Hawai'i Doesn't Want Visitors Right Now, or Ever. Here's Why. (2024)

Article: Hawai'i Doesn't Want Visitors Right Now, or Ever. Here's Why.



Hawai'i Doesn't Want Visitors Right Now, or Ever. Here's Why. (1)

We get it, it's cold where you're from. You want to escape the snow covered streets & trade your view for something warmer. Hawai'i might seem like the attractive option for you as it's an easy domestic flight, currency is the same & you won't need tochange youreSIM. Some native Hawaiians have been begging people to stop coming to Hawai'i for years & here's why you should listen. The tourism industry does not directly help anybody of Native Hawaiian descent. Yes, there is no doubt that tourism is the biggest economic factor in the islands. However, you might be surprised to find out that there are ZERO hotels owned & operated by anyone of Native Hawaiian descent on the island of O'ahu. There is only 1 on the Big Island of Hawai'i.

Ever wondered why there are so few native Hawaiians working in the tourism & hospitality industry?

It is not necessarily accurate to say that all Native Hawaiians & locals dislike tourists. Although most don't. Many Native Hawaiians work in the tourism industry& rely on it for their livelihoods. But, more commonly, people find that there are less and less Native Hawaiians willing to work in the tourism and hospitality industry. There are Native Hawaiians& other residents of Hawai'i who have valid concerns about the impact of tourism on the islands.

The narrative that "natives welcomed us" often propagated by some individuals can be traced back to the colonial history that has shaped the tourism industry in Hawai'i. This perspective tends to overlook the nuances of the local population's feelings towards tourism and the historical injustices they have faced. It can inadvertently perpetuate a colonizer savior mentality, where outsiders believe they are benevolently embraced by indigenous communities. However, such a viewpoint oversimplifies the complex relationship between native Hawaiians and the impact of tourism.

The reduction of tourism in 2020 allowed Hawaii's natural resources, such as beaches and coral reefs, to recover from the impacts of over-tourism. However, the heavy reliance on social media has led to an influx of visitors seeking the same popular spots, resulting in overcrowding and environmental degradation. The excessive use of social media to promote tourism has also perpetuated stereotypes and cultural appropriation, leading to tensions between local communities and tourists. The main reasons you shouldn't visit Hawai'i are:

  1. Cultural Appropriation: Hawaii has a rich& unique culture,& some tourists may not show proper respect for it. For example, some tourists may wear sacred Hawaiian symbols, such as the hula skirt, as a costume without understanding the cultural significance behind them. This may not entirely bea visitor'sfault as many companies and organizations promote a warped view of "Hawaiian Culture."Often this is done to promote their financial interests and feed into a visitor'sideation of an accommodating paradise. Unfortunately, this can easilylead to moreconfusion about Hawaiian culture and lead to a lack of respect.
  2. Disrespect for the environment: Hawaii is known for its beautiful natural environment and animals that can be found nowhere else on the planet. But, the increase in tourism has resulted in problems such as overcrowding, littering, an overextension of our rescue and emergency resources & damage to the fragile ecosystem. Some Native Hawaiians may feel that tourists do not show enough respect for the environment. We've seen too many viral videos of disrespectful visitors coming too close to wildlife & we've had enough.
  3. Disrespect for locals:Visitors act rudely or disrespectfully towards locals, which can be seen as a lack of respect for the Native Hawaiian culture& people. They go viral for harassing critically endangered monk seals. They step on sacredburial grounds to get a better view of a sunset & steal the lava rocks when they leave. They take the wrong way on illegal hikes - putting local first responders in danger & wasting already strained resources by needing to get rescued. After devastating fires that killed hundreds on Maui, they board snorkeling tours & swim around in waters where people died 24 hours earlier. They spray non-reef safe aerosol sunscreen all over the beach. They feel entitled to their "expensive vacation" & don't tip on their tours or restaurant outings. They bring their mustang convertible road rage driving to our already overcrowded streets & roll their rental carsinto our harbors. They demand refunds for the weather being rainy when nature doesn't look like postcards. They try to sue hotels for beach recommendations when their own lack of swimming abilities put them in danger.Many unknowingly contribute to modern day colonization by moving to the islands & have the audacity to ask for a kama'aina discount at local businesses, meanwhile they can't even pronounce the word "kama'aina". And after all of that, tourists & transplants have the gall to ask "where's your 'Aloha Spirit'?", a phrase thathas been taken from its native origins & transformed into a popular marketing tool to propel the tourism industry by promoting a welcoming & friendly atmosphere in nature, hotels, stores,& restaurants. They don't like hearing that they aren't wanted, & leave hate comments on blog postswritten by Hawaiians.
  4. Economic disparities: While tourism can bring in revenue to the islands, there are concerns that it can also create economic disparities, with tourists benefiting more than locals. Some Native Hawaiians may feel that the tourism industry has not done enough to address these disparities. To make matters worse, more and more natives are getting priced out of their homes from foreign or out-of-state investors and corporations.Many visitorsfeel that they are helping the economy becauseof the money that they spend. However, the majority of businesses serving visitors are not owned by indigenous people of the islands.
  5. Corruption &Hawaiian Identity:It's crucial to acknowledge the deep-rooted issues that go beyond surface-level interactions in Hawai'i. The concept of blood quantum, often used to define Native Hawaiian identity, is inherently discriminatory& serves as a reminder of the historical injustices faced by indigenous communities. Furthermore, the mismanagement of tourism revenue by certain politicians has exacerbated the divide, perpetuating a cycle where theKānaka Maoli population sees little benefit from the influx of visitors. It's imperative to recognize these systemic issues& strive for a more equitable distribution of resources that respects the dignity& heritage of Native Hawaiians, ensuring that theproper reparations are paid for their land being stolen.
  6. There Are Other Options: While tourism is a prevalent industry in various parts of the world, it's important to recognize that the impact of tourism on different communities can vary significantly. For instance, comparing tourism in destinations like San Diego or Nantucket to Hawai'i in 2023 requires acknowledging the distinct historical and cultural contexts. In many cases, the tourism industry in these contiguous U.S. cities does not carry the same weight of colonization and displacement as seen in Hawai'i. Hawai'i's indigenous population has faced generations of colonialism, land loss, and cultural suppression, which can intensify the consequences of tourism-related development.

