[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (2024)

In season 2 of Project Diablo 2, Assassin is mostly about Traps (two trap-based Builds are ranked S on our Tier List. However, this does not mean that Traps are not the only things the Assassin is good at. On the contrary, the Class is very good at dealing direct Damage with its Martial Arts Skills. While not as strong as Traps, some of the Martial Arts are actually very strong. The Skill that deserves attention the most is the Phoenix Strike - a powerful offensive ability that deals Fire, Lightning, and Frost Damage which makes it extremely versatile (and the lack of damage type versatility is actually the weakness of Trapssins).

Below, we present you with our take on the Phoenix Strike Assassin build. The build's main strong point is its ability to deal different kinds of Damage with a single ability.You should try it especially if you like the Class but are tired of Traps.

Season 4 note:After the season 4 buff, Phoenix Strike Assassin is back on track (it was previously nerfed for season 3) and has regained a large portion of the power it was known for back in season 2.

Phoenix Strike's Damage scales with its Skill Levels, so you want to get as many Skill levels (Assassin/Martial Arts) as possible to increase the build's overall power level.Resistances are also important, but they should never come before the offensive power. Defensive stats, like faster hit recovery, are a nice addition but you should not choose gearfor them specifically.


Harlequin Crest(Shako) - You can't ever go wrong with Shako, especially if your buildrequires you to stack additional Skill levels. This Helmet gives you everything you might want - +2 to all skills, damage reduction, magic find, and some attributes.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (1)

  • Defense: 98 to 141
  • Required Level: 62
  • Required Strength: 50
  • Durability: 20
    • +2 to All Skills
    • +1-99 to Life(1 per character level)
    • +1-99 to Mana(1 per character level)
    • Damage Reduced By 3-5% (varies)
    • 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    • +2 to All Attributes

Delirium(Rune Word) - This Runeword will give you a solid boost to Magic Find and +2 to Skill Levels, which makes it very comparable to the first recommended option. It is a good alternative if you don't like the Harlequin Crest.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (2)

  • Defense:Depends on base Helmet
  • Required Level: 51
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Helmet
  • Durability:Depends on base Helmet
  • Lem + Ist + Io
    • +261 Defense
    • +10 Vitality
    • +2 to All Skills
    • Level 17 Attract (60 Charges)
    • 11% Chance to Cast Level 18 Confuse on Striking
    • 6% Chance to Cast Level 14 Mind Blast When Struck
    • 14% Chance to Cast Level 13 Terror When Struck
    • +50% Extra Gold from Monsters
    • 25% Better Chance of Finding Magic Items

Kira's Guardian (Tiara) - A very interesting Helmet that supplements the build's Damage by lowering enemy resistances (Phoenix Strike will benefit A LOT from this). It also increases your own resists by quite a lot. Moreover, it gives the most important stat of them all - Cannot Be Frozen

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (3)

  • Defense: 90 to 170
  • Required Level: 77
  • Required Strength: -
  • Durability: 25
    • +50-120 Defense (varies)
    • 20% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Cannot Be Frozen
    • All Resistances +25-45 (varies)
    • -(5-10)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance (varies)
    • -(5-10)% to Enemy Cold Resistance (varies)
    • (5-10)% to Enemy Fire Resistance (varies)


Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Greater Talons) - These Claws can give you up to +4 to Martial Arts Skills, which is massive. Moreover, they give a lot of bonus stats and have a solid 20% bonus to Attack Rating. You should go out of your way to obtain a pair of these.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (4)

  • Damage: (97-121) To (182-226) (139.5-173.5 Avg)(Base Damage: 24-44)
  • Required Level: 42
  • Required Dexterity: 79
  • Required Strength: 79
  • Durability: 69
    • +200%-300% Enhanced Damage (varies)
    • Adds 25-50 Damage
    • 30% Faster Hit Recovery
    • 20% Bonus to Attack Rating
    • 5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
    • +20 To Strength
    • +20 To Dexterity
    • +2 To Assassin Skill Levels
    • +1-2 To Martial Arts Skills (Assassin Only) (varies)

