Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (2024)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (1)acid wave rune of the wizard (damage 224; dur 4; cd 19)
0.1 Encumbrance
rune scroll
ArcaneWhen inscribed on your body:
Range melee/personal
Cooldown: 19
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to unleash a cone dealing 224.49 acid damage.
The corrosive acid will also disarm enemies struck for 4 turns.
This effect can be resisted but not saved against.
Its effects scale with your Magic stat.
Inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

acid wave rune of the wizard (damage 224; dur 4; cd 19)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (2)biting gale rune of the duelist (damage 228; dur 4; cd 17)
0.1 Encumbrance
rune scroll
ArcaneWhen inscribed on your body:
Range melee/personal
Cooldown: 17
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to direct a cone of chilling stormwind doing 227.95 cold damage.
The storm will soak enemies hit reducing their resistance to stuns by 50% then attempt to freeze them for 4 turns.
These effects can be resisted but not saved against.
Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat.
Inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.
Press to compare to your current inscriptions

biting gale rune of the duelist (damage 228; dur 4; cd 17)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (3)shielding rune of the warrior (absorb 380; dur 3; cd 18)
0.1 Encumbrance
rune scroll
ArcaneWhen inscribed on your body:
Cooldown: 18
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 380 damage for 3 turns.
Its effects scale with your Strength stat.
Inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

shielding rune of the warrior (absorb 380; dur 3; cd 18)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (4)Belildath =2 CON=
0.1 Encumbrance
T1 amulet jewelry
NatureWhile equipped:
Stats +2 Con
defense ------
+6% lightning +9% mind +9% acid
Spell save
+3 (+2 eff.)Amulets make your neck look great!

Belildath =2 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (5)Withering Orbs
0.1 Encumbrance
T1 amulet jewelry
PsionicWhile equipped:
offense ------
+5 (+2 eff.)
5 mind
5 mind
other -------
See Stealth
See Invisibility
Blind-Fight: No penalty when attacking invisible/stealthedThese opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows.
If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see...

Withering Orbs

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (6)The Black Core
0.1 Encumbrance
T2 amulet jewelry
ArcaneWhile equipped:
defense ------
+15% darkness
-100.00 life
Blind Resist
other -------
+0.20 Corruption/Black-magic
Shadow Power
Grants spellpower equal to your Shadow Power."Lock your soul away, and death will never reach you."

The Black Core

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (7)mindweaver's steel amulet =2 WIL=
0.1 Encumbrance
T2 amulet jewelry
PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +2 Wil
offense ------
+6 (+3 eff.)
defense ------
Mind save
+8 (+8 eff.)
Confus Resist
+14%Amulets make your neck look great!

mindweaver's steel amulet =2 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (8)Salolle the Skyblight =2 WIL/CON=
0.1 Encumbrance
T1 ring jewelry
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +2 Wil +2 Con
offense ------
When Hit
4 lightning
defense ------
+12% lightning
Spell save
+12 (+6 eff.)
Mind save
+9 (+9 eff.)
other -------
Psi when Hit
Max stamina
+13.00Rings make your fingers look great!

Salolle the Skyblight =2 WIL/CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (9)Emadhetha the steel ring =7 CON=
0.1 Encumbrance
T2 ring jewelry
[Random Unique]
Nature/MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Str +7 Con
offense ------
Physical Power
+9 (+2 eff.)
+11% cold
defense ------
+3% lightning +22% cold
Physical save
+6 (+3 eff.)
Cut Resist
Disarm Resist
+20%Rings make your fingers look great!

Emadhetha the steel ring =7 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (10)Harydur the Frostmonster =6 CON=
0.1 Encumbrance
T2 ring jewelry
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +6 Str +6 Con
offense ------
Physical Power
+7 (+2 eff.)
+6% acid +21% cold
When Hit
10 cold
defense ------
+9% acidRings make your fingers look great!