It is important to note that these concerns are not universal, &some Native Hawaiians welcome tourists who show respect for the culture and environment of the islands. Although due to the behavior of the majority of tourists, it's fair to say that mostindigenous people of Hawai'ido not welcome tourists. Quite the opposite of welcoming, they wait at the airport with "Go Home" signs. They plead all over social media for visitors not to come. Aside from your next visit not being welcome by the natives (which should be enough), here are some other reasons to dissuade you from hopping on the plane:

  1. Cost: Hawaii is one of the most expensive states in the US to visit, & the cost of flights, rental cars, accommodations, and activities can add up quickly. If you're traveling on a budget, you may find it difficult to justify the expense.
  2. Crowds: Hawaii is a popular tourist destination, &many of its attractions can get crowded, particularly during peak season. If you prefer a more secluded or peaceful vacation, Hawaii may not be the best choice. Additionally, legal short-term rental accommodations are often only allowed in certain zones such as Waikiki or the Ko'olina area. If you wanted to stay somewhere local, you won't find those options in Hawai'i.
  3. Distance: Hawaii is quite far from many parts of the world, and the travel time can be long and tiring. If you don't enjoy long flights or have limited vacation time, you may want to choose a destination that is closer to home.
  4. Weather: While Hawaii is known for its warm and sunny climate, it can also be subject to hurricanes, heavy rain, and other extreme weather events. If the only time you can travel is in the winter, you may have heavy rains during your entire stay here. Additionally, if you're traveling during hurricane season, you may want to consider other destinations. Even in the summer, the weather changes every five minutes & you could be subject to rainstorms for your entire trip even if theforecastpredicts sunshine.
  5. Environmental impact: Hawaii is a fragile ecosystem, and its delicate environment can be easily disrupted by large numbers of visitors. If you're concerned about your carbon footprint or the impact of tourism on the environment, you may want to choose a more sustainable travel destination. For instance, according to the Honolulu Civil Beat, over 85% of the food consumed on the islands must be imported.

The best way to help Native Hawaiians is from a distance. You are not helping by visiting. Here are some of our favorite charities & organizations that you can contribute to instead of coming to Hawai'i.There are many reputable Hawaiian charities and organizations that are dedicated to supporting various causes throughout the islands.

  1. Hawaii Community Foundation: The Hawaii Community Foundation is a philanthropic organization that supports a wide range of causes throughout Hawaii, including education, the environment, health, and the arts. They work with donors to create customized giving plans and provide grants to organizations that are working to improve the lives of people in Hawaii.

  2. Malama Maunalua: Malama Maunalua is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to restoring and preserving the health of the Maunalua Bay in Oahu. They work to remove invasive species, replant native plants, and educate the community about the importance of protecting the bay.

  3. Hawaiian Humane Society: The Hawaiian Humane Society is an animal welfare organization that provides a range of services, including animal sheltering, pet adoption, and animal welfare education. They are committed to protecting and improving the lives of animals in Hawaii.

  4. The Aloha United Way: The Aloha United Way is a nonprofit organization that brings together community resources and supports a range of causes throughout Hawaii, including education, financial stability, and health. They work with local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals to create positive change in the community.

  5. Kupu Hawaii: Kupu Hawaii is a nonprofit organization that works to empower youth and communities in Hawaii through environmental conservation and sustainability, green jobs training, and education. They provide training and employment opportunities for young people and support initiatives to protect and restore Hawaii's natural resources.

  6. Aina Momona:‘Āina Momona, which translates to "fertile or rich land" in Hawaiian, stands as a passionate community initiative focused on fostering environmental health and sustainability while advocating for social justice and Hawaiian sovereignty. Anchored at the heart of this endeavor is the Keawanui Fishpond and Cultural Learning Center, nestled within the Kaʻamola ahupua'a of Molokaʻi. This site encompasses the expansive Keawanui Fishpond, a 55-acre loko kuapā (enclosed wall fishpond) that graces the island's southern shore. In days past, this area thrived with numerous loko iʻa, encapsulating the heritage of an abundant aquatic ecosystem. If you wish to support their vital efforts, consider making a donation to ‘Āina Momona and contribute to the preservation of this remarkable cultural and environmental legacy.

These are just a few examples of the many reputable charities and organizations that are working to improve the lives of people in Hawaii. Before donating, it is important to do your own research to ensure that your money is going to a legitimate and effective organization.

The native people of Hawaii, and other colonized places, have a right to express their concerns about the impact of tourism and colonization on their cultures, traditions, and communities. As responsible travelers, it's important to listen to and respect the perspectives and wishes of those who call a place home, and to approach travel and tourism with sensitivity, awareness, and humility. Travel can be a way to learn, connect, and broaden our perspectives, but it's important to do so in a way that does not exploit or harm the places and people we visit. Currently,visitors causemore harm to the Native people of Hawai'i than good by visiting.

While Hawaii is a beautiful destination with much to offer visitors, it's important to consider the impact of tourism on the islands' delicate ecosystems, cultures, and communities. As a responsible traveler, it's important to be mindful of the resources you use, the waste you generate, and the ways in which you can support local businesses and communities. By taking the time to educate yourself on the history and culture of Hawaii, respecting the environment and its inhabitants, and supporting sustainable tourism practices, you can have a more meaningful and respectful experience while contributing to the long-term health and well-being of the islands. It is the opinion of the majority of Native Hawaiians in Hawai'i that tourism needs Hawai'i more than Hawai'i needs tourism. Mahalo for listening to us, please DO NOT COME!

This blog post represents the informed perspectives of multiple authors, each with backgrounds as Native Hawaiians and individuals from marginalized communities who have deep roots in Hawai'i. Its intention is to provide valuable educational insights for those seeking to understand the nuanced reasons behind potential reservations Native Hawaiians have toward your next Hawai'i vacation. Should any aspect of the content raise concerns, we encourage a conversation, recognizing that differing opinions contribute to meaningful discussions. Our aim is to foster a respectful exchange of ideas and insights.We invite open and constructive dialogue; recognizing that varying viewpoints contribute to robust discussions. However, we must assert that if any content sparks disagreement, it's imperative to reflect on whether one's perspective aligns with the entitlement often associated with the visitors we discuss.


As a globally indigenous person, I have deep respect for the concerns for the land, culture, and creating equity. How do healthcare conventions fit in? Local orgs hosting them doesn’t necessarily mean equity and representation of/for indigenous residents, so should respectful people boycott those conventions? Do indigenous healers seeking to practice and/or learn indigenous healing methods have any welcome or is that a boundary at this time?

Big colonizer energy from other commenters. For those saying Hawai’i is a US state: they are an UNWILLING, colonized nation fighting to regain sovereignty. Even the most basic internet search will tell you that the US claimed ownership through some extremely dubious and underhanded means. Indigenous Hawai’ians had no willing participation in becoming a state/colonial subject. They have a right to self-determination.

