Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (2024)

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (1)

Sea of Thieves

  • Amir Abdollahi

updated as needed

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So, you’ve completed Puzzle 4 and are ready for the next part of The Crowning Glory stage of the Mystery: The Hunt for the Hoarder’s Golden Key voyage! The Hunt for the Hoarder’s Golden Key is a time-limited, multi-chapter voyage that will have you sailing through the Sea of Thieves, solving riddles from a Mysterious Journal.

Like the previous three Silver Key voyages, you must solve the riddles to complete the voyage. If you are successful, you will find the Bullion Gold Key, unlock the Gold Hoarder Skull Trinket, and finish the fourth and final stage of The Hoarder’s Hunt Mystery!

The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage: Step by Step

Step 1: Claim the Voyage from Larinna

After completing The Crowning Glory Puzzle and submitting the correct keyword to the official Sea of Thieves website, you can claim The Hunt for the Hoarder’s Golden Key Voyage from Larinna. You can find Larinna at any active Outpost across the Sea of Thieves.

Once you find her, speak with her and browse her stock. Then, choose The Hunt for the Hoarder’s Golden Key and purchase it for 0 Gold. With the voyage in your inventory, you are ready to embark on this mysterious voyage!

You can purchase this voyage as many times as you like throughout the Mystery, so don’t worry if you need to try it more than once.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (2)

Step 2: Start Voyage from Captain's Table

Head to your ship’s Captain’s Table and propose the voyage. You’ll receive a Mysterious Treasure Map in your Quest Radial as soon you vote to start it.

Open up your Quest Radial and select the map. It will be an X Marks the Spot map for an island nearby with one X. Once you figure out which island the map is for, sail over to the island to dig at the X!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (3)

Step 3: Sail to X Marks the Spot island

Once on the island, head to the area with the X and dig. You’ll need to be precise to find the exact spot!

When you’ve dug in the correct spot, you’ll uncover a Mysterious Journal. You will add it to your Quest Radial as soon as you pick it up. Open up the Mysterious Journal and read through the pages. You’ll see you have a riddle to solve!

As you read through the pages, you will learn that you’ll need to visit the Ferry of the Damned to start. So, grab some Blunderbombs, jump off the crow’s nest, or get eaten by a shark to make your way to the Ferry.

Step 4: Go to the Ferry of the Damned

Once there, you must count all the lit red candles (RED AND WAXY LIGHTS) on the left rail by the helm. You will count a total of 14 lit candles. You’ll use that number for the NORTH to SOUTH part of the riddle from the Mysterious Journal. Don’t leave the Ferry just yet!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (4)

Now you want to count the cannons (metal DRAGONS) and beacons (CAGES FOR WOOD) on the Ferry. You should count five cannons and six beacons. Add the one bell (MUSIC MAKER) to eleven for a count of 12. We’ll use 12 to measure the squares for the WEST to EAST part of the riddle.

Go to your Map Table and start at the map coordinates A1. From there, go South 14 squares and then East 12 squares. You should be at the map coordinates L14, where the Fort of the Damned is.

Step 5: Sail to the Fort of the Damned

Once at the Fort of the Damned, you want to make your way up all the ramps until you find yourself underneath the bell tower. Once underneath the bell, turn right and you’ll see a green torch crossed with another post making an X. This is where you’ll want to dig! Head over and dig in front of the Armoury to find your first set of Missing Pages.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (5)

See exactly where the pages are on your map:
Missing Pages on Fort of the Damned

Open up your newly added Missing Pages and start to decipher the riddle. The pages will direct you to head inside the main fortress where the six Flames of Fate statues are.

Walk over to the one that holds the White flame on the East side of the room and stand behind its lantern. You want to line up the red candles on the other side of the room with the holes in the lantern. Once you have lined up the candles, equip your compass to get your heading. You’ll be heading West by North West to Castaway Isle.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (6)

Step 6: Sail to Castaway Isle

Once on Castaway Isle, head to the Southern part of the island and face North. You’ll walk through a stone arch and follow the path to a palm tree with two skulls staked into it.