Harydur the Frostmonster =6 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (11)gold ring 'Rhador' =4 WIL=
0.1 Encumbrance
T3 ring jewelry
[Random Unique]
Arcane/PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +1 Dex +4 Wil +2 Cun
offense ------
Physical Power
+5 (+1 eff.)
+12% darkness +12% arcane
defense ------
+24% darkness +12% arcane
Mind save
+8 (+8 eff.)
other -------
Max stamina
+30.00Rings make your fingers look great!

gold ring 'Rhador' =4 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (12)yew vilestaff (120% power, 4 apr, blight element)
5.0 Encumbrance
T3 staff 2H weapon

Weapon Damage 121% Range: 1.0x-1.2x
Uses 80% Mag

Staff Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+2.0% proc damage (max 200%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
While equipped:
offense ------
Spell Crit
+9 (+2 eff.)
+20% blight
other -------
+1 Command StaffStaves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art.

yew vilestaff (120% power, 4 apr, blight element)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (13)dwarven-steel greatmaul 'Festerhacker' (150% power, 2 apr)
5.0 Encumbrance
T3 greatmaul 2H weapon
[Random Unique]

Weapon Damage 151% Range: 1.0x-1.5x
Uses 120% Str

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.2% base damage (max 20%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
+17 light
Damage Against
+20% Undead
On Critical:
* Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30%
While equipped:
offense ------
Physical Crit
Ignore resists
+20% nature
+9 (+3 eff.)
On-Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit)
defense ------
+10 (+5 eff.)
Disarm Resist
Out-of-Phase Defense
Out-of-Phase Resistance
Out-of-Phase Resilience
+15%Massive two-handed mauls.

dwarven-steel greatmaul 'Festerhacker' (150% power, 2 apr)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (14)Isinn the dwarven-steel greatsword (158% power, 2 apr)
3.0 Encumbrance
T3 greatsword 2H weapon
[Random Unique]

Weapon Damage 159% Range: 1.0x-1.6x
Uses 120% Str

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.4% critical power (max 40%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
+12 acid +26 cold
On-Hit, radius 1
+12 fire
On Hit:
* 20% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit)
While equipped:
offense ------
+3% acid
Ignore resists
+5% temporal
On-Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to reduce armor by 38%Massive two-handed swords.

Isinn the dwarven-steel greatsword (158% power, 2 apr)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (15)balanced stralite greatsword (160% power, 3 apr)
3.0 Encumbrance
T4 greatsword 2H weapon

Weapon Damage 161% Range: 1.0x-1.6x
Uses 120% Str

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.4% critical power (max 40%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
While equipped:
offense ------
+9 (+3 eff.)
defense ------
+13 (+7 eff.)
Disarm Resist
+42%Massive two-handed swords.

balanced stralite greatsword (160% power, 3 apr)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (16)River's Fury (125% power, 8 apr)
3.0 Encumbrance
T1 trident 2H weapon

Weapon Damage 126% Range: 1.0x-1.4x
Uses 120% Str

Exotic Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.2% base damage (max 20%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
+15 cold
While equipped:
offense ------
+10 (+3 eff.)
Move Speed
+10% cold
+10 (+4 eff.)
defense ------
+10% cold
On Spell Hit: 20% Glacial Vapour level 1Tidal Wave:
Effective talent level: 1.0
Power cost 80 out of 80/80.
Range melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: A wall of water rushes out from the caster with an initial radius of 1, increasing by 1 per turn to a maximum radius of 3, doing 18.24 cold damage and 20.81 physical damage to all inside, as well as knocking back targets each turn.
The tidal wave lasts for 5 turns.
All creatures hit gain the wet effect, which reduces their stun/freeze immunity by half and interacts with other cold spells.
The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower.
This gorgeous and ornate trident was wielded by Lady Nashva, and when you hold it, you can faintly hear the roar of a rushing river.

