Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (2025)

Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (1)

Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (2)

Into the Arcane is evolving with patch 14.24, which introduces new Anomalies, new Opening Encounters, new Augments, and three ultra-powerful 6-costs.

Game Updates

Riot Prism, Katie "Riot Ukime" Guo

Into the Arcane is evolving

Been missing your favorite characters from Arcane? Viktor, Mel, and Warwick have entered the Convergence as 6-costs, ultrapowerful, and incredibly rare units that appear after the Anomaly. They’re joined by new Augments, Anomalies, Opening Encounters, and of course, a whole lot of balance changes. All this precedes our annual Open LAN in Macao the weekend of December 13th.

Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (3) Katie "Riot Ukime" Guo

Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (4) Rodger "Riot Prism" Caudill

Mid-Patch Updates


This one is a pre (A) patch update that we’re getting in as early as possible before the TFT Macao Open begins. This patch is meant to be small in scope and impact as we’re not trying to shake things up any more than 14.24 already has.


  • Automata Resists: 25/70/150 25/60/140
  • Automata Base Damage: 150/450/1200 150/400/1100
  • Black Rose 5 Black Rose Shield Ratio: 175% AP 75% AP
  • Black Rose 5 Shield Duration: 5s 3s
  • Black Rose 5 Stun Duration: 1.5s 1s


  • Warwick Attack Damage: 100 110
  • Warwick Execute Threshold: 12% 15%


  • Comeback Story Damage Amp: 6% 5%


  • Anomalies can no longer be applied to summons if the armory times out.
  • Glorious Evolution Augment counts 3-star upgrades as 1 upgrade.
  • Exalted Adventure continues to grant Lesser Duplicators even after the reward is achieved.
  • Sated Spellweaver functions more accurately when rapidly casting.
  • Artifactory, Pandora’s Items, Academic Research, and Oops All Rageblades are all mutually exclusive from each other.


Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (5)


Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (6)


While we’re still reeling from the finale of Arcane (no spoilers, please), these changes will hopefully soften the blow or even let you rewrite the ending to your preference.


Starting after the Anomaly, 6-costs have a chance to appear in your shop. That chance increases each round and is further increased when you reach level 10.


  • Unique Trait: Banished Mage. The first time you would be eliminated, if Mel has cast 12 times during player combat this game, she saves you, and you remain alive at 1 HP. Afterwards, Mel permanently gains 10% Damage Amp.
  • Active: Dash to a nearby hex, then gain a 300 Shield and grant the same Shield to 2 nearby allies. 50% of the damage blocked by the Shields is stored as unstable energy. After dashing, deal magic damage to 3 nearby enemies. Every 3rd cast, unleash the unstable energy + additional magic damage split between the 5 nearest enemies.


  • Unique Trait: Machine Herald. Viktor has a fixed Attack Speed of 0.55 attacks per second and converts ALL bonus Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Mana into Ability Power. Instead of Mana, Viktor gains 1 Chaos Energy every attack and casts when he has 8.
  • Passive: Attacks are replaced with a Death Ray that deals magic damage and true damage in a 2-hex line. Enemies hit are 30% Sundered and Shredded for 5 seconds.
  • Active: Summon a chaos storm that engulfs the battlefield, knocking up ALL enemies into the air for 2 seconds. At the end of the duration, slam them to the ground, dealing magic damage.


  • Unique Trait: Blood Hunter. Warwick devours enemies that drop below 12% Health, healing himself for 400 and granting himself 50 Mana.
  • Passive: While Bloodfrenzied, move faster, gain Omnivamp, Attack Speed, and deal physical damage each second to target. After killing 5 enemies, become Unstoppable and Bloodfrenzied for the rest of combat.
  • Active: Become Bloodfrenzied for 4 seconds.
  • Experiment Bonus: On kill, Stun enemies adjacent to the dead target for 1 second.