Stand close to the skulls and face them. Then, rotate so you are facing the profile of the right skull. Off in the distance, above the right skull, through the trees, is your next destination, The Reaper’s Hideout!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (7)

Step 7: Sail to The Reaper's Hideout

Dock your ship on the South pier of The Reaper’s Hideout. From here you’ll line up the first red lanterns dangling from the curved bone with a large rock off in the distance. This will point you to run around the East side of The Reaper’s Hideout.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (8)

Once you’ve made your way to the front of the main structure, you’ll find more red dangling lanterns dangling. Walk up to these and face the entrance to the hideout.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (9)

You’ll walk past more red lanterns to head inside. Once inside, stop at the chalice and turn around.

Walk back outside and stop on the middle of the small bridge. You’ll be able to line up more red lanterns with a small diamond cutout in the banner by the bridge. once you do, you’ll be in the right spot to line up an island between two posts tied with a rope. The island in the distance is Wanderer’s Refuge.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (10)

Step 8: Sail to Wanderer's Refuge

Once on Wanderer’s Refuge, head to the desolate wooden shacks on the South beach. You’ll find a lantern here in the corner of one of the shacks.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (11)

Stand on the wood behind it and look North West to where the Resource Barrel on its side is pointing.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (12)

Head in that direction and walk through the stone tunnel to the center of the island.

Up on the hill you will come across two functional Resource Barrels and one that is destroyed.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (13)

Stand on top of them and look up the hill to the North. You should see the very tip of the bell on top of the island.

Make your way to the bell and dig at its base to find more Missing Pages.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (14)

See exactly where the pages are on your map:
Missing Pages on Wanderer’s Refuge

Using your new missing pages, walk four paces North by North East and equip your spyglass. You will see a Cannon beside a Resource Barrel far off to the North.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (15)

Run over to the cannon and stand in front of it. Looking out over the sea, turn right and you should see two small posts down on the beach below.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (16)

Head over to the posts and you will find a destroyed rowboat. Line up the hole an oar would go through with a small post on the dock to find your next island, Cannon Cove.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (17)

Step 9: Sail to Cannon Cove

Dock your ship on the island’s East side and move towards the top. Walking over the last hill, you will see a large tree center in front of you. Walk up to the tree and turn around towards a similar tree to the South East. Once you are standing by that tree, face left and look out over the sea. You should see your next island, Rum Runner Isle, off in the distance!

Step 10: Sail to Rum Runner Isle

Once on Rum Runner Isle, head to the island’s East side. You will find some equipment belonging to Sudds and a toppled stool. The stool’s legs will point you to your next destination, Hidden Spring Keep.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (18)

Step 11: Sail to Hidden Spring Keep

Dock your ship by the South East jetty. Walk on the jetty and stop at the end. Look to your right, and you will spot a lantern on top of a Resource Barrel.

Walk over to the Resource Barrel to find your following location. From the Resource Barrel and busted chest, look to the North East, and you’ll see a cannon in a fort gatehouse. Walk up to the cannon and face North up the hill to the main fortress. You will see a lantern hanging from a post. You’ll be digging underneath the scaffolding from which the lantern is hanging.

The scaffolding just to the East of the main entrance and has a red Cannonball Barrel next to it.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (19)

See exactly where the pages are on your map:
Missing Pages on Hidden Spring Keep

From underneath the scaffolding, look out to the West, and you’ll see a lantern above the walkway that leads into the main fortress. Walk over the walkway, and you’ll end up by a rock. Then, use the hanging lantern and the watch tower in the water to find your next island, the Uncharted Isle at K9.

Step 12: Sail to the Uncharted Isle at K9

Dock your ship on the South East side of the island. Hop off onto the island and walk to the cooking spot, stool, and crate.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (20)

From the crate, look North and go up the hill to the bird cage. Nearby the bird cage is two skeletons and a cutlass. Follow the way the cutlasses handle is pointing to another crate.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (21)

Stand on the crate’s lid and look North over the water to the other side of the Isle. You will see a crate on the beach. Head over to it.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (22)

Once on the other side, walk up the hill to the North East, and you’ll find a dog. Further North East from the dog is five planks lying on each other. Take note of the second one from the top pointing to Shipwreck Bay, your next island!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (23)

Step 13: Sail to Shipwreck Bay

Dock your ship on the North West side of the island. Hop off your ship onto the island and walk East under the arch. As you walk through the arch you’ll see a wooden bridge further East. Go over to it and walk under it to find a shipwreck for you to climb. Make your way up the shipwreck’s mast and look down to the South. You will see the broken hull of another shipwreck.