River's Fury (125% power, 8 apr)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (17)acidic voratun longsword of daylight (153% power, 6 apr)
3.0 Encumbrance
T5 longsword 1H weapon

Weapon Damage 153% Range: 1.0x-1.4x
Uses 100% Str

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.4% critical power (max 40%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
+13 light
Damage Against
+9% Undead
On Critical:
* Splash the target with acid dealing 167 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 21Sharp, long, and deadly.

acidic voratun longsword of daylight (153% power, 6 apr)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (18)Jetire (105% power, 3 apr) =6 WIL/CON=
3.0 Encumbrance
T2 waraxe 1H weapon
[Random Unique]

Weapon Damage 106% Range: 1.0x-1.4x
Uses 100% Str

Weapons Mastery
Accuracy Bonus
+0.2% critical chance (max 25%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
On-crit, radius 2
+4 darkness
On Hit:
* 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 28
While equipped:
Stats +1 Str +6 Wil +6 Con
offense ------
+6% physical
+10 (+4 eff.)
On-Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to reduce damage dealt by 17%
* 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 28
defense ------
+5 (+3 eff.)
+3% darkness
Disarm Resist
+22%One-handed war axes.

Jetire (105% power, 3 apr) =6 WIL/CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (19)elm longbow of enduring =9 CON=
4.0 Encumbrance
T1 longbow 2H weapon

Accuracy Bonus

+0.2% critical chance (max 25%)
Attack Speed
While equipped:
Stats +9 Con +8 Wil
defense ------
+24.00Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes.

elm longbow of enduring =9 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (20)ranger's cured leather sling of enduring =8 CON=
4.0 Encumbrance
T2 sling 1H weapon

Accuracy Bonus

+0.2% base damage (max 20%)
Attack Speed
While equipped:
Stats +1 Dex +7 Wil +8 Con
defense ------
+10.00Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes.

ranger's cured leather sling of enduring =8 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (21)Coral Spray (8 def, 8 armour, 117% power, 48 block)
7.0 Encumbrance
T1 shield armor
NatureWhen used to Attack:
Weapon Damage 117% Range: 1.0x-1.4x
Uses 140% Str
Accuracy Bonus
+2.0% proc damage (max 200%)
Critical Rate
+10 cold
While equipped:
offense ------
On shield block:
* 30% chance to spray freezing water (radius 4 cone) at the target.
defense ------
+8 (+4 eff.)
+15% cold +10% fire
other -------
Max air
+1 Block
On block: 30% chance to spray freezing water (radius 4 cone) at the target.A chunk of jagged coral, dredged from the ocean.

Coral Spray (8 def, 8 armour, 117% power, 48 block)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (22)Elevea (0 def, 2 armour, 100% power, 17.5 block) =3 CON=
7.0 Encumbrance
T1 shield armor
ArcaneWhen used to Attack:
Weapon Damage 100% Range: 1.0x-1.2x
Uses 100% Str
Accuracy Bonus
+2.0% proc damage (max 200%)
Critical Rate
+11 light +12 darkness
While equipped:
Stats +2 Dex +3 Mag +2 Wil +5 Cun
+3 Con
offense ------
+11% light +11% darkness
defense ------
+12% fire +11% light
+12% darkness
Out-of-Phase Defense
Out-of-Phase Resistance
Out-of-Phase Resilience
other -------
+1 BlockHandheld deflection devices.

Elevea (0 def, 2 armour, 100% power, 17.5 block) =3 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (23)swashbuckler's dwarven-steel shield (0 def, 6 armour, 135% power, 73 block)
7.0 Encumbrance
T3 shield armor
MasterWhen used to Attack:
Weapon Damage 136% Range: 1.0x-1.2x
Uses 100% Str
Accuracy Bonus
+2.0% proc damage (max 200%)
Critical Rate
While equipped:
Stats +6 Str +1 Dex
offense ------
+12 (+4 eff.)
defense ------
other -------
+1 BlockHandheld deflection devices.

swashbuckler's dwarven-steel shield (0 def, 6 armour, 135% power, 73 block)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (24)Skin of Many (12 def, 6 armour) =4 CON=
9.0 Encumbrance
T2 light armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +4 Con
defense ------
+12 (+6 eff.)
other -------
-0.20 Cunning/Stealth The stitched-together skins of many creatures. Some eyes and mouths still decorate the robe, and some still live, screaming in tortured agony.

Skin of Many (12 def, 6 armour) =4 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (25)Freezemoon the hardened leather belt =3 CON=
1.0 Encumbrance
T3 belt armor
NatureWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Dex +5 Mag +5 Cun +3 Con
offense ------
+5 (+2 eff.)
defense ------
+6% cold
Mind save
+9 (+9 eff.)
other -------
+3A belt that goes around your waist.