New units are here to introduce you to new encounters. We also have some quality of life (and odds) adjustments for existing encounters.
  • [NEW] Viktor’s Vision: Viktor makes 6-costs appear starting on Stage 4-1 and makes them 3 times as likely to appear in your shop.
  • [NEW] Mel’s Aid: Mel will grant you powerful loot at 40 player health.
  • [NEW] Warwick’s Hunger: When you kill an enemy champion, Warwick will occasionally devour their body and leave loot behind.
  • [NEW] Artifact Anvil: Jayce crafts you an Artifact anvil.
  • Scuttle Puddle / Crab Rave: Scuttle crabs now look like Scuttle Butt. Jinx no longer dances for the Crab Rave encounter
  • Wind Up Monkey: Disabled in Hyper Roll. No longer deals double damage in Double Up. Slight ceremony adjustments.
  • Odds adjusted:
    • Viktor’s Vision: 8%
    • Mel’s Aid: 8%
    • Warwick’s Hunger: 8%
    • Artifact Anvil: 4%
    • Component Anvils: 15% 10%
    • Triple Gold 15%: 10%
    • Gold Subscription 6%: 4%
    • Loot Subscription 5%: 4%
    • Prismatic First 10%: 6%
    • Prismatic Last 8%: 4%
    • Wind Up Monkey 10%: 5%


Flexibility and adaptability are core components of skill expression in TFT. Being able to make the best of a pretty good Anomaly is something we’d like to see rather than rolling for a specific Anomaly, which results in less game-to-game variance and feels bad when you don’t hit within the amount of gold you have or barely manage to hit after spending all the gold that you were saving for going Level 9. As a reminder, Anomalies are slightly optimized to fit your current board state, so you will still see ones that make sense early in your rolls.
  • Players will now be able to see repeats when they roll for Anomalies, but never the same one back to back.


This one is for my fellow Family rerollers with shiny orbs stuck on their board that they can’t pick up because of their lack of bench spaces.
  • Loot orbs containing multiple units or anvils can now be partially opened if you have the space for some but not all units inside
  • Prismatic Orbs option [Removed]: 2x Champion Duplicator and 30 gold
  • Prismatic Orbs option [NEW]: 6-cost Champion, Artifact Anvil, Item Remover


Large, like my comeback when I hit Mel.


With the Anomaly rule changes, we’re taking an extensive pass on Anomaly options, changing 28 of them.

We’ve disabled Cosmic Rhythm once again, this time to make space for Viktor’s arrival who, if you are lucky enough to combo with the Anomaly, will inevitably cause the end of humanity - or just the game.

Power Absorption previously contributed a portion of AD from non-champion sources like Deathblade, or, in some cases, multiple Deathblades held by one Sett. We’re fixing that overflow source of AD, but giving the Anomaly a compensation buff, meaning it will be better than before in cases where it was not optimized around Deathblade stacking. Scuttle Familiar is getting a similar treatment but in the other direction. Its 14.23 version had Shred and Sunder hinder the Familiar’s stats, but with that no longer an issue, we’ve added a small compensation nerf to the stat percentage.

Ultimate Hero had a certain someone punching far above the rest, but while that someone (rhymes with Violet and is Violet) was the most visibly strong user of the Anomaly, our other four-star 1-costs have also been performing far above the allotted power for an Anomaly. Instead of nerfing four-stars across the board, we’re adding a nifty power lever that will delay when the Anomaly takes effect. Can you survive another 3 turns before starring up to become the Ultimate Hero?

  • Arcana Overwhelming Bonus MR: 50 65
  • Avalanche of Armor Armor to AD Conversion: 25% 30%
  • Center of the Universe Orbs now orbit significantly faster
  • Berserker Rage Base AD & AP: 20 25
  • Bully Base Damage Amp: 18% 12% (Max is still 36%)
  • Comeback Story Damage Amp per 10 Health Lost: 5% 6%
  • Cosmic Rhythm has been disabled
  • Dramatic Entrance Stun Duration: 1.5 2 seconds, Bonus HP: 70% 55%
  • Fireball Max HP Damage: 7% 6%
  • Fortified Stacks Gain every 3 4 sec
  • Hardened Mind Bonus Armor & MR: 50% 66%
  • Heavy Hitter Cooldown: 3 2.5 seconds
  • Kill Streak Mana Gain: 25 20
  • Laser Eyes AP Ratio: 80% 100%
  • Legacy of Shurima Max Health: 40% 50%
  • Mage Armor AP to Defenses: 40% 50%
  • Magic Training Base AP: 20 15
  • Power Absorption [Bugfix]: Power Absorption’s AD is no longer multiplied by other sources of % Attack Damage.
  • Power Absorption Ally AD Absorb: 5% 9%.
  • Protective Shielding Percent HP Shield: 15% 12%, Shield Duration: 5 4 sec
  • Nothing Wasted Mana Gain: 100% 70%
  • One Thousand Cuts True Damage Per Auto: 15 12
  • Scuttle Familiar [Bugfix] now clears Shred and Sunder before calculating Armor and MR of the crab
  • Scuttle Familiar Stat%: 111% 100
  • Share Your Energy Stat Share: 12% 15%
  • Slime Time AP Ratio: 100% 130%
  • Slow Cooker Max Health Damage: 4% 3%
  • Titanic Strikes AD Cleave: 30% 40%
  • Ultimate Hero now has a 3-turn delay before the unit becomes 4-star
  • Wolf Familiars Attack Speed: 0.9 1.0