Indigenous peoples around the globe are fighting an extractive tourist industry. People wanting to visit respectfully are not the problem but they are such a minority. Machu Pichu in Peru is facing permanent closure to tourists because the sheer number of visitors is causing irreparable damage and erosion to the site. Even if everyone is respectful, the excessive visitation is beyond what the land and sites can handle. You are not entitled to a trip that may irreparably harm priceless and sacred cultural land and artifacts.

Puerto Ricans, folks indigenous to Turtle Island, Native Hawai’ians, and people of the global majority everywhere are facing gentrification due to an extractive form of tourism. Hotels are bad enough, but companies like AirBnB and Vrbo buy up normally affordable houses and apartments for residents and then turn them into vacation rentals. This drives the cost of housing for residents way up and significantly decreases the available housing to a fraction of what is needed. If you’re feeling defensive as a (would-be) tourist, it’s for a reason. This isn’t about YOU, but your presence isn’t going to help anything. It won’t make a point or fix the problem. Listen to the indigenous locals. They’re not gatekeeping the past; they’re safeguarding the future (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/can-indigenous-land-stewardship-protect-biodiversity-).


Well come to the mainland and see all the illegal aliens here destroying everything.


Here’s the Deal.

Been coming here for years. And I noticed this year after the unfortunate fires, restaurants and businesses are starting to clean up more and try and upkeep places lot better.

Widening the road in Lahainia is inevitable and making it 100% walkable through the main street. This after speaking with locals.

The truth is, many did not have insurance and that’s a big no no. Free and clear homes were lost because they were not insured. Businesses were not insured.

Thats on you. Regardless of your culture, which I respect, you must see your wrongs as well. You can use the tools of the US to better yourselves and protect yourselves and many didn’t.

The buildings were ready to fall apart. Thats the reality.
Change is constant.
No culture goes unchecked through history.

You must find a way to find that balance of culture and also reality of the country you live in.

I will be back and will keep coming.



Oh the poor racist Hawaiians. White America should take all their money and inventions and abandon the island hell hole. “Native”Hawaiians (who came from some where else also) and simply racist narcissists and can keep their garbage islands.


I have a couple of ideas to help citizens of the Hawaiian islands out. I have been to Waikiki and Kona many times. I live in Alberta Canada we have 2 very popular destinations Banff and Jasper both are National parks. Entry fee to get into parks. In Jasper you can not own property if not a resident. Lovey place to visit and not over crowded. Some owners have bed and breakfast rooms,and vacation rentals. Also there are the hotels. Banff on the our hand many people from out of the country own. Which makes it hard for people to even work there. Rent to high. The place is over crowded.

Also the big hotels seem to want it all. I remember reading about 3 years ago . One hotel trying to get rid of all the vacation rentals . And wanting all the big spenders to stay in the hotels. Okay then you need to step up and employ 50 percent of Islanders and since you always want to increase your profit line maybe it is time all hotels can start to pay into a fund that will go to the low income families as a supplement benefit as a monthly payment.

Maybe it is time that changes really need to be made.


It is inaccurate to say that going to a place like San Diego is less impactful and more ethical. It is accurate to say that the displacement, horror, and destruction of humans native to San Diego happened longer ago, whereas the displacement, horror, and destruction of humans native to Hawai’i is not only more recent, but also happening now in real time.

Jennifer Black

I’ve never been to Hawai’i and between my lack of finances and reading this article I doubt I’ll ever go. I love the music but I can listen to it from home and maybe see some travelling musicians if they ever play locally. I didn’t get to see the Hawaiian Voyaging canoe Hōkūleʻa when it came by but it was still a pretty exciting event to know about. I wish all the best for Hawai’i and her people.


Thanks for the perspective. I’ve visited Oahu twice and Maui once. I had a “good” time by most tourists standards, but I could sense something wasn’t right and really felt like I didn’t belong and was exploiting the native peoples. Like the time we took a drive on some back roads in Maui and about 4 times as we approached each small village we were stopped by groups of small kids dancing in front of our car and then asking for tips. On one level you could think this was cute or entertaining, but for me I felt bad for these kids and their families that this is what they’ve been reduced to, dancing for tourists, like a native people’s minstrel show , begging for a few dollars. We also visited the Polynesian Cultural Center – again, on one level you could view it as entertaining and informational, but for me it looked and felt like exploitation. When I read about its history I realized this place is like the California Missions the Spanish built that were the site of so much injustice and decimation of indigenous people there. I will definately won’t be visiting Hawaii again. I also think the fact that so many billionaireswho have recently built huge compounds, fencing off the land from locals, speaks to how mainlanders view and treat Hawaii – like a settlement where they can do whatever they please.


I’ve read a few comments from the “social media influencers” and talk about a problem. That’s the main thing driving tourism, and you wonder why you get mixed feedback from living there 😂. I went a few years back and decided I didn’t want to post anything. Not just there, but anywhere for this reason exactly. I think social media has been weaponized to an extent and I feel bad for the influx of “influencers”. I think instead of all of the hate though, people should try and approach each other from a place of love. I also believe social media posts should be limited when dealing with more vulnerable areas such as Hawaii and other vacation hotspots. Many others have also mentioned a tourist tax which I believe would be helpful if it went to families struggling on the island. Just my opinion; worth price charged.

John Doe

I feel sorry that you are going through this.
We have many trips to Maui and Kauai in the past and enjoyed our vacations there.

We’ll take your feelings into consideration and if a significant number if you do not want mainland visitors we will stay away until you sort it out.

Your indignation is understandable. Your resentment against what you consider colonization is understandable. I want to respectfully point out that you are not exceptional in your experience. This has happened the world over and throughout history.

For better or worse, the world is connected and you won’t be able to keep yours paradise isolated and pristine forever.

Also, know that you are always welcome to use the resources of the rest of the country as help.

If you at least allow yourselves to view the rest of us in the US as fellow citizens, not just outsiders, it may be helpful going forward.

Som / California

Som Sikdar

I understand the message and will respect it. I am shocked to see how many people are angered by it or feel it doesn’t apply to them. I just got an appeal from the Maui food bank so I will send another donation. And I will stay away. I visited Kauai roughly 15 years ago, I stayed with friends, not native Hawaiians, who were longtime residents. I took a week long Hawaiian language class at the local community college, and also a guided visit to a sacred site, seeing how to maintain them. I bought pottery from art students at a show and sale at the college. And attended a hula festival with dancers, groups of all ages and levels of skill. I’m glad I did but won’t return as I do believe staying away is the best way to preserve and respect the community.


Aloha. I am a social media influencer and moved here in 2021. I’ve found nothing but love and kindness but granted I do not hang around with too many native islanders. I’ve tried being friendly but find they do not respond when I suggest ways to improve their life. Rent is not too bad so I am not sure why people are complaining? I’ve certainly lived in more expensive places. For example, I found a 3 bedroom house for less than I paid for an apartment in my last location. I now have a room for my pottery (a lifelong dream) and a room to let out for airbnb (which covers my food).

