7 Cups - Free Care & Therapy (2024)


35 Answers

Last Updated: 06/15/2021 at 3:43pm

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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
November 21st, 2014 5:38am

We all believe in love, and we all want to love and be loved in return. It is hard to stop loving a person who isn't good for you because you think that you can change them.

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March 31st, 2015 5:18pm

They say never get too attached to something that’s not yours.We all love something that we can’t have, I mean sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you want it, it cannot always happen your way, you know?Even if you feel like it belongs to you and nobody else, or perhaps that you’ll be able to love it more than anyone else, if it’s not yours, it’s just not.You cannot own people all the time.You gotta let them be.if they’re meant to be with you, you’ll see that happen.It’s okay to want them.It’s okay to try.But not everything you love can be yours.

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March 21st, 2015 11:54pm

It can be difficult to stop loving the person that is not good for you because sometimes they are all you know. It is sometimes difficult to look past this person into what the future could be, leaving you feeling stuck. You are never stuck.

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November 22nd, 2014 7:15pm

Because we are always hoping that maybe someday the person that we love might change. We wanted to be a part of that change. And we wanted to be the reason why he/she changed.

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June 23rd, 2015 6:39pm

There can be many reasons why we feel a strong emotional attachment to people who are harmful to us. It's possible that this person has manipulated you to foster a sense of dependence on them, it's one thing that abusers, both emotional & physical, are very good at. Because if they didn't seem like a completely wonderful person at least some of the time, no one would ever would put up with their harmful behavior.

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September 7th, 2015 7:56pm

Loving gives us a pleasure. It's sometimes the ultimate tonic and sometimes the sweet poison. The experience that we feel when we are in love are not common in our usual boring life. These experiences provide us weird pleasure. So even if the person is not right for us we find it hard to stop loving them because we don't want that feeling to vanish, that feeling is what makes the life different at that time and if it disappeared it will leave a void. Most people are in love with the feeling of being in love.

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November 22nd, 2014 7:13pm

We try and see the good in people where it may not be. We try and think that they have the ability to change, that they won't always be the way they are. We do not want to let go the person we thought we were in love with.

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September 21st, 2015 2:03pm

Because love is perhaps the most powerful and complex emotion a person can experience. It fills your body with all kinds of feel-good hormones and basically changes the way you think in a very profound way. You'll cling to the person that gave you that feeling no matter how they treat you or what they do... because you love them.

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September 1st, 2015 2:33pm

It's hard to stopping loving someone that's not good for you because maybe you were with that person for so long that you became comfortable with them, you opened up to them and gave them everything you had. It's hard to just having feelings for someone so quickly.

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December 20th, 2014 10:51pm

Because you are in love with them and you try to see the best in them no matter what because you love them.

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November 21st, 2014 11:32pm

It's very easy to see someone as what they are not. In relationships, often the person you fall in love with can take on additional traits in your mind that aren't necessarily realistic.

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December 6th, 2014 4:24pm

It's pretty hard to tell your heart who to love and who not to love, honestly. I think that when it comes to love, it can be anybody, even the ones who aren't good for you.

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December 25th, 2014 7:46pm

Love is always tough. You can't control what your heart holds. Secondly, it's hard to stop loving someone because we invest ourselves so much into them. We make time for them and we trust them and make them a part of our lives and letting all this go away, is not easy!

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November 21st, 2017 2:33am

Because we think we can change them and that if you keep loving them that they will change. Simple as that...

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November 3rd, 2015 5:57pm

Because sometimes that person, even though they are not good for you, will make you feel good and tell you things you want to hear.

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February 23rd, 2016 3:00pm

emotions are a very hard thing to stop, especially a strong emotion like love. maybe someone isnt good for you, but once you fall in love with them its very hard to just stop those feelings and the attachment which comes along with that love feeling.

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April 5th, 2016 5:45am

Sometimes the only things you see about that person is good qualities which can hinder your capability in seeing the truth about them.

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April 10th, 2015 10:38pm

There is often a disconnect between what the heart wants and what the brain needs. At the core of this issue is fear of change. It is natural to fear a break up from even an unsavory person, as change is frightening to most people.