Freezemoon the hardened leather belt =3 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (26)Silulratira the Dimripper =5 WIL=
1.0 Encumbrance
T3 belt armor
[Random Unique]
Nature/MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +4 Cun +5 Wil
offense ------
Ignore resists
+15% darkness
+24% Summoned
On-Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 28
* 10% chance to reduce damage dealt by 17%
defense ------
+11 (+6 eff.)
+6% darkness
Resist Against
+25% Summoned
+45.00A belt that goes around your waist.

Silulratira the Dimripper =5 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (27)Eclipsevengeance the cashmere cloak (2 def, 0 armour) =15 OoP=
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 cloak armor
NatureWhile equipped:
offense ------
Ignore resists
+25% darkness
When Hit
6 temporal
defense ------
+2 (+1 eff.)
Physical save
+8 (+4 eff.)
Mind save
+8 (+8 eff.)
-50.00 life
Out-of-Phase Defense
Out-of-Phase Resistance
Out-of-Phase Resilience
+15%A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

Eclipsevengeance the cashmere cloak (2 def, 0 armour) =15 OoP=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (28)Glorarebeth (2 def, 0 armour) =7 WIL=
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 cloak armor
ArcaneWhile equipped:
Stats +3 Mag +7 Wil
offense ------
Mind Crit
Ignore resists
+15% mind
On-Hit (Melee):
* 20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 21
defense ------
+2 (+1 eff.)
other -------
EQ when Hit
+0.16A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

Glorarebeth (2 def, 0 armour) =7 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (29)regal cashmere cloak of implacability (2 def, 0 armour)
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 cloak armor
Nature/PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +2 Wil
defense ------
+2 (+1 eff.)
Physical save
+5 (+2 eff.)
Mind save
+14 (+12 eff.)
-50.00 lifeA cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour.

regal cashmere cloak of implacability (2 def, 0 armour)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (30)pair of rough leather boots 'Filthwrack' (0 def, 1 armour) =3 WIL=
2.0 Encumbrance
T1 feet armor
PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +1 Mag +3 Wil +5 Cun
defense ------
+6% nature
Physical save
+6 (+3 eff.)
Spell save
+7 (+4 eff.)
Mind save
+5 (+5 eff.)
-60.00 lifeA pair of boots made of leather.

pair of rough leather boots 'Filthwrack' (0 def, 1 armour) =3 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (31)Eden's Guile (2 def, 1 armour)
2.0 Encumbrance
T2 feet armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +3 Cun
defense ------
+2 (+1 eff.)
other -------
+0.20 Cunning/Survival Boost speed by 30% (based on Cunning).
Uses 50 power out of 50/50The boots of a Rogue outcast, who knew that the best way to deal with a problem was to run from it.

Eden's Guile (2 def, 1 armour)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (32)Blindoracle (0 def, 3 armour)
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 feet armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Dex +5 Wil +5 Con +7 Lck
offense ------
Mind Crit
+15 (+7 eff.)
+18% darkness
defense ------
+8A pair of boots made of leather.

Blindoracle (0 def, 3 armour)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (33)Toxinvagrant (30 def, 3 armour) =3 CON=
3.0 Encumbrance
T1 feet armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +3 Str +3 Con
offense ------
+3% nature +3% mind
When Hit
2 physical
defense ------
+30 (+13 eff.)
-20.00 life
other -------
Max stamina
Puts all charms on 25 turn cooldown
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost 25 out of 25/25.
Range 7
Cooldown: 30
Travel.spd instantaneous
Description: Rush toward a target enemy with incredible speed and perform a melee attack for 120% weapon damage that can daze the target for 3 turns if it hits.
You must rush from at least 2 tiles away.
Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm.