Karen Thunberg

This comment section reads like a comedy sketch about the problem.

The only successful land management in the history of the modern world was indigenous management, This is true across the country. Hawaii has been a state for less than 100 years and the refers are dying, clean freshwater is scarce, many species are endangered, and an unsustainable amount of development to support an unsustainable amount of tourism has threatens every conceivable aspect of the landmass. Hawaii must return to Hawaiian control to continue to exist.

Invoking the Lahaina fires as evidence that tourism is acceptable is offensive nuttery. The fires are an indictment of the overcrowding and the prioritization of development and wealth.

I see commenters repeatedly explaining they are the exception – no. I get wanting to be but accept that your presence alone is active harm and active colonization.
There are not exceptions.

I see commenters comparing this to tourism at “their” homes. Is the place you live your ancestral homeland? As an indigenous person I assure you that across the country this is an issue most indigenous people agree on, and we also understand that Hawaii has very limited land and resources, next to no recognition for Natives, no recognized sovereign government, no settlement of their claims to title, and are experiencing active magnified colonization with outsized impacts. Dont speak overtop of them and don’t speak overtop of the people who have lived tens of thousands of years on the land you live on either.

Commenters saying you only want to help Hawaiian people – tourism is not a help. It’s feeding the massive corporate structure harming Hawaii and making Hawaiian people housing insecure,

Commenters explaining Native Hawaiians were nice to them and kind and welcoming – that is not relevant. What are they supposed to do, heckle you? Frighten you? Harm you? It’s like saying a woman invited a rape by smiling at a passerby. Being a kind and polite person does not mean you have blanket consent to use of their culture or homelands.

We love Hawaii, we love Maui, we love our Hawaiian family, for many years we went. We felt safe vacationing to a place with lots of other Indigenous people and enjoyed that specifically. However it has become apparent over the last decade that tourism in Hawaii is harming and that there are no exceptions. For years we considered ourselves the exception too – since we are allies. However that was flawed and we are now being allies by traveling elsewhere. Decolonization is an action. In the case of Hawaii the action is staying away.

There may be a time a sustainable form of tourism led by Indigenous people is available. To have any chance of a world that can get there the system in place has to fall.


We are local (12 years) but not native. We try to respect everything about Hawaii. We do see a lot of tourists come in and have that entitled attitude, "we paid a lot of money and we can do what we want) They walk on the coral, they speed around, they fight or argue with the merchants and restaurant people. They go into local areas and act this way and it really leaves an impression that all nonnatives are like this. Which adds to the problems.
A big problem and one of the driving factors of high cost is people buying as many properties as they can and using them as incomes. Homes are to live in not for profits. Even the apartment complexes have become “squeeze every time you can get out of people”. This drives the cost of everything up. The people that live there must make more money to afford the rental or mortgage costs. There needs to be a restriction on B&B, rentals and purchasing. no one needs to own multiple houses or apts!
Respect the people and the Land and Sea. They are sacred to the Natives.
Aloha nui loa


As a U.S. citizen who deeply values Hawaiian culture and stands firmly against all forms of racism, I have found a unique way to express these principles through my travel and shopping choices. My annual visits to Kauai are not just a testament to my love for its stunning landscapes and rich culture, but also a reflection of my commitment to principles of respect and inclusivity. Despite facing unwelcome attitudes from some locals and local businesses, I continue to cherish Kauai and, interestingly, have chosen to recommend both the island to my friends.

My experiences in Kauai, while occasionally marred by discriminatory practices by some locals and local businesses, have not diminished my admiration for the island. In fact, I enthusiastically encourage my friends to visit Kauai to experience its breathtaking beauty and the warm, inclusive atmosphere offered by many. This recommendation comes with a caveat based on my personal experiences: to be mindful of where they choose to spend their money.

In line with this, I also recommend Costco as the go-to shopping destination while in Kauai. This suggestion stems from my personal stance against the discrimination I encountered in some local establishments. Costco, with its commitment to consistent customer service and a non-discriminatory approach, aligns with the values I and many of my friends hold dear. It provides a reliable shopping experience where all customers are treated with respect and dignity.

This combination of recommending Kauai for its cultural and natural beauty, along with Costco for shopping, reflects a balanced approach. It acknowledges the complexities of traveling in today’s world, where personal values, experiences, and consumer choices intersect. By sharing my experiences and choices, I aim to guide my friends in making informed decisions that align with their values, ensuring that their travel and shopping experiences are both enjoyable and ethically sound.

In conclusion, while my advocacy for Kauai remains strong, it is coupled with an awareness of the realities of local business practices. Recommending Kauai along with Costco is my way of navigating these complexities, allowing for a travel experience that respects cultural beauty and stands firm against any form of discrimination.

Bob Rhaid

No revolving doors either way! No tourists in. No Hawaiians out! There. That’s solved.


My husband and I have been to Hawaii multiple times over the years. We love it and we’re always gracious and kind to everyone we met there. We were very respectful to the people and the environment. To read this breaks my heart. It’s too bad that some irresponsible people have made the Native Hawaiians feel that way. When the fires happened on Maui we were heartbroken and donated money to help the Native people rebuild. But having said this, if the Native Hawaiian people truly don’t want us there, it’s easy. We never will return. I don’t say that in anger or disrespect, I’m just being honest. Even though we never personally did anything wrong, I don’t want to go somewhere that I am not welcome. But I hope the Hawaiian people are able to rebuild in peace. Aloha.

Kitty McConnell

Dear Native Hawaiians,
Without Haole’s, you would have been eradicated by the Japanese 80 years ago. Although they may have kept a few of you for medical experiments and sex slaves.

Clyde Benke

Me and my wife honeymooned on Maui and Oahu in 2021. It was my #1 bucket list place to visit. We talked with locals very candidly throughout our stay and, although there were some cold upon first glance locals; after realizing we were respectful to their culture and respectful of their land. We found that most of the natives we talked with were very nice and shared family stories and history of the islands with us.

I am very saddened to hear so many stories of disrespectful tourists, and I don’t blame the indigenous people and their apprehension to tourism.

This article was wonderful at explaining why people shouldn’t visit Hawaii and hopefully we can foster a society that respects culture in the future so that one day all locals would love to invite us to share in the beauty of the islands ❤️

Mahalo 🌺


This article so accurately and compassionately explains the concern those of us residents have been trying so diligently to share with visitors. The entitlement, lack of any empathy or respect for the aina, people, wildlife, culture, history and environment is more than appalling, it is near criminal. If tourism is not managed, if extractive tourism continues to deplete and overrun . . . there will be no more so-called “golden goose” . . .