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March 20th, 2015 7:40pm

Because deep down your heart you feel that you can change them by your love and you think that they need you

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May 2nd, 2017 3:49pm

To stop loving the person that is not good for you is so hard because deep in your heart you feel that maybe, just maybe they can actually become the right person for you. And is always hard to stop loving someone whoever that person was for you.

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November 10th, 2015 3:25pm

falls a bit on the side for grief, denial, a few stages of pain, and then we accept it.. it was only afterwards we see that person was not the ideal one for us, but in other times it happens, it doesn't hurt as much

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December 17th, 2014 7:38am

It's hard because you build up emotional attachments to that person because in your head, you feel as if they're perfect but in reality they're not. They're what's poisoning your mind

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October 27th, 2015 2:07am

because you have created past experiences that have made you feel that way, you care about them and you find it hard to forget about them due to the strong feelings you still have for them.

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April 23rd, 2015 12:24am

I think it's because we convince ourselves that no one else will love us. That has to do with poor self esteem, which is a result of being in a relationship that is bad for us.

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May 2nd, 2016 1:33am

It's hard to stop loving someone who isn't good for you because you want what you don't have. You're a good person so you go for what you aren't.

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May 23rd, 2016 6:44am

Sometimes letting go of the person you love is for the better. It's toxic and nothing good is going to go out of it. If the person doesn't change for you then they're not really worth it.

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March 19th, 2021 3:17pm

This sounds really difficult for you to pin point why it’s hard to stop loving the person that is not good for you. With romantic relationships come challenge and a tendency to reflect on the good times or good things with their partner in order to repress focusing on the worst things. Although this kind of relationship can differ from previous relationships, a person in a relationship for the first time might find it hard to figure out the right ways or factors in a healthy relationship with one's best interests in mind. Do ask yourself whether or not you are finding it difficult to establish your own boundaries. Feelings of love despite negative emotions can interfere with one's self-esteem. Do you rely on social media standards of relationship’s and apply it to your own perception of relationships or base it on how your significant other treats you? The best way to consider if a person is good for you is to avoid comparing them to standards on social media. You may want to reflect on how much time you spend with your partner and analyze whether emotional, intellectual or physical compatibility is important to you in relationships. If your reflection points to your need to find new love, remember that true love is meant to be healthy. It is not easy to leave someone you romantically love but an easy way is to focus on your self-care and to take the "grieving" process at your own pace. The great thing about this is that you can find new people, new hobbies, or get to spend more time with your best friend after a long time before finding a new partner. The important thing is to seek support from friends and family members to get through times where we need to face relationship ends. If you would like further support please do not hesitate to message one of our listeners on our site or online therapists who have personal experience with relationship stress or specialize in this area.

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December 30th, 2019 3:19am

Loving is completely a hard thing. Easy to say, hard to do. This happens because you deeply love that person to the point that you never want that person go. It's going to be hard the fact that you want to continue loving the person despite of how things are falling. Things like this will get hard, Relationships aren't as easy as we think. Unless there's a change between the both of you! sometimes you need a little love for yourself! the world does not always revolve around us, around the person. If nothing has changed then it's better to end things. If you think there's something good will happen especially for the both of you then go for it. A person that loves you will stay and change for the better!

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February 15th, 2016 12:43pm

Loving someone is a feeling. It's really hard to control feelings with the mind. The heart can say one thing, even though the mind is saying the opposite thing.

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June 3rd, 2015 5:21pm

Well, mostly beacuse its hard to leave the idea that this person is the right for us or that this person would change...

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7 Cups - Free Care & Therapy (2024)


How much does 7 Cups therapy cost? ›

A free membership, which includes 24/7 chat opportunities via the website with volunteer listeners. A paid membership, which costs $150 a month and includes confidential online therapy with licensed therapists in a chat setting via a private online room, in addition to the 24/7 chat options with volunteer listeners.