Drop down and stand on the middle spine of the shipwreck. Face away from the island along the spine to find your next island, The Crooked Masts.

Step 14: Sail to The Crooked Masts

Starting on the West side of The Crooked Masts, make your way up to the middle of the island and look South for the bell. Walk over to the bell and keep walking up the hill, past the torches, and through the cave. From the two torches on the other side of the cave, you’ll walk to the right on top of the cave, past the white flag, and across the bridge to the North spire.

Make your way up to the cave and face toward the opening to the West. Then use your spyglass and line up the panhandle on the cooking spot with the peak in the back. When you have them lined up, equip your shovel to dig up the final set of Missing Pages!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (24)

See exactly where the pages are on your map:
Missing Pages on The Crooked Masts

The last Missing Pages will direct to an uncharted CROSS, the Sea Dog Tavern in the middle of the Sea of Thieves.

Step 15: Sail to Sea Dog's Tavern

Dock your ship on the Eastmost Isle and jump on the dock. Tucked away are two chairs. Sit in the chair closest to the rock, and you will see a post line up with another Isle in the distance.

Swim over to that Isle and climb up the ladder on the mast to the cannon. The cannon is facing toward Kraken’s chicken head mounted on the tavern. Jump in the cannon and shoot over!

Now you’ll want to peer into each window until you find a table with pouches of gold. Once you do, turn around, and you’ll find another Isle with a cannon across the way. Jump down and make your way over to the Isle. Once there, stand on top of the ship’s wheel, equip your spyglass, and look through the scaffolding to find a light up high on the main structure.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (25)

Go to that light by doing the Sea Dog Tavern Challenge Route. Don’t worry! You only need to do the beginning of it! Walk past that light and over some beams. Once you reach a pole to rise, look down to the left, and you’ll find yet another Isle with a cannon. This one will have a red canvas on it.

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (26)

Jump down to that Isle and stand just in front of the pile of barrels at the back of it. Line up the white candles with the golden beach to find your dig location! Shoot yourself over and dig to find the chest!

Your dig spot is on a small beach on the North East side of the main rock structure below the jumping path.

As soon as you dig up the chest, you will complete the voyage and complete the last stage of the Mystery! Congrats on solving every one puzzle and riddle ‘H’ could throw at you!

Make sure to sell the key to the Gold Hoarders for extra gold!

Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (27)

See exactly where the pages are on your map:
Bullion Gold Key on Sea Dog Tavern

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47 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder’s Golden Key Voyage Guide”

  1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (31)


    June 16, 2023 at 1:08 pm



  2. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (32)


    June 16, 2023 at 2:07 pm



    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (33)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 2:39 pm

      Dig by the Armoury in front of the fortress. There’s a picture now to help.


      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (34)


        June 16, 2023 at 2:50 pm

        picture for crooks island pages.please


        1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (35)

          Amir Abdollahi

          June 16, 2023 at 3:28 pm

          Working on it! Northern spire by the Resource Barrel in the cave with the Ammo Crate and cooking spot.


    2. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (36)


      June 16, 2023 at 3:03 pm

      I had to die to dig it up


  3. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (37)


    June 16, 2023 at 2:44 pm

    where do you dig at crooked masts?


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (38)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:28 pm

      In the cave of the Northern spire by a Resource Barrel and pile of wood.


  4. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (39)

    Sir Komma

    June 16, 2023 at 2:49 pm

    Where at Crooked Masts? Please!


  5. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (40)


    June 16, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    Where do i dig with the fryingpan


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (41)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:29 pm

      It’s in the Northern spire in the cave with the cooking spot and Ammo Crate.