Replying to Alex Rodriguez:
In case you didn’t know Hawaii can SUSTAIN ITSELF WITHOUT HELP. People that are not from Hawaii specifically Maui, have absolutely no right to expect a welcoming and respect for a place you have no business going to at a time like this. There are people’s houses that have literally burned down to ashes and you’re mad because you can’t come and visit?! Like are you kidding me. Don’t be calling everyone in Hawaii Hawaiians. Hawaiian is an ethnicity. First of all who said that Hawaiians do not care about your family? Hawaii is all about Ohana ( Family ). Natives in Hawaii sometimes do like tourist but it reflects on how you act while visiting here. Second of all Natives here in Hawaii care a lot about supporting small businesses because all we have are each other here. And how dare you tell Hawaiians to suck a boner, like are you f*cking kidding right now. Hawaiians are very respectful towards people and sometimes tourists. Now as a Kānaka Maoli I can say that I am not that fond of tourist but I have met some tourist and my family are close with some. Third of all Natives in Hawaii do not like tourist because of the way they treat us and how they leave Hawaii. Some tourists leave Hawaii with no respect for our land, are special beliefs or wildlife. For example throwing rocks at Hawaiian Monk-seals, leaving trash all over the creation, and expecting respect for acting so poorly with everything. People that are not from Hawaii has to understand that we don’t have a lot out here in the middle of the ocean so we haft to use things wisely and we need to respect our resources.Oh and FYI you spelt howley wrong its Haole. If you don’t know Haole does not mean white. It means individuals who are not Native Hawaiian or is not a Hawaiian descendant. So think before you say something stupid like that. Saying that Hawaiians are not welcoming because you came here. We are going through a time of crisis and some tourists think that its a joke and a place to be sight seeing because its not. Please understand that we need to grieve in peace and we don’t tolerate being disrespected by people who had not been in our shoes. -Thank you.

Nakela AR

I honestly think every person commenting on this blog isn’t seeing both sides of the picture here. Coming from a local who is born and raised on Maui, yes it is true that tourists/travelers alike bring a lot of money to our state and yes most of our money comes from them. But, Hawaii can also sustain itself without having tourists or travelers giving us the money. Tourism is a VERY big part in our state’s economy, but we aren’t going to rely on it whatsoever. Yes, it brings in a lot of money for us, but we are able to do it ourselves. In my personal opinion, everyone just argues about MONEY.

People from hawaii (and some other places) don’t rely on your money to support us. Yes Hawaii is a U.S state, but some might not know that Hawaii is a U.S state illegally. Before Hawaii became a U.S state, we had sustainable lives with a sustainable economy. But, the cost of living went up, the food prices went up, and a lot of locals had to leave because it was getting too expensive to live here anymore. So, I think that’s why some tourists might think that they are the reasons why hawaii is getting its money. But the truth is, it is and it isn’t.

I’ve personally read some of these comments on this blog and what some people have to say about the locals are very disrespectful and unrealistic. Because I’ve lived here all my life, i’ve seen how locals and tourists can act, and it goes both ways. Some tourists come to the islands thinking that they are entitled to everything because “they give us the money to survive”; some of them are rude to the locals, disrespect us by taking pictures of Lahaina (after the fire that caused everything to burn down) because they simply want too, and act like we owe them something because they simply think so. And yes, some Hawaiians can be rude too. Some of them hate “white people” because some “white people” come to Hawaii and buy/take away the land that we have left, or some Hawaiians think that tourists are taking away everything we built and just disrespect our culture in general. In my opinion, it’s all about how you act and how you decide to react. If you want to be rude, we’ll be rude back, if you want to be disrespectful, we’ll disrespect you back, if your respectful to us and our land, we’ll do the same for you.

I also want to respond to a specific message that someone has said on here. “My taxes are going to rebuild Lahaina”. I want to address this issue because here’s the thing, you don’t know where your tax money is going, the country doesn’t tell you where its going so don’t assume that its going directly to the town of Lahaina. And Lahaina is still is ashes, to this very day. It’s been over 2 months since the deadly fire and nothing has been done, so if you want to help, then help, if you want to donate, then donate, but don’t just assume something that you aren’t even sure about.

I also want to address that some tourists and travelers think that all Hawaiians/locals are the same. The answer to this comment is no we aren’t. Specifically to this comment “Hawaiians in general, can suck a boner.” Let’s be clear, not all Hawaiians will act the same way you do. Us Hawaiians and locals would love for you to come to the islands and visit with your family, please do, but do not disrespect our culture, traditions, and lifestyles. And some tourists will say “we felt so unwelcome and we aren’t coming back.” These comments really surprised me because im not sure how we’re supposed to make them feel “welcomed”. Just out of curiosity, are we just supposed to greet you with a genuine smile or maybe a lei everywhere you go? Lets be clear, coming to Hawaii is a choice that you make, and if you do decide to come, the please come, but don’t expect to be entitled to feeling “welcomed” everywhere you because you want to feel the “aloha spirit”. All we ask when you come, is to respect us, our culture, and our āina.
Thank you,

Mai (local)

I left hawaii for this reason. I’m japanese and i dont stick out much to locals but when i moved there during covid i got so much hate from people who i would talk to socially. i couldn’t tell anyone what my job was or where i was living because i didn’t realize how bad the economic disparities were. i was pretty embarassed for myself looking back, i am only glad that i didn’t post about it on tiktok or something like “come move to hawaii with me” like so many social media influencers do. I didn’t know the island was facing so much modern day colonization. i could sit here and say the same thing happens in san francisco but its really not the same at all. it probbaly was a few decades ago when there were actual indigenous people there but the ive learned that government is so corrupt and hawaiians are owed reparations for what was done to them. honestly there should be some huge tourist tax or just tax people who have multiple homes there. when i moved there and was renting, it was in a really nice beach area in one of the most expensive spots on oahu, and the owners were never around. there was a girl who lived on the property to check on maintenance and stuff but she told me that this was one of the MULTIPLE homes that the owners had and it kinda made me sick. i moved away to hopefully make room for people who are native or born or raised there so hopefully start some generational wealth and stop being dependent on an industry that chooses profit over the people.

Sara Taneguchi

I thought about whether I should comment or not, and I really don’t think my comment will make any difference, but here goes.

I’m from Brazil (my grandmother came from indigenous tribes) and I don’t know how to explain it, I’ve always felt connected to Hawaii. Maybe it’s because I grew up seeing the suffering that my ancestors went through in Brazil, and thinking about all the suffering that the Hawaiian people went through.

It was always my dream to visit Hawai’i, and as you said, I didn’t have the money or the opportunity. Until this year and I had the greatest pleasure in the world to visit the Big Island.

