Why Do We Have To Go To School? (2024)

Why does school exist? When did kids start going, and why is it mandatory? Why are there 12 grades in school? Why do we call teachers by their last names? In this episode, we get schooled on school by sociologist Emily Rauscher and National Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson.

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"Why does school exist?" - Marcelo, 10, Colombia

"We have schools for a lot of reasons. They do a lot of things for us, for individuals and for our society. They help kids learn skills like, reading, writing, math and the ability to think critically, to see things from multiple views so when they grow up they can make informed decisions," says Rauscher, a sociologist at Brown University. "Schools do other things [too]. They help kids learn social skills, to get along with others, how to talk with authority figures like teachers. Beyond teaching skills, schools do a lot of other things for us: they take care of children during the day so their parents know they're safe while they're working to earn money, and schools provide a sense of community."

In some places, especially rural places, Rauscher says schools are often gathering places for meetings and community events.

Teacher Rodney Robinson, the Council of Chief State School Officers 2019 National Teacher of the Year, says that schools help prepare kids for adulthood.

"School exists because the world is so big and it's important you know everything you need to know to be successful in this world. School prepares you for when you're a grown up and you can go out in the world and do great things," Robinson says. "And when you do those great things, you'll be able to thank school for preparing your for it!"

Listen to the full episode to hear the answers to all of your school questions, including how mandatory education and attendence came about.

Why Do We Have To Go To School? (2024)


Why Do We Have To Go To School? ›

They help kids learn skills like, reading, writing, math and the ability to think critically, to see things from multiple views so when they grow up they can make informed decisions," says Rauscher, a sociologist at Brown University.

Why do we need to go to school? ›

School is the basic foundation of knowledge being imparted to a child. It gives a chance to children to acquire knowledge on various fields of education, such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects.

How to answer questions about why you want to go to a school? ›

Research your target school's academic and extracurricular programs. Pay attention to its mission statement and any special programs it offers students. Choose two to three classes offered by the department whose major you want to study and explain why you want to take them and what you hope to gain from those classes.

Why do I need to go to school everyday? ›

Students who are not in school miss out on what is being taught. When absences become a pattern or chronic issue, students can fall behind and experience academic struggles with lower academic performance as well as experience challenges beyond the classroom.

Is it really worth it to go to school? ›

Not only can a college degree help you get a better job, but it's also a minimum requirement for many career paths. If you want to secure virtually any professional position, whether, in business, social services, finance, or IT, you'll need some kind of tertiary qualification.

Is it worth it to go to school? ›

Bachelor's degree holders generally earn 75% more than those with just a high school diploma, according to “The College Payoff,” a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce — and the higher the level of educational attainment, the larger the payoff.

What are reasons to like school? ›

  • That one teacher who really gets you. Teachers are the backbone of education. ...
  • Your Crew. High school is a time where you meet tons of people. ...
  • The yearbook! ...
  • 4. Friday nights under the lights. ...
  • Get your groove on. ...
  • Clubs, activities, extracurriculars. ...
  • Spirit week. ...
  • Community support.

Why do kids want to go to school? ›

Students want to feel belonging and a sense of meaning

Not just to themselves, but to their parents and teachers too. We know a child is engaged at school when she attends regularly, thinks to herself, "School is doing me some good" and feels like people at her school value what she has to offer.

What do I want in a school? ›

Search for a school that fits you well academically, socially and culturally:
  • athletic offerings.
  • campus safety.
  • campus setting (urban, suburban, small-town or rural)
  • diversity of student population.
  • extracurricular organizations and events.
  • faculty experience and expertise.
  • financial aid availability and deadlines.

Why is it important to stay in school? ›

Staying in school is a great way to develop essential skills that can benefit you in college, in the workplace, and even in your personal life. This can include study habits, time management skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, communication skills, and more.

Is school necessary for life? ›

School is important because it teaches things that will help us later in life. We learn new skills at school, meet new people and develop our personalities. We make friends and build memories with them. It helps us grow and develop, learn new skills and get to know more about the world around us.

Why do I avoid school so much? ›

School refusal is considered a symptom and may be associated with diagnoses such as social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, major depression, oppositional defiant disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder, among others.

Is school good for your mental health? ›

Research shows that education can improve mental health by broadening your intellectual, social and emotional horizons. Attending school can also expand your knowledge, help you meet new people, further your goals, improve your career and even help you build better coping mechanisms.

Why should kids stay in school? ›

Staying in school is a great way to develop essential skills that can benefit you in college, in the workplace, and even in your personal life. This can include study habits, time management skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, communication skills, and more.

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