Grief - how to support the bereaved (2024)

End of life and palliative care services


Read the full fact sheet
  • Contact the bereaved person as soon as possible after the death and attend the funeral or memorial service if you can.
  • Allow the bereaved person to talk and express their grief in whatever way they need.
  • Concentrate your efforts on listening carefully and with compassion.
  • If you're unsure of how to support your grieving relative, friend or colleague, ask them.

On this page

  • How to help a bereaved person in the first few days
  • Grief isn’t something you can ‘fix’
  • Listen with compassion to a bereaved person
  • Practical help for a grieving person
  • Approaches to avoid with a bereaved person
  • Grief over time
  • When to seek further help for grief
  • Where to get help

Sometimes it's hard to know how to offer support to a grieving relative, friend or colleague. We may be afraid of saying the wrong thing, so we say nothing at all, which may leave the bereaved person feeling isolated and alone.

If you haven't experienced the death of a loved one, you may have unrealistic expectations of how the grieving person should feel, or how quickly they should return to the activities of daily living or get on with their life.

There are many things you can do or say to help but remember that everyone's experience of grief is different. Some of your thoughts and suggestions may be appropriate and others may not be. If you're unsure of how to support someone who is grieving, ask them to tell you what they need or want. Just letting them know that you care and wish to help can provide great comfort.

How to help a bereaved person in the first few days

Suggestions on how to help a bereaved person in the first few days include:

  • Contact the bereaved person as soon as possible after their loved one's death. This contact could be a personal visit, telephone call, text message, sympathy card or flowers.
  • Attend the funeral or memorial service if you can. They need to know that you care enough to support them through this difficult event.
  • Offer your support and ask them how they would like you to support them.
  • Listen to them if they want to open up to you and try to suspend all judgement.

Grief isn’t something you can ‘fix’

It is a natural response when we know someone is upset to want to fix things for them. Following the death of loved one, however, the reality is that you can’t ‘fix’ their grief. There is nothing you can say that will make a bereaved person feel better about their loss; but there are things you can do to provide comfort and support for them during this difficult time.

Listen with compassion to a bereaved person

The most important help you can offer is a willing ear. Allow the bereaved person to talk and express their grief in whatever way they need. This may include crying, angry outbursts, screaming, laughing, expressions of guilt or regret, or engaging in activities that reduce their stress, such as walking or gardening.

Some things to consider:

  • Concentrate your efforts on listening carefully and with compassion.
  • Everyone's experience of grief is unique, so let them grieve their own way. Don't judge or dispute their responses to the death of their loved one. Criticising the way they express their grief is hurtful and may make them less likely to share their thoughts and feelings with you.
  • If they don't feel like talking, don't push them. Remember that you are comforting them just by being there and sitting together in silence is helpful too.
  • Don't forget the power of human touch. Holding the person's hand or giving them a hug can be helpful, but make sure you check that it’s okay with them first.

Practical help for a grieving person

You can show the grieving person that you care by offering practical help, such as:

  • Do some of their housework, such as cleaning or clothes washing.
  • Bring over pre-cooked meals that only need to be reheated before serving.
  • Answer the telephone for them.
  • Take over some of their regular duties, such as picking up the children from school.
  • Be mindful that they may not want you to support them in this way and their requests should be respected.

Approaches to avoid with a bereaved person

Approaches to avoid include:

  • telling them about your grief experience instead of listening to them
  • comparing their grief with yours or anyone else's
  • telling them they're grieving in the 'wrong' way
  • giving them unsolicited advice about how they can best get over their grief
  • reasoning with them about how they should or shouldn't feel.

Comments to avoid

It is a natural reaction to want to ease the person's pain. However, well-meaning words that encourage the bereaved to 'look on the bright side' can be hurtful.