Getting incredibly lucky isn’t the only way to get our new 6-costs. We’ve added a Prismatic Augment that’ll grant you early access to an ultra-powerful 6-cost IF you have what it takes. Each will challenge you differently, either from being smart with your econ, lucky with your rolls, or just straight-up bloodthirsty.
  • A Change of Fate [NEW]: Gain a Blue Buff. After starting a round with 60 gold and winning a player combat, gain a Mel and a Hextech Gunblade. Tasks can be completed in any order.
  • What You Truly Are [NEW]: Gain a Bloodthirster. After you deal 35 damage to other players, gain a Warwick and a Sterak's Gage.
  • Glorious Evolution [NEW]: Gain an Adaptive Helm. After you upgrade 9 champions, gain a Viktor and a Jeweled Gauntlet.
  • Anger Issues Resists Per Rageblade: 35 45
  • Black Rose Crown is re-enabled but removed from 2-1. Item granted: Spear of Shojin.
  • Calculated Enhancement Buff Targets: Champions in the last row Champions in the last 2 rows
  • Enforcer Crown Champion Granted: Loris Maddie
  • Quality Over Quantity: Units holding Radiant items also gain 12% Health.
  • Prismatic Pipeline: Extra loot from Gold Orbs removed, Extra Loot Value from Prismatic Orbs reduced ~30%
  • Exalted Adventure No longer grants rerolls, grants a Lesser Champion Duplicator on select and at the start of every stage
  • Ghosts of Friends Past tooltip reworded to state that the bonuses last for all current and future teammates.
  • Ghosts of Friends Past Health: 12 5,
  • Ghosts of Friends Past AP Per Death: 0.8% 1%.
  • Trait Unlock: Geniuses (Heimerdinger and Ekko): Heimerdinger Missile Damage: 105% 120%. Grants a Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Void Swarm (Hyper Roll only) Combats: 8 6
  • Trifecta II: 3-cost Attack Speed: 27% 24%
  • Trifecta II: 3-cost Health: 420 330
  • At What Cost experience Gained At Level 6: 8 4
  • Experiment Crown [NEW]: Gain an Experiment Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and an Urgot.


I know we asked for no Arcane spoilers earlier, but seriously, if you haven’t finished watching the last episode yet, stop here because there is a new Augment that might make you clench your fists.
  • [ARCANE SPOILER] Trait Unlock: Betrayal [NEW]: Maddie always targets Ambessa's target with her Ability and attacks. Every round where either gets at least 2 kills, gain a Maddie. Gain a Maddie and Ambessa.
  • Academic Research: Re-enabled after bugfix
  • All That Shimmers: No longer increased interest cap to 7
  • Arcane Retribution (Sorcerer) Champions Given: Vladimir Lux and Vladimir
  • Black Rose Crest is no longer available on 2-1
  • Enforcer Crest: No longer grants a Loris
  • Crownguarded: Increases the shield duration by 5 seconds
  • Crimson Pact (Vladimir): Tooltip correctly states that he spreads damage to 1 target. Damage Amp Per Cast: 7% 10%
  • Health is Wealth II: Gold: 20 15
  • Health is Wealth II no longer counts healing done to non-champions
  • Gloves Off (Vander) Bonus Damage: 75% 85%
  • Golemify: The Golem now gains 150 Health per stage
  • Loot Explosion Stage 4+ loot lowered ~15%
  • Loot Explosion base Drop Probability increased 10%
  • Lone Hero Durability: 30% 35%
  • Mirrored Monetization: Initial Gold: 6 2
  • Moonlight Bonus Stats: 20% 35%
  • Rigged Shop has been disabled on 2-1
  • Scavenger Number of Items: 4 5
  • Shop Glitch Reroll Time: Every 3 seconds Every 2.5 seconds
  • Starry Night: Displays star-up odds in tooltip
  • Pumping Up II Base Attack Speed: 10% 8%
  • Tower Defense Attack Speed Per Upgrade: 50% 25%
  • Two Trick Re-enabled after bugfix
  • Welcome to the Playground (Family): No longer triggers on non-combat rounds. Cannot appear if any other player has Gloves Off and vice versa.
  • War for the Undercity (Chem-Baron): Can only be offered to 1 player each game
  • Experiment Crest [NEW]: Gain an Experiment Emblem and an Urgot