Toxinvagrant (30 def, 3 armour) =3 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (34)dwarven-steel gauntlets of the iron hand (0 def, 2 armour) =3 CON=
1.5 Encumbrance
T2 hands armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +4 Str +4 Wil +3 Con
defense ------
Disarm Resist
other -------
+0.20 Technique/Grappling
Unarmed combat:
Weapon Damage 122% Range: 1.0x-1.4x
Uses 40% Dex, 40% Str, 40% Cun
Accuracy Bonus
+0.2% base damage (max 20%)
Ignore Armor
Critical Rate
Attack Speed
On Hit: 10% Disarm level 3Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm.

dwarven-steel gauntlets of the iron hand (0 def, 2 armour) =3 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (35)rough leather cap of constitution (+3) (0 def, 1 armour) =3 CON=
2.0 Encumbrance
T1 head armor
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +3 Con
defense ------
+1%A cap made of leather.

rough leather cap of constitution (+3) (0 def, 1 armour) =3 CON=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (36)hardened leather cap 'Haridin' (0 def, 3 armour) =9 WIL=
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 head armor
[Random Unique]
Nature/MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +4 Str +3 Dex +9 Wil +3 Cun
+3 Con
offense ------
Physical Power
+8 (+2 eff.)
defense ------
+15% blight +8% physical
+15% acid +3% lightning
Physical save
+5 (+2 eff.)
Spell save
+3 (+2 eff.)
Mind save
+8 (+8 eff.)A cap made of leather.

hardened leather cap 'Haridin' (0 def, 3 armour) =9 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (37)Flashhunter (0 def, 7 armour) =WATER=
3.0 Encumbrance
T3 head armor
[Random Unique]
Nature/MasterWhile equipped:
offense ------
+6% light +3% mind
defense ------
+9% mind +5% cold
Physical save
+13 (+6 eff.)
other -------
water A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however.

Flashhunter (0 def, 7 armour) =WATER=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (38)5 agate
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 black gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil
+1 Cun +1 Con
Item imbue powers:
Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil
+1 Cun +1 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

5 agate

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (39)3 spinel
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 green gem
[Normal]While equipped:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Physical save
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mind save
+2 (+2 eff.)
Item imbue powers:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Physical save
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mind save
+2 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 spinel

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (40)8 ametrine
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 yellow gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+2% all
Item imbue powers:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+2% all
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

8 ametrine

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (41)3 citrine
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 yellow gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Item imbue powers:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 citrine

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (42)2 zircon
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 yellow gem
[Normal]While equipped:
+1% all
Item imbue powers:
+1% all
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 zircon

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (43)2 aquamarine
0.0 Encumbrance
T2 blue gem
[Normal]While equipped:
+2% all
Item imbue powers:
+2% all
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 aquamarine

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (44)2 opal
0.0 Encumbrance
T2 blue gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Stats +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Mag +2 Wil
+2 Cun +2 Con
Item imbue powers:
Stats +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Mag +2 Wil
+2 Cun +2 Con
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 opal

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (45)8 topaz
0.0 Encumbrance
T2 blue gem
[Normal]While equipped:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Physical save
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mind save
+4 (+4 eff.)
Item imbue powers:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Physical save
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mind save
+4 (+4 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

8 topaz

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (46)4 amethyst
0.0 Encumbrance
T2 violet gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+4% all
Item imbue powers:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+4% all
Latent Damage Type: ArcaneGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 amethyst

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (47)4 onyx
0.0 Encumbrance
T3 black gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Stats +3 Str +3 Dex +3 Mag +3 Wil
+3 Cun +3 Con
Item imbue powers:
Stats +3 Str +3 Dex +3 Mag +3 Wil
+3 Cun +3 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 onyx

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (48)garnet
0.0 Encumbrance
T3 red gem
[Normal]While equipped:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+6% all
Item imbue powers:
Physical Crit
Spell Crit
Mind Crit
+6% all
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.


Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (49)Prothotipe's Prismatic Eye
0.0 Encumbrance
T3 multi-hued gem
ArcaneWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Mag +5 Con
+10% lightning +10% fire
+10% cold
+0.20 Golem/Arcane
On Spell Hit: 10% Eye Beam level 2
Casts lasers on spellcast when worn or imbued.
Item imbue powers:
Stats +5 Mag +5 Con
+10% lightning +10% fire
+10% cold
+0.20 Golem/Arcane
Latent Damage Type: LightningThis cracked gemstone looks faded with age. It appears to have once been the eye of a golem.