  6. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (42)


    June 16, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    Where to find riddle on croced masts


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (43)


      June 16, 2023 at 3:03 pm

      noth side spire.. between campfire and the peices of wood pylons laying on the ground


      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (44)


        June 16, 2023 at 3:19 pm

        I still cant 😭


  7. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (45)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:01 pm

    i cant find the step 11
    help me pls


  8. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (46)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:01 pm

    Ok so whats after chapt 4?


  9. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (47)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:03 pm

    i struggle to find where to dig on the sea dog tavern 🙁


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (48)


      June 16, 2023 at 3:12 pm



      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (49)


        June 16, 2023 at 3:14 pm



        1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (50)


          June 16, 2023 at 3:25 pm

          on the NE side of the main rock spire theres a small patch of shore…not the one by the dock…the other arch


    2. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (51)


      June 16, 2023 at 3:20 pm

      Its little beach on second island behind main one


      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (52)


        June 16, 2023 at 3:26 pm

        what is behind? been here an hour. i think i was even ahead of this guide! but then fell way behind when i got here.


      2. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (53)


        June 16, 2023 at 3:31 pm

        whats the key for or just sell it?


  10. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (54)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:16 pm

    where do you dig at crook mast


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (55)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:46 pm

      There’s a picture now to help 🙂


  11. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (56)

    Big man

    June 16, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    Where do I dig at the sea dogs tavern?


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (57)


      June 16, 2023 at 3:39 pm

      In the sand by a big rock in the water


  12. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (58)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:23 pm



  13. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (59)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:24 pm

    Im still stuck at the 13 step pls help me whit a pics


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (60)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:46 pm

      The Crooked Masts? We just added a picture of that and the Sea Dog Tavern.


  14. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (61)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:37 pm

    Man!!! I feel so dumb, should have just joined a discord group or something. I was making really good time despite some major issues with a skeleton fleet and non stop storms at the wrong time, but I got stuck at the last spot for an hour. Could not figure out the last bit of the clue. horse shoes and hand grenades. Drat! oh well, it was fun!


  15. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (62)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:39 pm

    Found it!


  16. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (63)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    I have dug this beach over and over again. NE side, below the jumping puzzle, not next to the dock.


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (64)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:45 pm

      We just added a picture 🙂


      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (65)


        June 16, 2023 at 3:55 pm

        Awesome! I’m sure that’s going to help everyone


  17. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (66)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    I sold the key and now what?


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (67)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 3:55 pm

      You completed the Mystery and got your Trinket and Title. Congrats!


      1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (68)

        Big man

        June 16, 2023 at 3:57 pm

        Who is H!?!?!!?


  18. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (69)

    Big man

    June 16, 2023 at 3:56 pm

    Yeah but who is H


  19. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (70)


    June 16, 2023 at 3:58 pm

    DONE AND DONE EARLIER TODAY… Thanks for this fun adventure!


  20. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (71)


    June 16, 2023 at 4:14 pm

    Alright – either the hitbox on this key is super small, or it got eatten by all the grubs I have been digging up. I’ve even tried sailing away and coming back. I’m caught up in the adventure- ARGH!


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (72)


      June 16, 2023 at 4:25 pm

      I’m a goober. Love you guys.


  21. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (73)


    June 16, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    Does anyone know what prize they one if any?


  22. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (74)


    June 16, 2023 at 6:07 pm

    Why does this guide list dagger tooth when you never have to go to dagger tooth?

    You gotta go to K9 and shipwreck bay at that point. Dagger Tooth isn’t even part of the road.


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (75)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 16, 2023 at 6:49 pm

      Aye, sorry! Still working out the islands in between. Thanks for pointing that out!


  23. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (76)


    June 17, 2023 at 1:59 pm

    i think i need a picture of how to line up the handle and the mountain because I’ve been digging up grubs for 30 minutes


    1. Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (77)

      Amir Abdollahi

      June 17, 2023 at 2:19 pm

      Did you finally get it? You can see how we do it in our video guide with lining it up: Good luck!


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Sea of Thieves: The Hunt for the Hoarder's Golden Key Voyage Guide - Rare Thief (2024)
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