Water Features for Backyard: 5 Ideas to Refresh Your Outdoor Space (2024)

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If you want to refresh your outdoor space, adding a water feature is an excellent choice.

Here are five water feature ideas worth considering:

  1. Classic garden fountains combine aesthetic appeal with the calming sound of water, enhancing your garden’s beauty and tranquility.
  2. Natural stone waterfalls create a visually stunning retreat, providing a serene ambiance.
  3. Koi ponds with water lilies introduce a vibrant ecosystem, adding visual appeal and fostering biodiversity.
  4. Streamlined modern reflecting pools offer a minimalist, tranquil oasis with minimal maintenance.
  5. Patio ponds transform your patio into a vibrant oasis, merging beauty with ecological harmony.

Read on to discover how these features can transform your space.

1. Classic Garden Fountains

Classic garden fountains often serve as the centerpiece of an outdoor space, combining aesthetic appeal with the soothing sound of flowing water.

Integrating a garden fountain into your backyard not only enhances its beauty but also promotes a tranquil environment. The sound of water, a natural relaxant, can markedly reduce stress levels, making your garden an oasis of calm.

When considering backyard water feature ideas, selecting a decorative fountain that complements the overall design of your garden is essential. Opt for materials and designs that are sustainable and blend seamlessly with your outdoor aesthetic.

Whether you choose a classic tiered fountain or a more modern design, the key is ensuring it serves both a decorative and functional purpose, enriching your outdoor space with its timeless charm.

2. Natural Stone Waterfalls

Incorporating a natural stone waterfall into your backyard adds a visually stunning element that will amaze your guests.

On top of that, the calming sound of cascading water can help you create a serene retreat.

One of the most popular options is installing a grand waterfall cascading into a pond. However, you don’t need to go the extravant route.A small waterfall that gently flows over rocks will be a minor yet impactful addition to your garden’s ambiance and aesthetic.

By selecting sustainable materials and integrating native plants around the waterfall, you enhance its natural beauty while ensuring its sustainability.

A well-designed natural stone waterfall can become a focal point in your landscape, inviting wildlife and providing a unique, soothing outdoor experience for you and your guests.

3. Koi Ponds With Water Lilies

Adding koi ponds with water lilies to your backyard is a straightforward method to create a vibrant ecosystem. As an added bonus, it also offers an aesthetically pleasing and sustainable water feature.

Integrating koi, a symbol of love and friendship, into your backyard pond contributes to the biological balance by controlling algae growth.

Water lilies, on the other hand, provide shade for koi and help maintain water temperature, making your pond a hospitable environment for aquatic life. Including various aquatic plants in your design fosters a natural filtration system, promoting clear water and reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Even a small water feature like this can become a focal point of your outdoor space, inviting biodiversity and tranquility into your backyard. This approach assures your water feature is both beautiful and ecologically responsible.

4. Streamlined Modern Reflecting Pools

Shifting focus to the elegance of modern design, streamlined reflecting pools offer a minimalist yet striking water feature for your backyard.

Embodying both aesthetic and technical finesse, these reflecting pools are an epitome of modern water feature that effortlessly add visual interest. Their reflective surface not only amplifies the beauty of your outdoor space but also creates a tranquil ambiance. It’s the perfect place to read a book or take a brief nap.

Designed with sustainability in mind, these pools are low maintenance, requiring minimal effort to keep them looking pristine.

5. Patio Ponds

Why not transform your patio into a vibrant oasis with the addition of a sustainable patio pond? Even in a small backyard, a patio can host a water garden that brings life and tranquility.

Designing a small pond as part of your patio setup introduces an aquatic element that’s soothing and visually engaging. By incorporating native plants and perhaps even fish, you create a sustainable ecosystem that benefits local wildlife while offering you a serene escape.

The key is to balance the technical aspects, such as filtration and water circulation, with the aesthetic, ensuring your patio pond complements your outdoor living space.

The Bottom Line

Transforming your backyard with water features is one of the best methods to elevate its aesthetic appeal. However, it’s also a good way to promote sustainability.

After all, creating a natural habitat and conserving water through recirculation are very sustainable practices.

Whether you’re drawn to the timeless elegance of classic garden fountains, the tranquil beauty of natural stone waterfalls, or the quaint charm of patio ponds, you’ll find that these additions offer a serene retreat and a visually stunning landscape.

Embrace these sustainable, functional, and beautiful solutions to refresh your outdoor space.


How can a water feature enhance the landscaping of a backyard?

A water feature can act as a focal point in the landscape, add a soothing element with the sound of running water, and attract wildlife. All of those elements enhance the overall aesthetics and tranquility of the backyard.

How to maintain a water feature in the backyard?

Regular cleaning, keeping the water source clean, and choosing a water feature that suits your backyard design are essential tips for maintaining a water feature in the backyard.

What are the benefits of adding a water feature to your outdoor space?

Adding a water feature can create a natural look, provide a relaxing ambiance with the sound of falling water, and serve as a beautiful addition to any garden or outdoor setting.