[Alternative/Budget]Magic Claws with +3 to Martial Arts. These can be purchased in Act V from Anya. Claws like this are enough for the early ladder and provide a nice early power boost.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (5)

  • Damage: Depends on the Weapon
  • Required Level: Varies
  • Required Dexterity: Depends on the Weapon
  • Required Strength: Depends on the Weapon
  • Durability: Depends on the Weapon
    • +3 To Martial Arts (Assassin Only)

Stormshield(Monarch) - A BiS defensive option that will allow you to achieve Max Block. Pick it if you prefer a defensive playstyle.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (6)

  • Defense: 136-519 (Depends on your level)
  • Required Level: 73
  • Required Strength: 156
  • Durability: Indestructible
    • +3-371 Defense (+3.75/level)
    • 25% Increased Chance of Blocking
    • 35% Faster Block Rate
    • 20-30% Physical Damage Taken Reduction
    • +40-50% Cold Resist
    • +25% Lightning Resist
    • +20-30 Strength
    • Indestructible
    • Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 150-250 (varies)

Call to Arms(Rune Word) - This powerful Runeword will allow you to pre-buff yourself up with Warcries (buffs persist through weapon swap).

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (7)

  • Defense:Depends on base Weapon
  • Required Level: 57
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Weapon​​​​​
  • Durability:Depends on base Weapon
  • Amn • Ral • Mal • Ist
    • +1 to All Skills
    • +40% Increased Attack Speed
    • +250-290% Enhanced Damage
    • Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
    • 7% Life Stolen Per Hit
    • +2-6 To Battle Command
    • +1-6 To Battle Orders
    • +1-4 To Battle Cry
    • Prevent Monster Heal
    • Replenish Life +12
    • 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Lidless Wall(Grim Shield) - A very powerful Shield that grants up to +2 Skills and high FCR. Good to have on swap for that additional Skill Levels.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (8)

  • Defense: 271 - 347
  • Required Level: 41
  • Required Strength: 58
  • Durability: 70
    • +80-130% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +1-2 to All Skills (varies)
    • Increase Maximum Mana 10%
    • 20% Faster Cast Rate
    • +4-6 to Mana After Each Kill (varies)
    • +10 to Energy
    • +1 to Light Radius


Mara's Kaleidoscope- A great combination of offensive (+2 to all skills) and defensive (+20-30 to all resistances) properties. This is one of the best Amulets in PD2 overall and it fits most of the builds, which makes it a good investment.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (9)

  • Required Level: 67
    • +2 To All Skills
    • All Resistances +20-30 (varies)
    • +5 To All Attributes

[Alternative]Rare/Magic Amulets with + Assassin/Martial Arts Skills are great budget choices and solid fillers before you are able to get Mara's Kaleidoscope.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (10)[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (11)

  • Required Level: varies.
  • In Magic Amulets,look for:
    • +3 to Martial Arts
  • In Rare Amulets, look for:
    • +2 Assassin Skills
    • Magic Find
    • Resistances
    • Attributes


Enigma(Runeword) - This powerful Chest Runeword provides everything you might want from an item, including +2 to All Skills, 3 charges of Blink, and a very nice boost to Magic Find

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (12)

  • Defense: Depends on base Armor
  • Required Level: 65
  • Required Strength: Depends on base Armor
  • Durability: Depends on base Armor
  • Jah + Ith + Ber
    • +2 To All Skills
    • +25% Faster Run/Walk
    • Level 1 Blink* (5/5 Charges)
      Replenish 1 Charge in 3 Seconds
    • +500-775 Defense (varies)
    • +[0-74] to Strength (+[0.5-0.75] per Character Level) (varies)
    • Increase Maximum Life 5%
    • Damage Reduced By 4%
    • 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
    • [0-74]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items ([0.5-0.75]% per Character Level) (varies)