We’re nerfing Mad Chemist before I’ve even had the chance to try it out, which may make me, the mad chemist in question—well, maybe just the mad part. Two of our other Champion Augments made it to the buff list including Irelia’s Blade Dance and Trundle’s Trolling—we’re hoping that this’ll boost 1-cost reroll comps aside from the go-tos in Violet and the dads (Draven, Darius, and of course, Vander). Finally in the Champion Augment space, we’re removing Powder’s I Hope This Works Augments because yeah… it didn’t work.

We’ve also got two new Augments that are sure to shake things up. Table Scraps will give a piece of what’s left on the Carousel as an extra treat, while Delayed Star will sell your board and bench, give you a starter team of random two-star 1-costs, and disable your shop for the next 3 rounds—that’s one way to force yourself to build econ.

  • Blade Dance (Irelia): Ability Damage: 315/315/325/325% AD 335/335/345/345% AD
  • Blade Dance (Irelia): Base Ability Damage: 30/45/70/95% AP 40/60/90/120% AP
  • Crafted Crafting Rerolls Per Item: 3 2
  • Dummify: The Dummy gains 250 Health per stage
  • Health is Wealth I Gold: 10 8
  • Health is Wealth I No longer counts healing done to non-champions
  • I Hope This Works (Powder) has been removed
  • Mad Chemist (Singed) Ability Damage: 160/240/360/480% AP 140/210/315/420% AP
  • Pumping Up I Base Attack Speed: 8% 6%
  • Table Scraps [NEW]: After the next 4 carousels, gain one unit that was not taken and its item. Gain 1 gold.
  • Trolling (Trundle) Mana Reduction: 40 50
  • Support Mining Number of Deaths: 9 7
  • Support Mining Reward: Support Anvil Random Support Item
  • Support Mining+ Number of Deaths: 5 4
  • Support Mining+ Reward: Support Anvil Random Support Item
  • Delayed Start [NEW]: Sell your board and bench. Gain 4 random two-star 1-cost champions. Disable your Shop for the next 3 rounds.


While our release patch had many of the traits feeling relatively balanced, one obvious offender (Black Rose) shaped the meta. We’re taking a pass on lifting the traits that have had the hardest time taking out Sion, while pruning some of the power out of Black Rose’s summon.

Academy has made it to the buff list, which may be a surprise to a few, but we’ve only buffed its higher trait breakpoints, which are often entirely neglected after just getting one or two items out of the trait. A nerf to the trait’s most powerful carry, Heimerdinger, will ensure this buff doesn’t go too far and will make taking advantage of building the sponsored items to excess pays off!

Our Ambusher changes bring a small nerf to the trait, that should be most felt at Ambusher 5, and with our Camille nerf later on.

Chem-Baron’s been performing really well during my lunch breaks—it often allows me to squeeze two TFT games into a single lunch! We’re giving it a buff that’ll reward you with more HP for Chem-Barons for passing up black market shimmer trades, but we’re also making those breakpoints easier to hit when sustaining a loss streak.