Prothotipe's Prismatic Eye

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (50)Crystal Focus
0.0 Encumbrance
T2 multi-hued gem
ArcaneWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Mag
+20% arcane +20% blight
(The created item can be activated to recover the Focus.)
Latent Damage Type: ArcaneCombine with a weapon (makes a non enchanted weapon into an artifact).
Uses 1 power out of 1/1This crystal radiates the power of the Spellblaze itself.

Crystal Focus

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (51)279 alchemist agate
0.0 Encumbrance
T1 black alchemist-gem
[Normal]When used as an alchemist bomb:
Bomb damage +5%
Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

279 alchemist agate

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (52)brass lantern 'Yvesevena' =4 WIL=
2.0 Encumbrance
T1 lite
PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +4 Wil
offense ------
+5 (+2 eff.)
+6% mind
Ignore resists
+20% mind
On-Hit (Melee):
* 20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 21
other -------
Psi when Hit
Max hate
+3A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle.

brass lantern 'Yvesevena' =4 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (53)Wintertide Phial
2.0 Encumbrance
T2 lite
ArcaneWhile equipped:
other -------
+7Cleanse your mind of up to 5 (based on Magic) detrimental mental effects.
Uses 40 power out of 60/60This phial seems filled with darkness, yet it cleanses your thoughts.

Wintertide Phial

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (54)iron pickaxe of endurance (dig speed 36 turns)
3.0 Encumbrance
T1 digger tool
MasterWhile equipped:
Stats +3 Str
defense ------
While carried:
other -------
+1 DigAllows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways.

iron pickaxe of endurance (dig speed 36 turns)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (55)Eye of the Dreaming One =5 WIL=
2.0 Encumbrance
T1 misc tool
PsionicWhile equipped:
Stats +5 Wil
offense ------
+5 (+2 eff.)
defense ------
Mind save
+10 (+10 eff.)
The wearer is asleep.
Lucid Dreamer: May act while sleepingSleep:
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost 20 out of 25/25.
Range 7
Cooldown: 6
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is: a mind power
Description: Puts targets in a radius of 1 to sleep for 3 turns, rendering them unable to act. Every 8 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
When Sleep ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 20% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
At talent level 5 Sleep will become contagious and has a 25% chance to spread to nearby targets each turn.
The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower.
This ethereal eye stares eternally, as if seeing things that do not truly exist.

Eye of the Dreaming One =5 WIL=

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (56)Scrying Orb
1.0 Encumbrance
[Plot Item]
UnknownWhile carried:This orb will automatically identify items you find.

Scrying Orb

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (57)Transmogrification Chest
2.0 Encumbrance
sher'tul chest
[Plot Item]
UnknownWhile carried:
Transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level).
Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy.
The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you.

When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level.
Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them.
Items in the chest will not encumber you.

Transmogrification Chest

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (58)Rod of Annulment (1/1)
2.0 Encumbrance
T2 rod charm
ArcanePut up to 3 of the target's runes, infusions or talents on cooldown for 3-5 turns (range 5).
Uses 30 power out of 30/30You can feel magic draining out around this rod. Even nature itself seems affected.

Rod of Annulment (1/1)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (59)Rod of Recall (1/1)
2.0 Encumbrance
rod charm
[Plot Item]
UnknownRecall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns.
Uses 202 power out of 400/400This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself.
You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel.

Rod of Recall (1/1)

Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (60)supercharged yew wand of shielding [power 326] (25 cooldown)
2.0 Encumbrance
T3 wand charm
ArcaneCreate a shield absorbing up to 326 damage on yourself and all friendly characters within 10 spaces for 4 turns
Puts all charms on 25 turn cooldownMagical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells.

supercharged yew wand of shielding [power 326] (25 cooldown)

Mirror of Reflection (Portable)
0.0 Encumbrance
[Plot Item]
UnknownChange your appearance.
Uses 1 power out of 1/1A strange mirror, the reflection inside seems somehow .. off, as if showing what could be instead of what is.

Mirror of Reflection (Portable)
Ahel the level 27 Ogre Sun Paladin by FailPail (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.