The type of comments that should be avoided include:

  • 'You'll get married again one day.'
  • 'At least you have your other children.'
  • 'She's lucky she lived to such a ripe old age.'
  • 'It was God's will.'
  • 'You can always try for another baby.'
  • 'He's happy in heaven.'
  • 'Be thankful they're not in pain anymore.'
  • 'Try to remember the good times.'
  • 'You'll feel better soon.'
  • 'Time heals all wounds.'
  • 'Count your blessings. You still have a lot to be grateful for.'
  • 'You've got to pull yourself together and be strong.'
  • 'I know exactly how you feel.'
  • ‘Everything happens for a reason.’

Grief over time

Grief is a process, not an event. It doesn’t have a timeline, and it is not unusual for grief to be felt over an extended period of time – whether it be months, years, or even decades after the person’s death.

Some things to consider:

  • Don't shy away from the bereaved person after the funeral. Keep in contact, even just by phone.
  • Never suggest that it's time they 'got over it' and moved on with life. Appreciate that the person may continue to grieve in subtle ways for the rest of their life.
  • Don't change the subject if the deceased person naturally comes up in conversation. The bereaved person needs to know that their loved one hasn't been forgotten. Use the name of the deceased person in conversation. Avoid using words like he, she or they.
  • Remember, there will be days in the year that will be particularly difficult for the person to bear, such as anniversaries, significant occasions and the birthday of the person who has died. Be sensitive to these times and offer your support.

When to seek further help for grief

Although grief can be very painful, most people find that with the support of their family and friends and their own resources, they gradually find ways to learn to live with their loss, and do not need to seek professional help.

However, sometimes the circ*mstance of the death may have been particularly distressing, such as a traumatic, sudden or unexpected death, or there may be circ*mstances that make the grief particularly acute or complicated. Consider suggesting your friend or relative seeks professional help if, over time, they seem to be struggling to manage their day-to-day life.

Where to get help

  • Your GP (doctor)
  • Palliative Care Advice Service
  • Your local community health centre, hospital or palliative care service
  • A trained bereavement counsellor
  • NURSE-ON-CALL Tel. 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice (24 hours, 7 days)
  • Grief Australia – bereavement counselling and support services Tel. (03) 9265 2100 or 1800 642 066
  • Lifeline – crisis support and suicide prevention services Tel. 13 11 14 (24 hours, 7 days)
  • SuicideLine Victoria Tel. 1300 651 251 – for counselling, crisis intervention, information and referral (24 hours, 7 days)
  • Griefline provide a national toll-free helpline 8 am to 8 pm 7 days a week, 365 days a year. (AEDT/AEST) Tel. 1300 845 745
    • There is also a free Request a callback service allowing help-seekers the option to schedule a Grief Support Call from a specially trained Griefline telephone support person.
  • G’day Line is a national toll-free service provided by Griefline for older Australians aged 50+ to support with loneliness and social isolation. Tel. 1300 920 552 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (AEDT/AEST)

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View all end of life and palliative care services

More information

Related information

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  • End of life and palliative care for children, teenagers and young adults Palliative care for children provides physical, emotional, social and spiritual support to newborns, infants, children and young people with a life-limiting condition and their families.
  • Funerals It is the funeral directors job to help with many of the legal responsibilities, including the death certificate.
  • Grief Grief is a process, not an event – most people will continue to grieve in subtle ways for the rest of their lives.

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Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circ*mstances. The State of Victoria and the Department of Healthshall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Reviewed on: 25-08-2022

Grief - how to support the bereaved (2024)


Grief - how to support the bereaved? ›

The most important help you can offer is a willing ear. Allow the bereaved person to talk and express their grief in whatever way they need. This may include crying, angry outbursts, screaming, laughing, expressions of guilt or regret, or engaging in activities that reduce their stress, such as walking or gardening.

What strategies might you use to help individuals in grief? ›

Pamper yourself – include activities in your daily or weekly schedule that you enjoy. If you can, choose the activity that brings you the greatest comfort. Seek out support – this could include old and new friends, relatives, doctors, a community health centre, a grief support group or a professional counsellor.

