How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (2024)

Anyone can sing is the short answer to the question of how to sing a song!

Whether your voice graces the shower or the stage, you are always a Rockstar of the show. Of course, some people are more skilled than others, but with a little pinch of practice and dedication, you can also sing like a nightingale.

So if you have just googled “How to sing?” or “How to begin singing?”, then this blog is just for you!

It may feel like there are going to be a lot of things to remember as you start to learn to sing but don’t worry, soon the fundamentals will become your second language. Once you start the learning process, you will begin to notice the smoothness and the sheerness of your voice. All it takes is some effective guidance and continuous practice.

Let’s get started!

Find Your Vocal Range

Vocal range is an assessment of how low or high a vocalist can sing. I bet even you would get frustrated when you can’t mimic your favourite artists’ songs. Rather sound like elevator music, all boring and monotonous? Meh… So the solution is to be comfortable in your own skin, and find your own Vocal range with the help of a vocal coach or self-analysis. It’s time for you to know, How to find your vocal range:

  1. Start by playing middle C on the piano. (Don’t have a piano? You can always use the Riyaz app to find your vocal range.)
  2. Then produce ‘ahh’ sound along as you move up and down the notes.
  3. Write the last note you can sing clearly and comfortably as your highest and lowest notes by moving up and down the piano.

Now the moment of truth, you should have two numbers and letters written down. For Example, Ariana Grande’s vocal range is four octaves and a whole step, approximately D3 – B5 – E7. Refer to the guide below to find which range and voice type.

Voice TypeNotesRange
SopranoB3- A5High range of the female voice
Mezzo-sopranoA3- G5Middle range of female voice
AltoG3- F5Low range of female voice
TrebleA3- A5Children who have not gone through puberty
TenorC3- C5Highest male voice type
BaritoneA2- A5Middle range of male singers
BassE2- E4Lowest male voice type

Once you’ve defined your voice on paper, now it’s time to learn about Vocal Warm-Ups.

How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (1)

Vocal Warm-Up

One of the biggest enemies of a singer is vocal strain. If your voice is strained when you sing, no matter what you sing it will not sound pleasant to the listener. So it’s important to have a warm-up routine that can include various vocal exercises. As a beginner, our main focus should be to develop stability on each and every note. This quick singing warm-up can be done in just 5 minutes, and it should become an inherent part of your practice routine.

We will start with –Sa– (Indian musical notes) and will add one note at a time. Whichever note is added, that note alone will be extended. And we will rest on that note, let’s say for 3 counts.

Practice along with us-

Sa (3 counts)

Sa- Re (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga-Ma (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga-Ma-Pa (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga-Ma-Pa-Dha (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga-Ma-Pa-Dha-Ni (3 counts)

Sa- Re-Ga-Ma-Pa-Dha-Ni-Sa (3 counts)

Once you are comfortable with the exercise you can move ahead with increasing the number of counts one by one and this will help you with warming up your vocal cords, expanding your lungs, and making your lips and tongue ready for advanced singing.

How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (2)

Breathing Exercises

Have you ever tried singing without breathing? If you’re trying it right now, I’m sure you won’t be able to go past 30 seconds. Breathing plays a crucial role while singing, just like fuel plays for a vehicle. Therefore, you need to perform breathing exercises in order to better control the pitch and duration of your singing.

Here’s what you can inculcate in your daily exercises-

  • Breathe in and exhale making an ‘ah’ sound. With the help of a stopwatch, note how long you can exhale. You can start out quiet and finish loud and then vice versa.
  • Light and hold a candle in front of your face. Take a deep breath and exhale, as you exhale blow gently on the flame so it flickers but is not blown out at the same time. Continue until you are out of breath and try to stay relaxed and sit upright throughout.
  • Breathe in and exhale very slowly to a ‘hiss’ sound. Include the sounds of ‘h’ and ‘ssssssss’ and try stretching it as much as you can for better results.
  • Experiment and even you can create some of your own breath control exercises.

As now your anatomy is in place, we can further move up to your body posture.


What is the most common mistake a singer makes? It’s their Wrong Posture.

A Good Posture is where you have an aligned spine, feet straight facing outside, relaxed jaw, neck straight parallel to your shoulders and joints not bent; irrespective of the fact whether you are sitting while singing or not.

It won’t be easy to correct your slouchy posture habits, but keep practising as a balanced posture optimises your singing, resulting in a better-sounding and easier-to-produce voice.