Since I set foot on the island I could only cry. It was an emotion that I don’t know how to explain. And I’m crying right now again writing all of this. Being there and feeling the songs, seeing up close a story that I previously only knew from books or documentaries was something out of the ordinary.

I can say that I felt the Aloha”. We try our best to buy/go to local restaurants. Because it is possible to feel everything you described in the text. Everyone treated me so well, maybe it’s because they felt my love and respect for the island.

I would like to apologize for all those who do not treat the island or the locals with the same respect. And I would like to thank all the wonderful people who found my way on this journey. The hugs from strangers when I was crying with emotion. Hearing “mahalo/aloha” and only good things, feeling like they were being spoken from the heart. I will never be the same person after this place!!! I will be eternally grateful!


I am amazed at how entitled people are. How hard is it for someone to understand that Aloha is a 2 way street? Why expect it if you don’t even understand it or give it? Your vacation is never more important than your attitude or the people who live there (and whose home it is in the deepest sense of the word). I’m not even Hawaiian in the least bit, it’s just really not that hard to understand. No wonder the “Ugly American” tourist trope exists.

Not Hawaiian or haole

Sacred rocks and hula hoops what a joke. Of course your white masters don’t respect the silly traditions of ungrateful savages.


To those who are using this comment thread as a platform to express, “You say you don’t want us but look – you actually NEED us…” have some compassion. People are suffering. Whether your agree with them on not, whether you like them or not – show kindness.

“Learn to do good, seek Justice, correct oppression, bring Justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:7

Perhaps if we stopped worrying about receiving respect from people who have been pushed down for generations and started offering respect without expecting reciprocation, we’d begin to mend a broken fence.

Praying for Maui.


I’ve been to Hawaii twice and had a great time. Because I’m Asian and dressed like a non-tourist I think I flew under the radar a little. But I could tell when talking with locals it was a bit icy. Now I better understand why.


I have a bucket list of places that I would like to travel to before I meet my maker, and Hawaii is on my top 20.

However, I understand the resentment by native Hawaiian’s towards tourism. My mother (GOD rest her soul) came from Puerto Rico, and I hate what tourism has done to island. I hate that non natives own all the good land, and have beautiful mansions, while the natives are basically a permanent underclass.
IMHO, Hawaiians (like my friends and family in PR) have suffered many historical wrongs at the hands of non natives, and they should be allowed to live their lives without a bunch of entitled tourist ruining their islands. I know, its never going to happen, but I would like to see every square inch of land on Maui and the surrounding islands returned back to native Hawaiians.
I realize that many people, especially white people from the mainland are going to be upset with a blog like this, but the truth is often hard to hear. Tourism doesn’t help native Hawaiian’s and no amount of liberal talking points is going to change that.

If I never get to visit Hawaii I can live with that … preserving the eco system of the islands is way more important than a few pic’s of myself on a beach at sunset. I think I can do more good just by donating to a few Hawaiian charities and organizations.

Louis Arroyo

So funny all the comments on here getting angry and not one of them addressed the part with all the links of tourists in the news stealing sacred lava rocks or getting too close to the seals. Got a lot of talk saying how they disagree with the authors but won’t comment on the literal factual news articles of tourists using our fire department & putting our underpaid medical first responders on the line & desecrating & disrespecting our land.

My family lives on homestead land and we talk all the time about how the economy could “tank” as you guys are saying and we wouldn’t care at all. We grow our own food and own our land. Thats all we need or want. Like go ahead and stop coming. We encourage it. It will just leave Hawai’i to the real Hawaiians left or anybody else who really wants to be here. All this big talk from visitor acting like we eat outta their hand. Go ahead and leave. From a 6 generation Kanaka Oiwi, please don’t come here & be so entitled. If you already have a ticket, just spend money and go home. The charities mentioned above are good. There are alot of other good ones too.


To the author, Thank you. Sincerely. And, please hear my heart when I say I’m hurt and upset. Not at you, but at tourists who don’t deserve the right to visit such a sacred place in the first place and have ruined so much for so many. People who have no heart, wherever they travel, whatever they do. People who think it is okay to take up beds at shelters in the name of VACATION while they have a perfectly good airline ticket to return home. Instead, after such a tragedy they still expect to go on excursions while on the same island thousands of people are in deep mourning. People who SNORKEL just off the shore of Lahaina while first responders and volunteers and are still in the process of active search and rescue. Shame on you, people who wouldn’t understand Kokua in any language. You actually don’t deserve to set foot on such sacred ground. Never did.

Growing up in California, I am fortunate to have visited the islands several times over the past 30 years and was hoping to return again in October. You’ll have to take my word for it but I’m not just a respectful traveler, I believe in service as a lifestyle. Which is why for me it is so hard to contemplate never visiting such a sacred place again. It has been a temple for me—literally saved my life as an adolescent by getting to experience the incredible beauty and energy on the islands—changed me.

However, knowing how real the sentiment is from native Hawaiians, we are in the process of cancelling our travel plans to Kauai for October, maybe forever, out of Aloha, love, and respect. And, as always, we would have done all the right things mentioned in some of these posts: community service; shopping local; demonstrating love and respect to people and nature. I just wish there was another way. I wish the government could put a sustainable cap on the number of visitors allowed per month (like a visa). Put taxes directly into the hands of locals. Practice actual Stewardship. But money is the root of all kinds of evil so I guess I’m not surprised that responsible tourism management hasn’t happened.

I also wonder if my decision not to return to this place that I care so deeply for, that awakes my soul, just opens up one more seat on a plan for someone else who will not understand or treat the place and people I love with nearly as much respect my family and I would. I wish there were applications required to visit Hawai’i. People like me will hear you loud and clear, and stay away. People without the ears or eyes to understand will still come, and do the same selfish stupid sh*t that they do everywhere they go.

To the comments comparing places like California, Colorado, Florida and so many other places… You aren’t wrong. But Hawai’i is different. I probably couldn’t win a research based scientific debate on the topic against you. But I’m right. :)

I realize Hawai’i rightfully belongs to Native Hawaiians. And my sincere hope is that you gain independence and return the Kingdom of Hawaii to a sovereign nation. If that happens I also hope you’ll consider the right way to allow people to experience real Aloha—as we are all ultimately citizens of the world here on Earth, and for such a brief moment.

