Possible Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen to Basic Commands - Upstate Canine Academy (2024)

Having a well-behaved dog who listens and reacts to simple commands is not only crucial for their safety, but it also strengthens your bond with your canine partner. However, it can be aggravating when your dog won’t listen to the most basic commands. If you find yourself in this circ*mstance, your dog may not be listening for a variety of reasons. Understanding these possible causes might assist you in identifying the underlying issues and working to improve your dog’s obedience.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the most prevalent causes of your dog’s disobedience, from training methods and environmental distractions to physical health issues and behavioral issues.

Lack of Proper Training Techniques

When it comes to training your dog, remember that patience is essential. Take the time to teach them each command step by step, and thank them for their accomplishments. A well-trained dog is not created in a day, and neither is Rome!

The secret ingredient to successful dog training is consistency. If you are inconsistent with your commands or rewards, your dog will scratch their head (or wag their tail in uncertainty). Use the same cues for each command and regularly reward them when they react correctly. Dogs need routine and predictability, so be the strong, dependable leader they require.

Distractions and Environmental Factors

Dogs, especially in stimulating situations, are readily sidetracked. So, if you’re teaching in a park or other congested environment, it’s likely too much too soon. Start with basic commands in a low-distraction environment and progressively raise the challenge as they master the commands. Remember that even dogs can have short attention spans at times.

If you do not praise your dog when they do the required behavior, they may not capture the command. In other words, if you offer them a treat after they’ve lost interest, they won’t comprehend why. Be quick on the draw and promptly reward them when they respond to your command. They’ll figure it out quicker than you can say “Good boy!”

Possible Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen to Basic Commands - Upstate Canine Academy (1)

Dogs might have difficulty adapting their training to new surroundings. They must practice their commands in a variety of settings, progressively increasing the distractions. They’ll learn that obedience is expected no matter where they are. Show them the world and instruct them in it!

Fear, Anxiety, or Trauma

Dogs, like people, can carry emotional baggage from their past. If your pet has been through a traumatic situation, it might impact their capacity to trust, listen, and respond to commands. When teaching a traumatized dog, take small, incremental steps and always prioritize their emotional well-being. Remember that a patient and caring attitude can help them overcome their history.

Some dogs have specific anxieties, such as aversion to vacuum machines or the feared water hose. If your dog’s lack of obedience appears to be linked to a certain object or scenario, they’re likely terrified of it. It is critical in these circ*mstances to treat their fear through desensitization and positive connection. Introduce the frightening stimuli gradually and in conjunction with rewards and happy experiences. Hopefully, their dread will fade into curiosity or disinterest with time

Poor Communication and Understanding

Communication is essential in any relationship, including yours with your pet. Don’t expect your dog to listen if you’re not successfully articulating what you want. To ensure your dog understands your directions, study and employ clear communication tactics.

  • Communicate in a way the Dog Understands
    Dogs learn that specific words/sounds mean certain things (i.e. you grab their leash – they’re going for a walk!). When we want to communicate with them that they are doing something right or wrong, we need to do it in a way they understand. Unfortunately, we can’t sit them down and explain what they did was wrong like we can with children. Dogs communicate with each other physically with their mouth and bodies. Using your leash and certain training collars to teach your dog what you want from them through obedience is a great way to create clear communication pathways. If you’re unsure how to do this on your own, contact a professional dog trainer who can help you clearly communicate with your dog!
  • Unintentional Reinforcement of Unwanted Behaviors

Have you ever found yourself rewarding your dog when they misbehave, unwittingly reinforcing their negative habits? We’ve all done it. Dogs, whether positive or bad, desire our attention. We unknowingly encourage unpleasant habits to continue by mistakenly rewarding them with our attention. Remember to encourage good conduct instead of bad, and you’ll see those bad habits go away.

Lack of Bonding and Relationship Building

The bond with your dog, like any other, takes time and effort. If you only connect with your pet during training sessions, they may perceive you as a mere teacher rather than a trusted companion. Make time for meaningful play, hikes, and simply enjoying one other’s company. Your dog will be more eager to listen to you if your attachment is strong.

Possible Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen to Basic Commands - Upstate Canine Academy (2)

Any well-behaved dog is built on trust and respect. If you haven’t earned your dog’s trust and respect, he may not feel obligated to obey your directions. Build trust by being consistent, patient, and refraining from punishment-based training methods. Demonstrate to your dog that you are a trustworthy leader on whom he can rely.

Inconsistency in Commands and Expectations

  • Mixed Signals and Confusing Cues

Is your dog looking at you bewildered when you say “sit”? You may be accidentally giving confusing signals. Dogs are intelligent creatures, but they require consistency to comprehend what we expect of them. If you use different words or gestures for the same instruction, your pet may have difficulty understanding what you’re asking. Remember that simplicity is essential!

  • Varying Expectations from Different Family Members

Everyone in a household with many family members has different expectations for the dog. While it is crucial to respect individual preferences, contradictory commands can leave your poor dog befuddled. To prevent overwhelming your furry buddy, try to reach an agreement on fundamental commands and training methods.

