growers who choose to employ a commercial swamp cooler may also need control over the light cycle for their crops. These growers can acquire a Blackout Evaporative Cooling System from GrowSpan. While supplying cooler air for crops, these systems include a light trap that helps create blacked out conditions inside a greenhouse.

In addition to expansive evaporative cooling walls, GrowSpan also offers smaller, portable evaporative air coolers, as well as commercial cabinet-style units that are designed for more confined greenhouse spaces. In smaller applications, an evaporative cooling system like these produces valuable cooling power, while minimizing energy costs and maintenance requirements.

A commercial swamp cooler offers one of the most effective methods of temperature control for greenhouse operations. To learn more about evaporative cooling, as well as other greenhouse cooling techniques, read this past blog.

To start cooling your greenhouse with an evaporative cooling system, or one of GrowSpan’s smaller swamp coolers, call or Request a Quote today.

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Greenhouse Temperature Control: The Guide To An Evaporative Cooling System | GrowSpan (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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