  • Academy Bonus Per Sponsored Item: 2/3/4/8% 2/3/5/9%
  • Ambusher Critical Strike Damage: 10/20/30/35% 10/20/25/25%
  • Ambusher Critical Strike Chance: 20/30/40/55% 25/35/45/55%
  • Artillerist: AD: 10/40/50% 10/45/60%
  • Automata Armor & MR: 20/50/100 25/70/150
  • Automata Base Damage: 150/350/800 150/450/1200
  • Black Rose (4) HP Stage Scaling: 1/1.4/2/2.7/3.5 0.9/1.25/2/2.7/3.5
  • Black Rose (5) Sion now heals for his missing Health rather than always setting his Health to his maximum. This means Wound will affect the healing.
  • Black Rose (5) HP Stage Scaling: 1.2/1.5/2.2/3.3/3.9 1.0/1.4/2.1/3/3.65.
  • Black Rose (7) Piece HP on Revive: 50% 75%.
  • Chem-Baron HP Per Passed Armory: 20/50/90/125/180 20/60/110/160/220
  • Chem-Baron (3) Shimmer: 15 or 30 15 or 35
  • Chem-Baron (4) Shimmer: 20 or 40 20 or 45
  • Chem-Baron (5) Shimmer: 20 or 50 20 or 55
  • Chem-Baron (6) Shimmer: 25 or 70 (no change)
  • Chem-Baron (7) Shimmer: 30 or 100 (no change)
  • Chem-Baron item Perfected Shimmer Bloom: Ability Power and Attack Speed grant now has a cooldown of 1 second
  • Conqueror Base AD & AP: 16/25/40 18/25/40
  • Experiment Urgot Bonus: “On Combat Start and after Ability casts, dash to the target, then gain 8% max Health Shield and 20% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.” “Dash to targets. On cast, gain 8% max Health Shield and 20% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.”
  • Sorcerer AP: 20/50/85/100 20/50/95/110


Behold as the following units become good early-game item holders or maybe even reroll carries!?
  • Morgana Ability Damage: 500/750/1150 525/780/1300
  • Trundle Heal: 160/190/230 200/220/250
  • Zyra secondary Damage: 80/120/180 95/140/215


Camille has won the 2-cost lottery, excelling as if the rest of the board was made of scissors. We’re giving her a substantial nerf to her healing and damage at three stars, while her damage at one and two stars is being bumped down slightly.

Tristana has been so close to finding success in Emissary comps but often relies on high-roll scenarios and a secondary carry to bail her out in the late game when she should be scaled up with her stacking AD. By boosting her base AS, we can better her scaling with her go-to items, so expect your Rageblades to stack faster and your Hurricanes to get stormier.

Nocturne is another champion who’s been almost good in some high-roll Akali comps. Even when the stars align, Nocturne is never the terror of the comp. We’re hoping a higher base AS opens him up as a secondary reroll carry in situations where you’ve starred him up faster than Akali.

  • Camille Ability Healing: 40% 30%
  • Camille Ability AD%: 240/240/300% 230/230/250%
  • Camille Ability AP: 45/70/120 30/45/70
  • Nocturne AS: 0.75 0.8
  • Renata Ability Damage: 280/420/650 310/465/700
  • Tristana AS: 0.7 0.75
  • Ziggs Primary Ability Damage: 175/265/400 180/270/450
  • Ziggs Mini Bomb Damage: 80/120/180 90/135/200


Scar’s emerged as the best of the 3-cost tanks, so it’s time we bring Blitzcrank and Loris up to his level. Who knows, maybe this will open up more emphasis on Automata in Kog’Maw Scar comps?
  • Blitzcrank Ability Shield: 450/470/520 470/500/550
  • Gangplank (Melee): No longer cleanses negative effects on cast.
  • Gangplank (Melee) Ability AD%: 315% 340%
  • Loris Mana: 50/100 50/90
  • Loris Shield: 500/575/675 525/600/700
  • Scar Mana: 80/155 80/170
  • Scar Ability Damage: 110/165/265 80/120/180
  • Scar Ability Heal: 210/240/285 220/240/270
  • Twisted Fate Yellow Card Damage: 210/315/505 230/345/535
  • Twisted Fate Ability Heal: 80/100/125 90/110/140


4-Cost melee carries have had difficulty getting over their breakups, betrayals, family drama, and enemy frontlines—but mostly that last part in TFT. Ambessa is getting a nice buff that’ll have her casting faster and benefitting more from AD—Conqueror vertical buff! Vi on the other hand, or fist, will be getting a series of buffs from her shield to both parts of her ability.
  • Ambessa Mana: 40/100 40/90
  • Ambessa Slam AD%: 450/450/1000% 500/500/1200%
  • Garen Emissary HP Share: 20% 15%
  • Heimerdinger Missile Damage: 54/81/270% 50/75/225%
  • Vi Ability Shield: 250/300/1200 280/325/1200
  • Vi Main Target AD%: 550/550/1100% 600/600/1200%
  • Vi Slam shockwave AD%: 150/150/450% 180/180/500%


Caitlyn needs specific items to find success, so we’re giving her a bit of base AD and increasing her Airship’s bombardment damage. She’ll make even better use of Swords with this buff, so if you’ve got ’em send ’em her way.

