King Cotton (2024)

The title, King Cotton, comes fromthe fact that cotton was the major export of the United States in the early1800s just prior to the Civil War time frame. By the 1850s, the cotton grown, shipped, and sold by southerners was worth more than all the rest of America's exports put together.

As the primary crop, cotton overtook tobacco, which had been planted and depleted many of the minerals in the soil. When the Constitution was ratified and went into effect in 1789, tobacco was the most important crop grown in the South. Also, Thomas Jefferson and many other people, in the South as well as the North, thought that slavery would soon disappear in the United States. However, the invention of the cotton engine (shortened to "gin") revolutionized cotton production. Cotton became the most valuablecrop grown at that time—the intrinsic value of cotton then iscomparable to the intrinsic value of oil today. It became an economic as well as politicalinstrument.

Early History of Cotton

When the Spanish explorer Coronado visited Florida in 1540-42, American Indians were seen growing cotton. The Spaniards even raised their own crop. However, when America was settled in the 1600s, there waslittle or no cotton plants to be found. Though some cottonwas planted along the James River near the Jamestown settlement, England maintained anembargo on cotton from the American colonies in order to maintain herown sheep and wool industry. So, during the colonial period, cotton was not prevalent nor was itconsidered a necessary staple for life. Until the Revolutionary War time frame in the late 1700s, manyproducts and goods were imported from England, like fabrics for clothing,curtains, cloths and other household goods. Crop production was reserved for food production and familiar European staples, like tobacco. In 1790, Samuel Slater developed America's first cotton mill in Rhode Island, but he needed a lot more cotton to make his business work. So, Whitney's cotton gin invention becomes even more important and timely.

As the United States grew, immigrates increased, coming fromother countries and the West Indies and bringing with them familiar plants. In thismanner the cotton plant varieties were imported to the United States; theyadapted well to America's southern climate and soil. There were two types of cotton: upland and sea island. Though the sea island variety was of better quality, it could only be grown on the mainland. Upland cotton was favored because it could grow almost anywhere, but the seeds were hard to remove. Cotton did not require machinery to grow, so small farmers and large landowners could grow it. Again, Whitney's cotton gin invention becomes even more important as it helped to increase production.

Cotton Production

King Cotton (1)

Harvesting cotton required an excessiveamount of manual labor. The boll of the plant had to be picked by hand becauseno other gathering method had been yet invented. It was a tedious task to evenwalk the hot southern fields gathering the bolls, but even more tediousattempting to separate the dark colored seeds from the cotton lint. Separationof the seed was done at the end of the day, and usually only a pound or two ofthe cotton lint was separated.

King Cotton (2)

King Cotton, Library of Congress panorama photograph, published c1907. Life in the cotton fields did not change much in the 50 years prior to this photo during the Civil War time frame. Nearby the large fields of cotton, slave families lived in one-room wooden shacks or houses, which often had only a fire hearth for cooking and heating, but did not contain indoor plumbing.

King Cotton (3)

Cotton Bolls

Upland cotton fiber (inset photo), growsin a round shape seed pod, called boll. When ready to pick, the cotton fiberbursts out, leaving pieces of hard shell on the outside and many black seedshidden inside the white fiber, called cotton or lint, which protects the seeds.

Although cotton production continued during theCivil War, its impact was reduced mainly because of the Union blockade; however, its status is revealing in thephoto and caption below from FrankLeslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1865, which shows a cotton shipment being prepared for shipment to New York.

King Cotton (4)

"To the Victors belong theSpoils!"

Thiscelebrated saying of an arch-Democrat has been acted upon by the U S.Government, for the cotton captured in Savannah, amounting to over 30.000 bales,equal to $30,000,000, has been transhiped [sic] to New York (Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,February 25, 1865) (author's note: $30 million in 1865 is equal to about $425 million in 2013.)

Eli Whitney

ThoughEli Whitney was only 60 years old when he died in 1825, he left an indeliblemark on the history of the United States. As a child of America's War for Independence, having beenborn in 1765, he displayed a creative yet independent personality, a trait notuncommon with early settlers of America's wilderness. Whitney's father, a farmer, was a person ofmeans. In his leisure made things for his neighbors and maintained good standing in the community of Westboro, Massachusetts.

Like his father, young Whitney had a passion for tools and tinkering. As a childWhitney was credited with making a violin, and as a teenager during theRevolutionary War years, he made and sold hand-made nails. After teaching for several years in nearbyrural communities, he attended Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut, using his mechanical abilities to do odd jobs to help pay his expenses.

Whitney's Invention

Whitney graduated from Yale in 1792, wanting to either teachor practice law, but he had to support himself while he studied for his bar exam. A tentative teaching position did not materialize in the South where he had traveled to work; however, through Phineas Miller, also a Yale graduate and former tutor in the area, Whitney obtained a position tutoring the children of Catherine and General Nathanael Greene on their plantation, called Mulberry Grove, near Savannah, Georgia. General Greene, a respected military leader in the War for Independence, had recently died. General Greene had serve throughout the North and also had a connection to Yale.