Can a water feature like a birdbath attract wildlife to your backyard?

Yes, it can! A birdbath can provide standing water for birds to drink and bathe in, attracting various bird species to your backyard.

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Water Features for Backyard: 5 Ideas to Refresh Your Outdoor Space (1)

Idris Ya'u

Idris Yau, the visionary founder of Webgardener, is a passionate botany student, dedicated flora enthusiast, prolific writer, and dynamic entrepreneur. With a deep-rooted love for plants and nature, Idris embarked on a journey to revolutionize gardening education and empower individuals worldwide to cultivate green thumbs. Armed with a wealth of botanical knowledge and a keen eye for innovation, he endeavors to make gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.

Water Features for Backyard: 5 Ideas to Refresh Your Outdoor Space (2024)


What is the easiest water feature to maintain? ›

Bird Bath. A bird bath can serve as a simple, low-maintenance type of water feature for your backyard or garden. Bird baths with a fountain can even offer an element of moving water.

How to style a water feature? ›

There are many different styles of water features, from modern to classic. Choose a style that complements your home and landscape. Include elements that add visual interest and appeal such as a gazebo, decorative rocks, statuary, and plants.

Are backyard water features worth it? ›

Having water features in your garden can create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. They add visual interest, mask noise, attract birds and wildlife, and help to cool the air.

What plants to put around a water feature? ›

Pond Plants for Container Water Gardening and Water Features
  • Acorus Calamus Variegata-barerooted. ...
  • Alisma Lanceolata-barerooted. ...
  • Alisma Parviflora-barerooted. ...
  • Allium Schoenoprasum-7 cm pot. ...
  • Anemopsis Californica-barerooted. ...
  • Apponogeton Distachyos-barerooted (large sprouting bulbs) ...
  • Apponogeton Krauseanus-barerooted.

How do I keep my backyard water feature clean? ›

How to Keep a Garden Water Fountain Clean (Expert Guide)
  1. Use White Vinegar to Remove Algae. Algae is a garden fountain's worst nightmare. ...
  2. Install a Higher Quality Pump. ...
  3. Change Fountain Water Once Per Month. ...
  4. Learn to Clean and Replace Pump Filters. ...
  5. Little bit of Chlorine in the Summer.
Jun 23, 2021

What can I put in my water feature to keep it clean? ›

So, how do you keep water clear for a water feature? Algae is the bane of garden fountains everywhere. Not only does it look quite ugly, but if you have an algae problem your best friend can be white vinegar! This strong natural chemical will quickly diminish any algae without harming birds or insects in any way.

How do you make a water feature look natural? ›

This is what will really make your water feature so make sure you choose the right stones! If you've used Rockery or Boulders, you can get matching decorative stones which make the whole feature look really natural.

What are the cons of water features? ›

Water features can be a challenge to maintain. They are a lot like having a mini pool. The water level requires observation, the equipment requires maintenance, and sometimes chemicals need to be added to keep the water clear. Leaf litter, dirt and other debris can build up over time and cause problems.

Where is the best place to put a water feature? ›

Choosing a spot that gets enough sunlight and is away from any trees or other plants that might drop leaves or branches into the water is important.

Should I leave my water feature on all the time? ›

Fountains work best when they are left running. Shutting off a fountain overnight may save you a few dollars in energy costs, but it leaves behind stagnant water that encourages bacterial overgrowth.

What is the best material for a water feature? ›

Granite is one of the ideal building materials for outdoor water fountains. Granite comes in various grey tones, making it elegant and sophisticated. Moreover, granite is highly resistant to rust-causing elements. Stone has a natural beauty that looks great in any landscape setting.

How do I make a small water feature for my garden? ›

Any watertight pot of a good size can be turned into a mini-pond. Surround it with lush planting to integrate it and add one or two aquatic plants to help keep the water algae-free.

What are the most beautiful pond plants? ›

You can use these 11 aquatic plants for ponds to make your pond look more natural and beautiful: water poppies, dwarf cattails, corkscrew rush, moneywort, yellow iris, thalia, water hyacinth, water lettuce, water lilies, lotus, and cabomba.

Are water fountains high maintenance? ›

Like other types of water features, fountains need regular upkeep and maintenance. In addition to having your contractor maintain your fountain every year, you will need to clean it between maintenance sessions to make sure the fountain pump remains completely submerged in water.

How much maintenance is a water feature? ›

Regularly Clean the Fountain and Pump

The most important step for keeping your fountain in good working order is to clean the basin every one to three months and the pump once a season. To clean the basin, turn off the fountain and wipe out the basin using the appropriate cleaning products for the fountain's material.

Are water features hard to maintain? ›

You may think water features are low maintenance. Typically, they are not. They require attention on a weekly basis. If you fall behind on maintenance, you can burn out a pumping system very quickly.

Are outdoor fountains hard to maintain? ›

Just a few minutes of pump maintenance will keep your fountain running smoothly and beautifully for a long time to come. You can use fountain cleaning and care products. When buying an outdoor water fountain, make sure the water feature that you choose has been made specifically for that purpose.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.