Sincere Aloha! (And, prayers and tears) – Sean

Sean (Haole)

Some people have to move to Hawaii. My husband and I moved because he was stationed here at Schoffield with the 25th. He is over in Maui helping RIGHT NOW. We are white. I’m trying to do as much as I can right now to help. However, my husband went over to help, so did everyone. Yes we are Haoles, but I can tell you this hatred you see online is not the majority because they’ve shown nothing but kindness since we’ve moved here. When there is any natural disaster or people need help, the national Guard, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and Army all go in without question and their families know they may not return. Due to the state of the world I don’t know if my husband will be sent off and go to war, however I know his sacrifice and it’s our sacrifice too. They don’t hate everyone from the mainland or from other countries because whenever I have met someone they thank him and Mark told me everyone is thanking him. They don’t hate all Haoles, they know there are people that genuinely care for the community and would do anything for it. My husband and I are one of them. As long as you are respectful and understand that there are places you should honestly not go then they’re cool. Also, know your limits don’t go to the beach and try out a 10 ft wave if you’ve just learned how to surf…that’s not Haoles mindset thats just plain stupid mindset. Like going up to take a selfie with a bison…stupid is what stupid does. All in all they really are kind here, just like anywhere as long as you respect their culture and environment.


I understand and empathize with the hatred the hawaiians have toward tourists as I know what irresponsible tourism means and that civilians don’t see the money.

This is my question, have you ever been to Florida? We don’t see the money. Like you, some irresponsible tourists come and go to our coral reefs and they are damaged, they’ve fished on the beaches and off shore bringing sharks closer to our waters making us the shark capital of the world for shark attacks, they chum the water bringing sharks, we have people by the millions flock our roads in Orlando and Miami making it harder to get to work, we are theme parks, and they have colleges come yearly with drunk kids.

Yes this boosts are economy, we have learned to accept it, learned they have devastated our national wildlife parks, but we have no voice because the wealthy talks. So if you don’t want us to visit- don’t visit Cali (they have same situation), NY (devastation in tourism is real there), Chicago (talk about murder capital), how about South Africa and any country that has a safari?, or Italy (no one is kind to their culture), Mexico/Peru/Costa Rica (some tourist litter), Thailand/Japan/China (some will go to sacred sites and take selfies)- in China people have gone to the forest that people are known to kill themselves and there is a heavy presence of iwu there.

Staying in one place for the rest of your entire life, never visiting, and being a RESPONSIBLE tourist that shows respect to the culture and locals-to get an understanding of the atrocities they’ve gone through but also appreciate the wildlife is also irresponsible.

That leads to people thinking they are the best because they are close minded. No country or culture is clean and perfect throughout history. While people that don’t appreciate your culture should never come, those that want to learn and educate themselves should. Therefore they can learn the world is far greater from themselves. To appreciate nature, to see the depletion of coral reefs and that 90% will be gone by 2050. Someone from a landlocked state or country may read/hear this, but if someone they trust tells them this isn’t true who are they to believe if they don’t see it with their own eyes.

We need to protect the world and show the devastation that man has created. Creating travel semesters where tourists may not travel that way everything can recover a bit may be helpful. However, we can’t stop everyone from visiting new places. That would be along the same parallel as banning books and erasing history. Humans need to know their history so we can try not to repeat itself-even though history repeats itself all the time. However that’s just my take on it.


I don’t think any of the angry haoles commenting on this blog post are even reading it. The post is called “Hawaii doesn’t WANT tourists.” All these idiot commenters talking about how tourism is 21% of Hawai’is economy when one simple Google search will tell you Hawaiis native people don’t see any of that money. The money might as well not even go there at all.

Reading the comment from the deplorable human saying they’ll laugh in the rear view of their mustang, I hope your plane doesn’t make it.

It is absolutely valid for Hawaiians to ask for money and tell you not to come. We owe them reparations for stealing their land and holding their queen hostage. I encourage the author of the blog post to not approve any more ignorant comments from idiots.

The people who are comparing tourists in San Diego and nantucket to tourism in hawaii has to be a joke. Or any of the “native Las Vegas person here!” Like no you’re not. The indigenous people of that place are long gone because of you. Native Hawaiians are experiencing colonization and the killing of their people RIGHT NOW and you uneducated tourists don’t want to listen. Why do tourists not want to be told that they aren’t welcome?

Biggest colonizer mentality. I’m so sorry for the rude comments. This blog post has every right to complain about tourist. Maybe they’re offended because the blog post is accurate. If you guys weren’t stepping on heiau and moving there and asking for local discounts and having the biggest level of entitlement I’ve ever seen, they wouldn’t be having their conversations. STAY OUT OF HAWAII. You’re obviously not wanted.

Why do most of the hate comments have fake emails? If you’re going to say that sh*t, say it with your name and don’t be a coward.


The gods reply was wildfires.


“If you like Hawaii, f*ck off. We would still appreciate your money, so please donate to these charities while still f*cking off. Did we mention to f*CK off?”



I appreciate reading this article as I’ve read and learned much about the history of Hawaii in the past weeks. In addition, I learned more about the history of Hawaii during one of my tours in Hawaii in Oahu specifically last month. I did visit Hawaii, and I respected the land and fell in love with it. I didn’t know anything about the history until I got there. The tour guides are incredibly informative and it saddens me to learn this on vacation!

I never felt unwelcome. In fact, they make you feel so happy and welcome they make you want to return over and over again if you could. I tried to eat local as much as I could, and tipped as best I could.

Time has passed since I returned home, and as I’m settling in, and trying to find ways to help Maui even after donating some money,

I worked three jobs for a year and a half to save money just to take my 18-year-old autistic son because he begged me to go to Oahu when he graduated high school.

I wish I knew then what I know because while I want to help you preserve your culture and land, I also don’t want to be somewhere I not considered a “colonizer “ as if I was not alive over 100 years ago and created the current situation. I’m the daughter of immigrants!

I never knew that the money I was spending there wasn’t helping anyone!

I respect your feelings and the land, and empathize with the hardship in Hawaii, and especially with what Maui is experiencing right now.

To the people that are speaking harshly to the innocent people in the mainland, remember, tone is everything and there are many people on this side that are really looking out and want to do better and help on your side. They want to help and make change for you. Just like there are a handful of people that are rude, there’s a huge outpouring of people that are kind helpful and just want to be there and be kind and hopeful.

Lastly, as we can see many people visit Hawaii, and even when I was there, it’s not only people from the mainland, I can’t tell you how many Japanese were they are spending a fortune in the malls and stores. According to a tour guide, much of the revenue from the Ala Moana Mall goes education in Oahu.

I’m sure people from the mainland will slowly stop visiting Hawaii. Just remember, as I previously stated, it’s not just people from the mainland, while I was there the majority of people that were there weren’t even from the United States. There were so many different languages being spoken, There are people from all around the world visiting, trying to embrace that beautiful culture and island.