King Cotton (5)

Watching the cotton picking and production process on the Greene plantation, Whitney saw the problem of separating seeds from the cotton lint and quickly began to tinker to find a solution. Whitney describes the making of his cotton engine in 1763. In a letter to his father, Whitney writes,"Inabout ten Days I made a little model, for which I was offered, if I would giveup all right and title to it, a Hundred Guineas. I concluded to relinquish myschool and turn my attention to perfecting the Machine. I made one before Icame away which required the labor of one man to turn it and with which one manwill clean ten times as much cotton as he can in any other way before known andalso cleanse it much better than in the usual mode. This machine may be turnedby water or with a horse, with the greatest ease, and one man and a horse willdo more than fifty men with the old machines. It makes the labor fifty timesless, without throwing any class of People out of business."

King Cotton (6)

First Cotton Gin, Harpers Weekly, 1869. Illustrated is the event of over 50 years earlier showing a cotton gin in production; however, it shows a Roller Gin version rather than Whitney's Prong Spike invention.

The impact of Whitney's cotton gin invention was immediate. He had automated the seed removal process allowing workers to clean about 50 pounds of cotton a day. Work that had taken days to perform was now done in hours!

Unfortunately, the gin invention was not profitable. Whitney was granted a patent in 1794; he and Phineas Miller formed apartnership and returned to New Haven, Connecticut, to manufacture gins. Though several gin mills were set up in the South, Whitney and Miller charged farmers about two-fifths of their cotton that needed milling. The farmers immediately sawthe financial impact on their operations and resented taking their cotton to Whitney's mills for separation. The simple nature of his design allowed other people to more quickly make their own pirated versions of the gin mill, which were sold to landowners. Whitney and Miller became mired in patent infringement battles and struggled to make a profit; finally, they decided to license the design by selling patent rights to different states, like South Carolina, Tennessee and North Carolina. Though this tact was somewhat successful, payment was slow. With the cotton gin patent life span running out, Whitney petitioned Congress in 1812 to renew his patent.

King Cotton (7)

Cotton Gin patent drawing (left). The top of the illustration shows a side section view. The bottom of the illustration shows a top view. Cotton Gin Model (below) on display atthe Eli Whitney Museum, Hamden, Connecticut (a few miles outside NewHaven where Whitney attended Yale College). Cotton bolls are fed into the gin fromthe top right; the iron spikes or rods on the far right keep the fiberfrom falling down but are spaced apart. When the large central cylinderis turned to the left, counter-clockwise, the saw teeth pull the cottonlint through another set of spikes positioned in place but offset on thetop center support . The seeds cannot get through the top centersupport spikes, so they fall back through the spaces in the iron spikeson the far right. The lint emerges on the left and is pulled off the sawteeth and downward with the rotating brushes.

King Cotton (8)

The Gin's Legacy

After Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793, cotton grew in popularity and use and became a treasured worldwidecommodity in the early 1800s. By the time of the Civil War, cottonhad surpassed tobacco and become the nation's most popular crop. It was white gold. The northern textile mills had a great appetite for cotton from the South. Cotton was shipped to theindustrialized North as well as all over the world.

Cottoninfluenced financial and political decisions. Over time, cottongenerated great wealth for some of the southern landowners. From their great staple crops—mainly cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugar cane—southerners received much of their cash income. Most, though not all, of these staple crops were grown on large plantations, although many small subsistence farms existed also. The need for southernfarmers to find other fertile land on which to grow cotton, which had depletedthe minerals from local landscapes, enticed them westward into the landsincluded in the Louisiana Purchase.

Slavery becamereinvigorated as more labor was needed as cotton production increased. A large laborforce was needed for growing and harvesting. That labor force consisted mostly of cheap labor,like black slaves brought from Africa and the West Indies as well as some poor indenturedwhites who were treated much differently than blacks. Then, large southern land- and slave-owners wanted to protect theirmajor money source. Subsequently, pro- and anti-slavery beliefs split thenation and was a major cause of the Civil War.

According to the Eli Whitney Museum website:

Whitney (who died in 1825) could not have foreseen the ways in whichhis invention would change society for the worse. The most significantof these was the growth of slavery. While it was true that the cottongin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need forslaves to grow and pick the cotton. In fact, the opposite occurred.Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatlyincreased their demand for both land and slave labor. In 1790 there weresix slave states; in 1860 there were 15. From 1790 until Congressbanned the importation of slaves from Africa in 1808, Southernersimported 80,000 Africans. By 1860 approximately one in three Southernerswas a slave.

Whitney's invention also helpedto fuel America's later Industrial Revolution by automating the methodof separating seeds from the cotton lint.

TheIndustrial Revolution began in Englandin the late 1700s and spread to Europe and the United States. During this time,from about 1760 to about 1840, production of products and goods transitioned from being handmade to using machines. Keycatalysts that stimulated this the Industrial Revolution were inventions, such as the steamengine invented by James Watt in 1781, which harvested steam power; the sewingmachine invented by Thomas Saint in England in 1790, but improved later by AmericanElias Howe around 1845; and the cotton gin invented by American Eli Whitney in1793.