What is a form of comfort for a grieving person? ›

One day they may want to cry on your shoulder, on another day they may want to vent, or sit in silence, or share memories. By being present and listening compassionately, you can take your cues from the grieving person. Simply being there and listening to them can be a huge source of comfort and healing.

How to comfort those who grieve? ›

Sometimes the best thing you can offer to someone who is grieving is to listen. Assure the person that it is okay to talk about his or her feelings. Although you cannot erase the pain of the bereaved person's loss, you can provide a great deal of comfort by being there to listen. Respect the person's way of grieving.

How can you help support a bereaved individual? ›

Grief - how to support the bereaved
  • Contact the bereaved person as soon as possible after the death and attend the funeral or memorial service if you can.
  • Allow the bereaved person to talk and express their grief in whatever way they need.
  • Concentrate your efforts on listening carefully and with compassion.

What is most appropriate approach to support a person with grief? ›

Be there for them

It might feel like you need to do or say something to make things less painful. But often what someone needs is simply for us to be there with them, even if you can't fix things. You could just sit with them in silence. Or send regular messages to let them know you're thinking of them.

What is a beautiful grieving quote? ›

"If tears could build a stairway,and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again." "Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow." "Grief is itself a medicine."

What is the best condolence message short? ›

  • I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Wishing you peace during this difficult time.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  • Thinking of you in these difficult times.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about ___. I know how much his/her smile brightened your day. ...
  • We're sorry to hear about the passing of ___. Sending love.

What not to say to someone who is grieving? ›

It should go without saying, but there is no world in which judging someone helps them in their grief. Comments like “You should be over it; it's been a year already,” “You look like you need to get more sleep and eat more,” or “I thought you'd be more upset” are never okay.

How do you uplift someone who is grieving? ›

The Do's
  1. Check in on them. Make an effort to check in with your friend, even if it is a quick phone call, a card or an invitation to grab a coffee together. ...
  2. Understand the grieving process. ...
  3. Listen more, talk less. ...
  4. Let them cry. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Offer practical help. ...
  7. Be willing to sit in silence. ...
  8. Remember important dates.
Aug 9, 2022

What are the words of comfort? ›

If you want to send a quick message to the individual and let them know you are thinking of them, here are some ideas.
  • You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • I wish I could remove your pain.
  • I can only imagine what you are going through, but I am here for you.

How to comfort someone who is grieving through text? ›

I'm so sorry for the pain that you must be feeling right now; please know that I am here for you if you need a listening ear or shoulder to cry on.” “I'm sending warm wishes of peace and comfort to you in this difficult time.” “I wish I could take away your pain, but know that I'm here for you if you need me.”

How do you verbally comfort someone who is grieving? ›

Tell the bereaved person that what they're feeling is okay. If you've gone through a similar loss, share your own experience if you think it would help. Keep in mind grief is individual and personal, and it's important to respect each other's way of grieving, even if we don't fully understand it.

What is a comforting quote for a friend who is grieving? ›

1. “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.” —Emily Dickinson. This is a powerful message to send to someone who is grieving, reassuring him or her that the love they have for the deceased will last forever.

What is the best way to help someone who is grieving? ›

Recognize that grief is a gradual process. Even small gestures—sending a card or flowers, delivering a meal, helping out with laundry or shopping, or making a regular date to listen and offer support—can be a huge source of comfort to a person who is grieving.

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Immediately acknowledge the loss.

Reach out to say, “I am so sorry for your loss.” Don't be nervous. It doesn't matter if you know the bereaved or the deceased well, just reach out.

What is one strategy for grieving after a death? ›

The following tips may give you some ideas about what to do in your "grief time": Sit quietly and think about your loved one. Talk to them as though they were sitting right next to you. Play music that reminds you of them.

Which of the following is a positive strategy for coping with grief? ›

Private prayer, meditation and listening to religious music are other ways to cope with the spiritual aspects of grieving. Reminiscing in a healthy way: Your good memories of the person who has passed on can be a comfort during grief.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.