Chains of Honor(Runeword) - Very strong runeword that mixes solid defenses (resistances, leech, and enhanced def) with a nice +2 bonus to all Skills.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (13)

  • Defense: Depends on base Armor
  • Required Level: 65
  • Required Strength: Depends on base Armor
  • Durability: Depends on base Armor
  • Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
    • +2 To All Skills
    • +200% Damage to Demons
    • +100% Damage to Undead
    • 8% Life stolen per hit
    • +70% Enhanced Defense
    • +20 Strength
    • Replenish Life +10
    • All Resistances +50-60 (varies)
    • Physical Damage reduced by 4%
    • 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ormus' Robes(Dusk Shroud) - This Armor works verywell with Phoenix Strike, as it boosts Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage. It also synergizes with Kira's Guardian quite nicely.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (14)

  • Defense:361-467
  • Required Strength:77
  • Required Level:75
    • +20% Faster Cast Rate
    • +[10-15]% to Fire Skill Damage (varies)
    • +[10-15]% to Lightning Skill Damage (varies)
    • +[10-15]% to Cold Skill Damage (varies)
    • +3 to [Random Sorceress Skill*] (Sorceress Only)
    • +[10-20] Defense (varies)
    • Regenerate Mana [10-15]% (varies)


Raven Frost- This ring provides Freeze immunity which is extremely important to have. If you have freeze immunity from another item (like the Kira's Guardian), you can choose a different ring.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (15)

  • Required Level: 76
    • +150-250 Attack Rating (varies)
    • 15-45 Cold Damage
    • +15-20 Dexterity (varies)
    • +40 Mana
    • Cold Absorb 5-10% (varies)
    • Cannot be Frozen

Bul-Kathos Wedding Band- A great ring that adds +1 to Skills. It also increases stamina and gives some nice life steal.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (16)

  • Required Level: 58
    • +1 To All Skills
    • + (0.5 Per Character Level) 0-49 To Life)
    • 3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
    • +50 Maximum Stamina

The Stone of Jordan- One of the most iconic items in Diablo 2. It increases the level of all your Skills and your max Mana. A solid offensive choice.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (17)

  • Required Level: 29
    • +1 to All Skills
    • Maximum Mana to 15-20%
    • Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
    • +20-40 to Mana (varies)


Dracul's Grasp(Vampirebone Gloves) - These Gloves are great if you want extra attack speed and Life Leech. They also give a high strength bonus which is very convenient for choosing equipment for other gear slots.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (18)

  • Defense: 125 - 145
  • Required Level: 76
  • Required Strength: -50
  • Durability: 14
    • +90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +10-15 to Strength (varies)
    • +5-10 Life After Each Kill (varies)
    • 25% Chance of Open Wounds
    • 7-10% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
    • 20% Increased Attack Speed

Bloodfist(Heavy Gloves) - A solid defensively focused choice that will give you +30% faster hit recovery, a solid boost to Life, and +10% Attack Speed.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (19)

  • Defense: 17-18
  • Required Level: 9
  • Required Strength: -
  • Durability: 14
    • +10-20% Enhanced Defense
    • +10 Defense
    • +10% Increased Attack Speed
    • +30% Faster Hit Recovery
    • +40 To Life
    • +5-10 to Maximum Damage
    • Melee Attacks Deal Splash Damage


Waterwalk(Sharkskin Boots) - These boots are a top pick if you're looking to boost your Run/Walk Speed and Stamina by a lot.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (20)

  • Defense: 112-124
  • Required Level: 32
  • Required Strength: 47
  • Kick Damage:28-50
  • Durability: 14
    • +180-210% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • 40% Faster Run/Walk
    • 20% Faster Block Rate
    • +15 to Dexterity
    • +5% to Maximum Fire Resist
    • Heal Stamina Plus 50%
    • +40 to Maximum Stamina
    • +45-65 to Life (varies)