  • Failure to Teach Appropriate Responses for Different Situations

Consider the following scenario: you’ve trained your dog to sit nicely at home, but as soon as you step outdoors, they turn into a squirrel chasing crazy. Does this sound familiar? Dogs must learn how to react appropriately in a variety of places and situations. If you fail to teach dogs how to behave outside of the home, their obedience may crumble when distractions occur.

Behavioral Issues and Dominance Problems

If your dog’s disobedience is accompanied by aggression or dominance-related behaviors, you must address these concerns immediately. Fear, frustration, or a desire to assert control can all lead to aggression. Consult a skilled dog trainer to better understand and handle these tendencies.

Dogs are sociable creatures who thrive in an organized setting with defined responsibilities. Your dog may need to take over if you do not provide constant leadership and structure. Set boundaries, implement regulations, and provide constant direction to establish yourself as the leader. Your dog will understand what is expected of them if you provide clear leadership.


Keep in mind that every dog is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for training and obedience. You can address the underlying issues by recognizing the various causes of your dog’s lack of response to fundamental commands. You can improve your dog’s listening abilities and strengthen your bond with them by getting professional advice, altering your training practices, or treating any physical or behavioral difficulties with patience, persistence, and understanding. You can enjoy the joy and satisfaction of a well-trained and obedient canine companion with time and effort.

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Possible Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen to Basic Commands - Upstate Canine Academy (2024)


Possible Reasons Your Dog Won't Listen to Basic Commands - Upstate Canine Academy? ›

Dogs, especially in stimulating situations, are readily sidetracked. So, if you're teaching in a park or other congested environment, it's likely too much too soon. Start with basic commands in a low-distraction environment and progressively raise the challenge as they master the commands.

Why won't my dog listen to my commands? ›

In addition to pent-up energy, different emotions such as fear, curiosity, uncertainty, and more can distract your puppy. Also, other dogs nearby, moving vehicles, and similar things in the vicinity may also disturb their focus. It helps to consider these factors when training them.

Why is my dog not responding to my commands? ›

Your dog may ignore your commands if they are distracted by something or someone else, if they are receiving signals from you that oppose what they want to do, or if no reward is present to reinforce their good behavior while they are still learning.

How do you get your dog to listen to your commands? ›

Make sure everyone issues the same command (e.g. “SIT” and not “SIT DOWN” or “SIT HERE”). Similarly, if the command is meant to be “COME”, don't use “COME HERE.” Over the years, your dog will eventually recognize your tone of voice, your demeanor and will know exactly what you expect of him when you give a command.

How do I stop my dog from ignoring my commands? ›

Your dog needs to associate coming when called with a positive experience which means you need to create a positive experience for that behavior every time until it clicks. This consistency will build trust between you and your dog. They will recall on command when they trust you are calling them for a good reason.

Why does my dog ignores commands when excited? ›

Yes, dogs can get too excited.

However, additional causes include a lack of socialization, overstimulation, stress, or conditioned behavior. The general sign of an overly excited dog is if it acts "wild." This means that the dog's actions lack control; it ignores your commands or forgets its training.

How do you fix a disobedient dog? ›

The command, pull, and release should be immediately repeated if the “problem behavior” is repeated, and positive reinforcement (treat, patting, play) should be provided if the dog continues to “behave.” Using a leash and head halter, an upward and forward pull can be used to immediately and effectively control barking ...

Will my dog forgive me for hitting him? ›

The short answer? Yes. But it will require some training for your dog to get rid of their negative association toward you. Hembree said that, to change this negative association, you will most likely need to implement some "behavior modification using desensitization and counterconditioning."

How do you get a stubborn dog to listen? ›

Instead, opt for reward-based training tactics that focus on giving the dog things he desires, like treats, petting and play, when he responds to a command in the desired manner. And rather than punishing him for unwanted behavior, redirect him to a more acceptable behavior and offer him a reward for that.

At what age do dogs start listening to commands? ›

Week 1-2 (8-16 weeks old)

During this time it's important that they start learning the basics, such as their name, good manners in the home, and some other basic puppy commands.

How do you know if your dog is stubborn? ›

A stubborn dog could be one that stays standing or even lunges on the leash when asked to sit. A stubborn dog could be one that continues to sniff a flower or dig in the dirt when being called to come. Or a stubborn dog could be one that puts on the brakes, refusing to move in the direction you are trying to walk.

What does it mean when your dog ignores you? ›

Why does my dog ignore me when I call them? This could be due to various reasons: medical issues, confusion due to inconsistent training, fear based on previous negative experiences, or it could be a bid for your attention. Understanding the context is essential.

Why does my dog listen to commands inside but not outside? ›

Dogs overall have very poor generalization skills, dogs are situational learners. The simple fix is showing your dog that when you say sit whether it's indoors or outside it means the same behavior. In this period you are teaching your dog to generalize to perform a behavior in a variety of different contexts.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.