How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (2024)

How to Grow Strawberries from Seed: A Step-by-Step Guide

Growing strawberries from seed is a rewarding way to start your own strawberry plants from scratch. While it takes longer than planting strawberry starts or runners, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of watching your seeded strawberries develop into healthy plants that provide berries for years to come. Here are the basics on growing strawberries by seed.

Gather High-Quality Strawberry Seeds

To grow strawberries successfully from seed, you’ll need seed that’s fresh, viable, and true-to-type. From my experience, the easiest way is to collect seeds yourself from fresher, more flavorful berries you’ve grown or purchased. You can also buy seed online, but quality varies. Look for seed labeled as “freshly harvested” for the best germination rates.

To extract the seeds, cut berries in half and scrape out the seeds with a teaspoon. Spread them on a paper towel to air dry for a week. Store dried seeds in an airtight container in the fridge until planting time.

Prepare Seed Starting Mix and Containers

Strawberry seeds need a loose, well-draining growing medium to sprout. I find seed starting mix works well, as it retains moisture without becoming soggy. You can also make your own by mixing coarse sand or perlite into potting soil. For containers, plastic seed trays or biodegradable pots work fine.

Plant Seeds and Care for Seedlings

In late winter or early spring when nights are still cold but days are warmer, sow seeds 1/8 inch deep in containers. Water gently with a spray bottle as needed to keep the soil moist but not soaked. Within 10-21 days, you should start to see tiny seedlings emerge.

Place containers in a warm, bright spot with protection from direct sun, which can scorch tender leaves. A greenhouse or indoor seedling lights work great. As plants grow, move containers gradually into full sun. Keep soil constantly moist while seedlings are small.

How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (1)

Transplant Seedlings to the Garden

Most gardeners transplant strawberry seedlings to the garden the following spring, once nighttime lows stay above freezing. Here are some tips:

  1. Harden off seedlings for at least 2 weeks before transplanting by setting them outside in partial shade during the day and bringing them in at night.
  2. Pick a spot in full sun with well-draining soil amended with compost.
  3. Space plants 12-18 inches apart in rows 2-3 feet wide.
  4. Water well after planting and use mulch to keep soil moist and weeds at bay.

Provide Care Through the Growing Season

Strawberries need consistent moisture as they take off. I always lay down soaker hoses beneath mulch to water efficiently. Fertilize monthly with a balanced organic product like compost tea. Watch for pests and diseases, treating problems promptly for the healthiest plants.

Runners will form later in summer as plants become established. You can remove these or let them root to start new plants. Expect your first berries one year after transplanting. Yields will increase over subsequent seasons as the plants mature.

Enjoy Your Homegrown Strawberries!

Growing strawberries from seed, while more time-consuming initially, gives you the unique satisfaction of starting plants from scratch. I’ve had some plants produce for 5-7 years—talk about amazing homegrown flavor! So if you’re looking for a fun gardening project, give starting your strawberries from seed a try. The wait will be worth it for fresh-picked berries with no chemicals.

Additional Common Questions:

How long until I can eat the berries? Most seed-started strawberries will fruit 1-2 years after transplanting as the plants establish robust root systems and crowns.

How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (2)

Will my seedlings survive winter outdoors? It depends on your climate. In colder zones, protect overwintering seedlings with mulch or move pots to an unheated structure like a cold frame.

What varieties are best for starting from seed? June-bearing varieties like ‘Earliglow’ transplant well. Everbearing types may take longer to fruit but produce all season.

The seeds didn’t sprout. Now what? Don’t give up! Some seed isn’t viable. Try sowing another batch. Keep soil moist until radicle emerges.

Can I start new plants from runners? Yes, runners are a very effective means of propagation. Cut them, dip in rooting hormone, and plant in pots. Roots should form within 4 weeks.

I hope this guide on growing strawberries from seed answers your questions thoroughly. Please let me know if you have any other! Wishing you bountiful berries.

Strawberry Growth Stages from Seed to Plant

Germination10-14 daysSeed starts to sprout and a small green plant emerges from the soil.
Vegetative Growth4-6 weeksPlant develops roots and leaves. Make sure soil stays moist.
Flowering6-8 monthsWhite/pink flowers bloom on the strawberry plant. Bees help with pollination.
Fruit Development1-2 months after floweringFertilized flowers develop into red strawberry fruits. Expect first harvest.
Additional HarvestsThroughout growing seasonPlants continue producing fruits until first frost. Enjoy extra strawberries!


  1. What kind of seeds can I use to grow strawberries?

    You can basically use seeds from strawberries you buy at the store. Remove the seeds from ripe berries and let them dry. Store them in a cool, dry place until planting time.

    How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (3)

  2. When should I plant strawberry seeds?

    The best time is early spring, sort of like March or April. The soil should be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit. At the same time, avoid planting too early before the last frost date in your area.

  3. How do I plant strawberry seeds?

    Prepare seed starting mix or potting soil in small containers. Place a few seeds 1/4 inch deep in each container and lightly cover with soil. Water gently. Maintain consistent moisture until seeds sprout in 1-2 weeks.

  4. Where should I plant strawberry seeds?

    Strawberries like full sun, so pick a spot with at least 6 hours of direct sun each day. The soil should be well-draining but retain moisture. Add compost or other organic matter to improve your garden’s soil before planting.

  5. How do I care for young strawberry plants?

    Provide young plants with even moisture. Use a sprinkler or watering can without disturbing the soil surface. Keep weeds under control by mulching. Fertilize monthly through summer. Support runners to develop more plants! Perhaps transplant seedlings outside after the last frost.

  6. When will my strawberry seeds produce berries?

    Strawberry plants usually take their first year to develop a strong root system. You may see a few small berries the following summer. However, the third season is when most varieties will yield a good harvest if grown and cared for properly. On the other hand, some early varieties can fruit that second year.

  7. What pests and diseases affect strawberries?

    Slugs, snails and birds often damage strawberry plants. Use barriers or repellents to protect young plants. Once established, strawberries can be vulnerable to leaf spot, root rot and red stele diseases. Check with your local extension office for preventative spraying or organic controls.

    How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (4)

How to Grow Strawberries From Seed: A Complete Guide for Beginners - (UPDATE 👍) (2024)
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