Is 7 Cups therapy legit? ›

Seven Cups can be a reliable platform for chatting with peers and getting support about various mental health topics in community rooms. Still, it's not well-known if it is an effective way to pursue therapy. A review written in Forbes stated that therapists can take hours or days to respond to messages.

How does 7 Cups therapy work? ›

Connect with a listener by requesting the first available listener, or by selecting a specific listener from our community. All of our listeners have completed our Active Listening training program, an online course in advanced skills for compassionate communication.

Is the 7 Cups app free? ›

How Much Does 7 Cups Cost? 7 Cups base membership, which includes a limited number of AI and “Listener” chats is free. There is also an option to purchase premium services, which offer additional chats and growth paths for $7.99 monthly.

How reliable is 7 Cups? ›

7 Cups has 4.7 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot with 439 reviews. On Better Business Bureau (BBB), the platform has 2.79 out of 5 stars with 14 customer reviews. The 7 Cups app has 4.5 out of 5 stars on the App Store with over 5,900 ratings. On Google Play, the app has 3.9 out of 5 stars with more than 22,200 reviews.

Who can use 7 Cups? ›

7 Cups can be a great option for free or low-cost emotional and mental health support if you: experience mild mental health symptoms. need anonymous support with handling a challenge. want to vent difficult or painful emotions.

What is 7 Cups alternative? ›

The closest competitor to 7cups.com are vandrevalafoundation.com, supportiv.com and crisistextline.org.

Are 7 Cups chats monitored? ›

While we generally do not monitor transcripts of chats between users and Listeners and Therapists, we may occasionally review the chat transcripts to conduct quality control, address potential safety issues, and prevent misuse of our platform, if certain suspicious or potentially harmful activity is detected.

Why is it called 7 Cups? ›

History. In July 2013, 7 Cups of Tea (as it was known then), was founded by psychologist Glen Moriarty as a Y Combinator startup. The company later rebranded itself as simply 7 Cups. The company derives its name from the eponymous poem by the 9th-century Chinese poet Lu Tong.

Do listeners get paid on 7 Cups? ›

Talking to a listener is 100% free. There is the option to pay for a therapist, although this isn't available to teens. The difference between a therapist and a listener is that a therapist is professionally trained, while listeners are simply volunteers - we're trained in active listening, not professional support.

Is 7 Cups really anonymous? ›

If an individual wants to connect to a specific Listener, they can request a direct connection by visiting that Listener's profile. Is 7 Cups of Tea really anonymous? Yes. 7 Cups of Tea is really anonymous.

Is Cup therapy worth it? ›

What does the science say? There has been some research that suggests cupping does have benefits when it comes to pain relief, but the studies are generally considered low quality. More studies are needed to conclusively understand the health impacts of the therapy.

How much do 7 Cups cost? ›

Our current rates are less than $50 per week. This makes us one of the most affordable therapy options available. You also get access to the thriving 7 Cups supportive community, free Personalized Growth Paths worth $100 annually, therapist-led content and much more!

Does 7 Cups count as volunteering? ›

Each certificate level is designed to challenge you across a variety of key 7 Cups of Tea listener touchstones. Your certification level can be used to professionally certify your volunteer work here. Certificate levels are earned through a mix of listening hours, trainings completed, star rating, and badges earned.

How much does most therapy cost? ›

Some therapists may charge as much as $200 or more per session, but most will charge $75-$150 a session. Many therapists work with a sliding scale fee schedule, which means their fee will depend on your income level.

What is a reasonable amount to spend on therapy? ›

On average, though, therapy costs $100 to $200 per session. Patients in cities will often see much higher prices than in rural communities. Additionally, your cost will vary depending on how your specific therapist bills their patients.

How old do you have to be to use 7 Cups? ›

You may create your own 7 Cups member and/or listener account. To create a User Account, you must be at least 13 years old, a “natural person” in your country of residence, and you must provide truthful and accurate information about yourself. You may hold only one member and one listener account.

Are 8 therapy sessions enough? ›

Research shows that generally for acute symptoms six to eight sessions are effective. Chronic symptoms typically require 14 or more sessions for a positive outcome.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.