War Traveler's(Battle Boots) - The best pair if you want to increases your Loot by boosting MF stat. They also provide decent Movement Speed and extra STR/VIT.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (21)

  • Defense: 120-139
  • Required Level: 42
  • Required Strength: 95
  • Kick Damage:37-64
  • Durability: 48
    • +150-190% Enhanced Defense
    • 25% Faster Run/Walk
    • +10 to Vitality
    • +10 to Strength
    • Adds 15-25 Damage
    • +40% Slower Stamina Drain
    • Attacker Takes Damage Of 5-10
    • 30-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Verdungo's Hearty Cord(Mithril Coil) - A very solid defensive option that offers a Faster Hit Recovery bonus,an insanely high boost to maximum stamina, and up to 40 (!) Vitality, but mostly, it gives up to 15% Reduced Damage.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (22)

  • Defense: 125-158
  • Potion Slots: 16
  • Required Level: 63
  • Required Strength: 106
  • Durability: 16
    • +90-140% Enhanced Defense
    • 10% Faster Hit Recovery
    • +30-40 To Vitality
    • Replenish Life +10-13
    • +100-120 Maximum Stamina
    • Damage Reduced By 10-15%

Goldwrap(Heavy Belt) - An interesting choice for this build; it grants quite a lot of Attack Speed, some defense, and high Magic Find which is great for farming.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (23)

  • Defense: 34-36
  • Potion Slots: 12
  • Required Level: 27
  • Required Strength: 45
  • Durability: 18
    • +40-60% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +25 Defense
    • 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • 20-40% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (varies)
    • 50-80% Extra Gold From Monsters (varies)
    • +2 To Light Radius

Arachnid Mesh(Spiderweb Sash) - Top offensive choice for this build. +1 to All Skills will give you that extra bit of damage.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (24)

  • Defense: 119-138
  • Potion Slots: 16
  • Required Level: 80
  • Required Strength: 50
  • Durability: 12
    • +90-120% Enhanced Defense
    • Slows Target by 20%
    • +1 To All Skills
    • +10-20% Faster Cast Rate
    • Maximum Mana 5-10%
    • Level 3 Venom (31 Charges)


  1. Annihilus- This fabled Charm boosts yourSkills, Stats, and Resistances. It's the best Unique Small Charm, and it's limited to just 1 in your equipment.
  2. Gheed's Fortune- The secret to Gheed's wealth and prosperity. Pretty much a must-have if you're after the best available charms. It adds 80-160% extra gold from monsters, reduces vendor prices by up to 15%, and gives up to 40% better magic find.
  3. Hellfire Torch- The BiS Unique Large Charm that increases your Vitality, Skills, and more.
  4. Grand Charms - These should have +Martial Arts.
  5. Small Charms- With these, you should get your desired Resistances, bonuses to Life, or bonuses to Magic Find - whatever suits your needs, basically.


We recommend picking up Act 2 Defiance Mercenary for extra damage mitigation bonuses. He should be equipped with:

  1. InfinityRune Word in Ethereal Spear - This provides Conviction Aura, which reduces the defenses and resistances of nearby enemies and offers very high bonus damage. A top (and expensive) choice for any Act2 merc build. It will greatly increase your own Damage, as lowering enemy resistances has a strong synergy with Phoenix Strike.
  2. FortitudeRune Word in Armor - This will ensure that your merc doesn't die (it will make him almost immortal).
  3. Steelrend Gloves - For massive damage bonus and Crushing Blow.
  4. Andariel's Visage - An extremely solid and versatile headgear that will make your merc better in all respects.
  5. String of Ears- Very high damage reduction and excellent survivability boost.
  6. Goblin Toe - For extra damage and the chance for a crushing blow.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.

[S4] Phoenix Strike Assassin PD2 Build for Season 4 - Odealo (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.