Know more about various vocal exercises to practice to win your game of postures.

How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (3)

Vocal Health

Your vocal cords are precious and should be well taken care of. Singing is not just about singing beautifully but singing smartly. Your voice is arguably the most important instrument of singing and the most injury prone too. It may seem difficult to give your chords the break they deserve but thankfully we have a list of vocal health solutions that might help.

  • Warming up and cooling down your voice before and after singing
  • Drinking Plenty of Water
  • Using Natural Throat Products
  • Do not force your throat
  • Getting quality sleep
  • Taking vocal naps
  • Breathe through your nose

Once you know the vocal health tips, you can put them all together to improve your voice and elevate your singing abilities.

Practice to Sing

Have you ever passed an exam without studying? If your answer is yes, then congratulations my friend, you are a lucky Chad. But what if your luck stood you up? It is not possible to become a master vocalist by doing breathing and vocal exercises just once. These exercises and methods should be practised on a regular basis to make sure that your vocal cords are warmed up and stay strong before you begin to sing a song.

This does not mean that you have to practice for back-breaking hours all at once. A tired voice is not mesmerising. If possible then set aside a specific time every day for practice. It is best to practice for multiple short-duration sessions rather than a single long session. For instance, practice from 8-8:15, 10-10:05, and 12-12:05 every day.

You have to be persistent and disciplined to acquire the art of singing.

Sing Along to Songs

Now comes the easiest step. Singing! To make sure everything is moving in the right direction, we will now sing to the songs and practice.

  • Singing along with songs is an effective method to be comfortable with the vocals.
  • Try to sing a song without any music backing. This will let you know how deeply you understand the highs and lows of the music.
  • Sing along to the songs you love with a voice recorder nearby. Observe after recording whether you are singing in tune or not. You will be amazed to hear how truly your voice sounds than how you imagined it to be.

We have brought together a list of songs you can practice as a beginner which will let you experience a rollercoaster of vocals and genres.

How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (4)

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Public Performance

Humming in your bedroom is entirely different from singing in front of an audience. If you’re serious about becoming a singer, you’ll have to get used to singing in front of a large crowd. The most important thing which adds grace to your performance is your Confidence. If you are confidently rooted on the stage with a relaxed presence, you are inviting the audience in and showcasing an engaging performance. Don’t let anything hold you back. The more you perform on a platform, the more you will realise that this is where you belong.

No matter where this musical journey takes you, remember to have fun and sing your heart out.

Staying Motivated and Improve

The essence of the magical journey of music is motivation and improvement. If there exists no motivation, there is no song. Practice sessions should be fun and energetic rather than being more of a ‘have to do’. Create your own warm-up routines, try singing with nonsensical words, and make a silly single warm-up song. It will be helpful when you spend a part of your session practising, performing in front of an audience.

Learning to sing can sometimes be overwhelming. There are no guides on “how to be a good singer instantly”. It just takes plenty of patience, motivation and the desire to learn and improve every day.

How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (5)

Get Guidance

While singing is a natural phenomenon, it’s a skill that still can be developed and improved with the right training and guidance. There is no such ‘perfect’ place when it comes to learning to sing, it is all about being comfortable in your environment, especially in the beginning when you are building your confidence.

If you can invest in growing your skill then you can always get guidance from a good teacher. But what if I tell you that you can start from the very second with a vocal coach who is always available to you in your pocket?! Yes, you heard it Right! You can download the Riyaz App and get (app features) for Free

Happy Singing!

Most frequently asked questions

Can anyone learn to sing?

Yes, anyone can learn to sing. Singing is a skill that can be developed with practice, dedication, and proper guidance. While some individuals may have a natural talent or inclination towards singing, it doesn’t mean others cannot learn. Vocal techniques, breath control, pitch accuracy, and expression can be taught and improved upon with training. With consistent practice, anyone can improve their singing abilities and enjoy the process of learning to sing.

How to sing a song for beginners?

For beginners, start by selecting a song with a simple melody and range that matches your vocal abilities. Begin with vocal warm-up exercises to prepare your voice. Focus on proper breathing techniques, posture, and vocal placement. Break down the song into smaller sections and practice them individually. Pay attention to the pronunciation and clarity of the lyrics. Record yourself singing to identify areas for improvement. Seek feedback from a vocal coach or experienced singer. Practice regularly and be patient with yourself as you develop your singing skills.