Malzahar has the exact opposite problem as Caitlyn, making use of an AP or utility item that comes his way and pumping out damage.

While Jayce has had a grand ol’ time boosting allied attack speed and throwing explosives, his melee form has suffered from a lack of damage. A large buff to the single target knock of his melee ability should have both forms on a more even footing.

  • Caitlyn AD: 80 82
  • Caitlyn Airship Bomb AD%: 150/150/750% 180/180/750%
  • Jayce (Melee) Primary Target Ability AD%: 450/450/2000% 500/500/2000%
  • Malzahar Mana: 30/90 30/95
  • Malzahar Dot Damage: 18/27/400% 14/21/400%
  • Rumble Junker King Flamethrower Damage: 35/50/600% AP 30/45/600% AP
  • Rumble Junker King Self-Destruct Button Damage: 200/300/20000% of Resists 160/240/20000% of Resists


Suspicious Trenchcoat is a suspiciously good item. What other item gets a free Edge of Night built into it? We’re tweaking some popular melee Artifacts to keep them from dominating games, especially now that an Artifact loving unit has made his return (Warwick).
  • Bramble Vest HP Bonus: 5% 7%
  • Hand of Justice Base Omnivamp: 15% 12%
  • (Artifact) Luden’s Tempest AD & AP: 40 45
  • (Artifact) Silvermere Dawn Armor & MR: 75 60
  • (Artifact) Suspicious Trenchcoat AS: 25% 15%
  • (Artifact) Suspicious Trenchcoat Split HP%: 33% 30%


Small, like the teardrops falling when I watched Arcane.


Fully embracing what drama means.
  • Dramatic Entrance now also knocks up enemies for the stun duration.


Econ Augments can get a little tricky with their interactions.
  • Patience is a Virtue is now exclusive from Firesale
  • Recombobulator now has a max tier of 5 (i.e. will not turn 5 costs into 6 costs)
  • Going Long is now exclusive from Invested


If you have been non-stop spamming Rebel 10, my only question for you is: how?
  • Chem-Baron recommended users of illegal items moved to the bottom of the item descriptions
  • Enforcer (10) no longer confiscates items from non-champions and no longer confiscates emblems
  • Family: After activating Family 5, heist progress becomes visible at the bottom of the tooltip
  • Pit Fighter (8) Piece: 50% + 99% Heal 40% + 80% Heal
  • Rebel: Activation Percent: 20% 25%
  • Rebel (10) Retrigger: 8 sec 12 sec


  • Draven: Tooltip reworded to better explain that his Empowered Axes can critically strike without Ability crit
  • Powder Main Ability Damage: 320/480/680 350/500/700
  • Vex Ability Damage: 220/330/500 220/330/550
  • Akali Ability Damage: 240/360/600 240/360/550
  • Vander: Tooltip reworded to better explain that his ability damage cannot critically strike without Ability crit
  • Zeri Ability AD%: 190% 200%
  • Kog’Maw Damage on Attack: 50/75/120 48/72/120
  • Smeech AD: 68 70
  • Swain (Melee) Heal on Cast: 250/300/350 240/300/380
  • Swain (Melee) Heal per second: 75/90/110 70/90/125
  • Corki: AD: 63 65
  • Jinx three-star Zap AD%: 1500% 2000%
  • Jinx three-star Flame Chompers AD%: 1500% 2000%
  • Sevika Jackpot AD Ratio: 125% 250%