I came home with this wonderful feeling of how wonderful the Hawaiian people are with so many beautiful things to say about them. How wonderful they treated me how beautiful your land is …. Feelings of positive energy and grace…

Those feelings quickly went away after seeing all those rude comments on social media. Please don’t come back at me and say that I’m comparing or being inconsiderate my about the disaster because what happened in Maui was a horrible act of nature and I was already home and trying to help from here!

What the people in Maui are doing in unity is an act of humanity, which is what happens after destruction. When the government gets their sh*t together (damage is accounted for) humanity takes over first! Keep in mind, iyou already see they don’t let go of tourism dollars, do you think they’re gonna let go of the money that people are donating right away or the things that people are bringing in barges involved right away. They need to account for everything every last thing. The bigger the bulk, the longer it takes to count and that is truly sad. Government sucks anywhere and everywhere – in Hawaii, New York, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Greece, Peru …anywhere.!!! stay strong,!! Stay united because that’s what destruction does show you your strength. You’re a strong as your problem!

Regardless of how your people have made me feel now, I still pray for everyone’s well-being


Interesting perspective. But let’s not forget Hawaii is currently an official US State and US citizens from anywhere have a right to visit as we please. Now I do not intend to mean that we should do as we please when there. I am a responsible tourist and respect both nature and people whenever I travel with my family. Your unwelcoming attitude along with others locals is quite ridiculous. You do not own the land. No one does. I pay federal taxes that are currently going to be used to rebuild Maui. You’re not going to stop me from visiting whenever I want to and quite frankly I don’t care if you hold up a sign telling me to go home. I’ll laugh at you in the rear view mirror of my mustang convertible.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a disrespectful person, but if my family is facing disrespect from a local while we are spending our hard earned dollars on our family vacation – I’ll fight back.

You should spend some time learning about the economics of your home island and you’d know that 80% of your economy is either directly or indirectly supported by tourism. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

And don’t tell me (a responsible and respectful tourist) where I can and cannot vacation. You just sound stupid. The audacity to list charities for helping Hawaii and at the same time telling us to go home. Get a clue. See you on my next trip and I am praying for the people of Lahaina currently.


I and my family went to Hawaii in1999. My parents also went in 1997 and we all enjoyed it very much. Well, if what I just read is true, I have just too much respect and appreciation to ever return. How deplorable and intrusive. I’m very sorry for that, and also for the comments of any rude bloggers.

Aaron Williams

End-stage capitalism and global over population are both core issues here.
Plus many powerful people are simply not that nice.


This article makes some very broad assumptions. First, I could say the same thing where I’m from in Southern California. My “sleepy” little beach town in North San Diego was considered a “working class” town before urban sprawl and the influx of people moving South from both the Bay Area as well as LA Counties. Our home prices are currently up over 500% from around 1999-2000. I wish no one would come to where I live but unfortunately population growth coupled with low cost travel has affected us all. Additionally, people want to visit areas of the US that are beautiful (weather, beaches, etc).

This article downplays the importance of tourism dollars into the local economy. Tourism is greater that 20% of Hawaii’s economy and is its largest industry. Without it, roads, schools, jobs would be greatly affected just from the tax revenue alone.

“Tourism is the largest single source of private capital for Hawai’i’s economy. In 2019, Hawai’i’s tourism economy has recorded. ➢ State Tax Revenue: $2.07 billion (1.4%,$28.5 million YOY versus 2018). ➢ Visitor Arrivals: 10,424,995 (+5.4% YOY versus 2018).”

While it may be wishful thinking, tourism is only going to increase and like I experienced in my not-so-small anymore So Cal town, you better learn to make lemonade out of the lemons you are referencing in you are going to be in for a lifetime of disappointment.


I am appalled at the ignorant comments on this blog post. Before you comment anything, did you even read the article? Native people are asking you not to come? DONT COME. Are you stupid? Colonization isn’t okay now and it never has been. Tourism dollars obviously don’t help native people. It’s not that hard to understand. The comment saying you’re booking a flight to Maui, you’re disgusting. Stay home. They are suffering right now and don’t want or need you.


It seems a little short sighted to think tourism isn’t needed for the local economies, even if you aren’t in an industry supported by it. However, being someone who works in the hospitality industry, I understand lots of people are just not respectful in general, and although it’s not the majority, they are the ones who are remembered. I can understand why the locals would feel this way. We will be visiting in a few weeks and tried to be mindful of booking tours with locally owned companies and will try to eat at locally owned places. We will most definitely be respectful of the lands and traditions as we are merely guests in someone else’s home.

Jonathan Matte

It’s sad what they have done to Hawaii, and they are trying to do the SAME THING to Puerto Rico, but don’t get it twisted. At the end of the day, we are Latinos and if we ousted a Governor, trust and believe that we will fight this.


That’s okay I’ve been there before several yrs ago & never really cared for it way too humid & people there seemed rude just like the person in this article who doesn’t want us there & says all the other locals don’t want us there but now since your state is being blown away from the wildfires don’t expect the rest of the states then to help you out financially. Your paradise state can help itself out, I’m done with states & countries with a disaster & talks about tourists behind their back saying they don’t want them there then beg us for financial help when they have a disaster well you Hawaiian people can help your ownselves out. I’m done with haters, kidnappers, thieves, murderers & rude, mean belligerent people!!!! And here I was going to send you a big donation for your fire in Maui but guess what honey? I’ve decided not to after reading this nasty awful article. Good luck with all the wildfires going on there I’m sure they’ll be plenty more.


This rhetoric of “people should stay away” can be said about any place that has been colonized and locals being priced out. It’s not only a Hawaiian thing. I mean if we’re going to get into colonization then Mexican/Indigenous people shouldn’t be priced out of their homes in California. Telling people to stay away or not live there is just unfair. I truly understand these concerns and wholeheartedly agree disrespectful people & social media are a problem. Maybe instead of getting angry with tourists teach them Hawaii’s beautiful culture and history (even the part where the US stole the land which is always a sad story)


Proud Polynesians deserve to be independent if they never rallied to join the USA. Arresting their Queen and handing out land to Dole and all the other morally bankrupt business people who “developed” Hawaii is a wound that never healed in the Hawaiian people! They can immigrate to the USA if they want to and visa requirements SHOULD exist both ways imo. It’s been years of “we can’t stand the USA” so let’s pay rent for the bases and just get the hell outta there.

Marta Solomon

I’ve read many studies done on the environment in Hawaii. I totally believe that tourism is hurting Hawaii. Go somewhere else in vacation. So many beautiful places to visit and explore.


No worries, you got your wish. No one will be coming to Maui anymore.


Don’t come here, but we want your money. That’s about the gist of it. Even more so with Maui on fire. Like another country wouldn’t just take them over if they weren’t part of the US. Aloha my ass.


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