How to sing a song step by step?

To sing a song step by step, start by choosing a song that suits your vocal range and style. Listen to the song carefully to familiarize yourself with the melody and lyrics. Practice breathing exercises to improve breath control. Warm up your voice with vocal exercises to loosen up your vocal cords. Break down the song into smaller sections and practice each section separately. Work on pronunciation, diction, and phrasing. Pay attention to dynamics, rhythm, and expression. Practice regularly to build muscle memory and improve your singing technique.

How to sing a song perfectly?

Achieving perfection in singing is subjective and challenging. However, you can strive to sing a song exceptionally well by following these steps:

  • Choose a song that suits your vocal range and style.
  • Practice regularly to develop muscle memory and refine your technique.
  • Focus on breath control, pitch accuracy, and vocal dynamics.
  • Pay attention to pronunciation, diction, and phrasing.
  • Seek feedback from a vocal coach or experienced singer to identify areas for improvement.
  • Record yourself singing and analyze the recordings to spot any flaws.
  • Perform in front of an audience to gain confidence and experience.
  • Remember, perfection is a journey, and each performance is an opportunity to grow and improve as a singer.

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  • How to sing better than others? Strategies no one will ever tell you!
  • How to sing? Everything you need to know to start your singing journey
  • How to Breathe while Singing: Breath Control Techniques
  • Singing Exercises: Importance of Vocal Warmups


How to sing a song? – Easy songs to sing to get you started - Riyaz (2024)


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How to riyaz at home ?
  1. STEP 1 : Warm up your vocal chord. Select your scale in which you are comfortable and start singing OM ( ॐ ) for each note. ...
  2. STEP 2 : Alankar and its aakaar practice. Now, let's understand the main pillar of indian classical music i.e Alankars. ...
  3. STEP 3 : Raaga practice. ...
  4. STEP 4 : Song practice.
Jun 17, 2020

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  1. Step #1: The Right Posture for Singing.
  2. Step #2: Breath Support.
  3. Step #3: Sing on Pitch.
  4. Step #4: Learn to Project.
  5. Step #5: Sing in Chest Voice.
  6. Step #6: Sing in Head Voice.
  7. Step #7: Sing with a Mix of Chest and Head.
  8. Step #8: Teach Yourself to Belt.

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Start with Aakar (Aa sound). In Aakar, tongue should be placed comfortably near the teeth and the mouth should be opened up in an egg shape. And while singing, our mouth should not close.

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Riyaz is a very important part of a singer's routine. If you desire to be a great singer, you must do riyaz daily. This will help improve your singing skills and also help you to get rid of inconsistencies in singing.

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Always sing from your diaphragm

To master your singing voice, you'll want to learn how to sing using your diaphragm. To do this: You'll want to locate your diaphragm muscles and practice breathing into your diaphragm. Try prioritizing airflow to your vocal cords and strengthening your support.

What is the fastest way to learn to sing? ›

If you're a beginner who wants to start learning how to sing, here's what you should do:
  1. Listen to and imitate the greats.
  2. Take lessons with a qualified Voice Teacher.
  3. Practice vocal warmups and exercises.
  4. Join a chorus in your community or at your school.
  5. Practice singing on your own.
Mar 30, 2024

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Even if you have a “bad” singing voice in the beginning, the truth is that once you understand the basics and establish good practice routines, you'll become a much better singer. You'll also come to appreciate the uniqueness of your voice! Here are 3 tips to remember when deciding whether you should pursue singing.

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Dawn (early morning , before sunrise , 4:00 am to 5:00am) is the best suitable time for Riyaz.

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First 1 hour:
  1. For starters, one should practise 'long notes (swaras)'. ...
  2. Practise the scale from the 'Mandra (lower) Pancham' to the 'Taar (upper) Saptak Pancham'. ...
  3. Play each of the recommended 'Alankars' twice. ...
  4. The practice of Kana/Meend Swar is very important. ...
  5. There are different types of 'Gamaks'.

How do you breathe when singing for beginners? ›

Learn to Sing: Breathing
  1. Breathe deeply from your lower lungs - imagine a rubber ring around your waist (your diaphragm)
  2. Breathe in and try to push the ring outwards.
  3. Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose and mouth.
  4. Avoid raising your shoulders as you breathe in - keep them relaxed and level.
  5. Relax!

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.