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King Cotton (2024)


What was the King Cotton argument? ›

Amongst these debates, the “Cotton is King,” of “King Cotton,” concept perforated into the Southern consciousness. Elites believed that the North would bow to Southern demands because of their reliance on Southern products in their manufacturing industry.

Why did southerners often say that Cotton is King? ›

King Cotton, phrase frequently used by Southern politicians and authors prior to the American Civil War, indicating the economic and political importance of cotton production.

What is the King Cotton in simple terms? ›

The most commonly used phrase describing the growth of the American economy in the 1830s and 1840s was “Cotton Is King.” We think of this slogan today as describing the plantation economy of the slavery states in the Deep South, which led to the creation of “the second Middle Passage.” But it is important to understand ...

What are three reasons that cotton became king in the South? ›

The huge demand for cotton, the efficiency offered by cotton gins, and southern planters' reliance on slave labor led to the growth of large plantations, each with many enslaved workers. By the 1850s, cotton plantations extended in a belt from South Carolina to Texas.

Why did King Cotton fail? ›

Cotton diplomacy, advocated by the Confederate diplomats James M. Mason and John Slidell, completely failed because the Confederacy could not deliver its cotton, and the British economy was robust enough to absorb a depression in textiles from 1862–64.

What was the goal of King Cotton? ›

King Cotton diplomacy

The diplomatic strategy was designed to coerce Great Britain, the most powerful nation in the world, into an alliance with the Confederacy by cutting off the supply of cotton, Britain's essential raw material for its dominant textile industry.

Was King Cotton diplomacy successful? ›

King Cotton diplomacy was not a successful policy. However, it is an important point in the history of the United States. The Confederacy attempted to utilize one of its economic strengths to force European countries to create beneficial policies. However, Great Britain had alternative sources of cotton.

Why did King Cotton fail the South quizlet? ›

South: could fight defensively behind interior lines, northerners would be at a disadvantage because they must enter southern territory to fight. Why did King Cotton fail the South? King Cotton failed because before the war the factions in Britain had overstocked in the fiber.

Why did James Henry Hammond say Cotton is King? ›

His speech, best known as “Cotton is King,” exemplified the powerful role of cotton in the American economy and the blurred lines between Southern slave labor and Northern industrial work. In all social systems there must be a class to do the menial duties, to perform the drudgery of life.

What killed King Cotton? ›

In 1861, the nascent Confederacy was totally dependent on this “King” of the economy, and it played a major role in the Confederacy's downfall. As the American War Between the States dragged on and the Union blockade on Confederate ports remained in place, cotton exports decreased from a mighty river to a trickle.

What was the result of the South's King Cotton diplomacy? ›

Ultimately, cotton diplomacy did not work in favor of the Confederacy; as European nations largely sought alternative markets to obtain cotton. In fact, the cotton embargo transformed into a self-embargo which restricted the Confederate economy.

Why did cotton get the nickname King Cotton? ›

The title, King Cotton, comes from the fact that cotton was the major export of the United States in the early 1800s just prior to the Civil War time frame. By the 1850s, the cotton grown, shipped, and sold by southerners was worth more than all the rest of America's exports put together.

Why do you think cotton was so important to the South's economy? ›


Indeed, the production of cotton brought the South more firmly into the larger American and Atlantic markets. Northern mills depended on the South for supplies of raw cotton that was then converted into textiles.

Why did Southerners often say that Cotton is King quizlet? ›

expression used by Southern authors and orators before the Civil War to indicate the economic dominance of the Southern cotton industry, and that the North needed the South's cotton. In a speech to the Senate in 1858, James Hammond declared, "You daren't make war against cotton!... Cotton is king!"

Why was cotton so easy to grow in the South? ›

In order to grow properly, cotton requires a warm climate, so the American south is the ideal place for it to be harvested. In the 1730s, England began using American cotton as part of its clothing industry. The cotton from the American south was shipped overseas so the English could spin it into clothing and textiles.

What is the argument of the empire of cotton? ›

The book argues persuasively that slavery was integral to the continued expansion of industrial capitalism in the 19th century and portrays a system based on the combination of new technology, capital investment and coercion.

Why was cotton so important during slavery? ›

Cotton transformed the United States, making fertile land in the Deep South, from Georgia to Texas, extraordinarily valuable. Growing more cotton meant an increased demand for slaves. Slaves in the Upper South became incredibly more valuable as commodities because of this demand for them in the Deep South.

What is the controversy with Senator cotton? ›

Tom Cotton faces backlash for repeatedly asking TikTok's CEO about his citizenship. At a Senate hearing on online child safety, Cotton had asked Shou Zi Chew, who is Singaporean, multiple times about his residency, nationality and relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Sen.

What was the significance of King Cotton Apush? ›

The phrase "King Cotton" highlighted the economic power and influence of the cotton industry, and it was often used by Southern politicians and leaders to justify the maintenance and expansion of the institution of slavery.

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