  • Typo fixes for the following content: Caitlyn, Renni, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Enforcer, Freestyling Anomaly, Protective Shielding Anomaly, Bronze for Life I Augment, Another Anomaly Augment, Training Arc Augment
  • Unperferected: Perfected Flesh Ripper’s revive effect is no longer nullified by executes
  • Flesh Ripper now correctly procs on away boards and works consistently now
  • Petal to the metal: Sion no longer leaves behind his chain’s roses when updated quickly
  • Jayce will now only revive his Hextech Forge if combat is still happening
  • Clones summoned from the Experiment Emblem Experiment Bonus no longer deal player damage
  • Spear’s Will Augment now works on Form Swappers
  • Quality over Quantity now returns the correct Quality of item when consumables are used.
  • In Smeech we preach: Smeech will no longer freeze if he kills the final enemy before reinforcing in Double Up
  • Support Mining and Support Mining+ will no longer potentially prevent combat from ending.
  • Another Anomaly will no longer create ghost items
  • Rumble no longer becomes manalocked for the rest of combat after gaining 200 mana at once
  • Stand behind me: Loris will no longer dash to unintended locations before his shield bash
  • Flex on them: Akali will no longer freeze if she kills the final unit before an enemy double up partner enforces onto her current board
  • Removing Trickster’s Glass on a unit standing in a Cloning Facility hex will no longer create a permanent clone of them
  • Melee Jayce will no longer permanently delete units who are unmovable
  • You sure you’re okay: Melee Jayce no longer deals unintended damage to CC immune to targets in rare situations
  • Form Swappers received from Pandora’s bench now correctly transform
  • Scuttle Familiar no longer gives the incorrect amount of health to Chem-Barons equipped with illegal items in rare circumstances
  • Champions with a Scrap emblem and a Recurve Bow who don’t have a completed item that builds from Recurve Bow in their recommended items now correctly generate a lucky item.
  • Smeech with a Scrap emblem now correctly generates lucky items while holding a Giant’s Belt
  • Sion from Black Rose 7 will no longer fail to revive against a Sion from Black Rose 5 with a unit with burn on their team
  • Academic Research properly removes invalid items such as Mana items on Manaless units and Unique Items
  • Two Trick no longer can constantly spawn two-star copies of units from its orbs
  • Pair of Fours correctly only applies when exactly two 4-costs are fielded
  • Quality Over Quantity shows the correct inventory after an item is removed or reforged.
  • Starring up a unit with an Academy emblem no longer gives incorrect damage amp and health for one round
  • Trait Unlock: Sisters grants Vi Attack Damage and Jinx Attack Speed instead of vice versa.
  • Tomb Raider can no longer grant emblems from dead players
  • Put the break in breakdance: Garen’s dance animation now correctly loops
  • Health is Wealth no longer can occasionally trigger twice
  • Cooking Pot properly is no longer offered on Wandering Trainers
  • Dummify and Golemify no longer cause extra items to be created if you have Thief's Gloves.
  • Lux no longer fails to shield her target if they move before the missile hits them
  • Experiment 7 now grants 300 Health instead of 200
  • Power Absorption Anomaly: Power Absorption’s AD is no longer multiplied by other sources of % Attack Damage
  • Scuttle Familiar Anomaly now clears Shred and Sunder before calculating Armor and MR of the crab
  • Opening an anvil before the Anomaly round can no longer cause the Anomaly to remain active past planning phase

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  1. Game Updates05/11/2024Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.22 Notes14.22 brings HUGE updates to Team Planner, including Team Codes, Multi-team, and more. It’s also our last patch of the set so be sure to hit your Ranked goals and try out Choncc’s Treasure which returns this patch only!
  2. Game Updates27/08/2024Teamfight Tactics patch 14.17 notesWith 14.17 we’re buffing what’s been low on magic while lowering the impact of our core items.
  3. Game Updates30/07/2024Teamfight Tactics patch 14.15 notesLet loose with our new set, Magic n’ Mayhem, which brings an all-new mechanic, Charms, to sling alongside a magically inclined roster, wild new Augments, and traits representative of magics from across the Magitorium!
  4. Game Updates25/06/2024Teamfight Tactics patch 14.13 notesIt’s the Tactician’s Crown patch, so we’ve got small adjustments for live and Pengu’s Party.
  5. Game Updates11/06/2024Teamfight Tactics patch 14.12 notesTFT’s 5-Year Bash brings a free event pass, login rewards, and a new Game Mode, Pengu’s Party! On the live side, we’re shipping a patch (mostly) full of buffs, a revert of our Level 7 odds change, and more!

Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes (2025)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.